Chapter 23: INTRUDER!

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Summery~ You tried escaping again, but it didn't work. So as a punishment you were moved to a different cell, one that overlooked a familiar room. A room, where the confrontation between Scaramouche and Aether happens. 

That night I was forced to sleep on the cold hard stone floor. Well, I didn't really sleep because there is too much going on. Will I even be here when Aether barges in. If I am, how will he get me out? Scaramouche is going to be there and...

I bang my cuffs against the wall trying to release the anger. I hear a voice outside my cell. "Get the agents ready, it's time to move." I hear the sliding door unlock. There stands Scaramouche, "You ready for the big day?"

"Depends on which 'big day'," I spit. He smirks, "the statue type of 'big day'."

My breathing hitches, and my face runs cold. This is going to have repercussions, not affecting me, but affecting everyone else. I would have rather The Doctor...

"Sir! Sir!" An agent screams running towards him.

"What?" Scaramouche huffs.

"There's an intruder!"

Scaramouche's face relaxes, only to unveil another evil smirk. He slams the sliding door shut and locks it. I leap at the door; it must be Aether. No matter how hard I tug the door won't budge.

Aether's POV:

"I don't even know where I am going," I huff as I run through the confusing maze of the factory.

"Trust Paimon, Paimon knows where she is going!" Paimon wheezes.

It's been several weeks since I saw Y/N. Who would have thought that she would have been kidnapped while I wasn't there. The only information I know is what Chongyun, Xingqiu and Xiangling told me. That the fatui took her. I searched all of Liyue and I couldn't find Childe. It turned out that those kids on a ship in the harbour saw him leave. Generally, ships would go to Inazuma or Sumeru. Considering this was the next stop on my journey, I'll look for as many clues as possible. Starting with this place.

"Look there's more bad guys over there!" Paimon screeches.

I sigh.

It took ten or so minutes for me to arrive at fairly large room with this faint purple mist on the ground. There standing at its centre was more fatui agents, I leap down and engage in another fight. Finally, after I defeated them a voice echoes throughout the room.

"You actually managed to find this place. Congratulations."

Paimon chirps up, "So you're another fatui Harbinger... Like Signora and Childe?"

"Signora and Childe? Huh... I didn't know you and my tow least reliable colleagues were acquainted. I'm the Balladeer, No.6 of the fatui Harbingers. Delighted to meet you. O Mighty Traveller. So many visitors today. To what do I owe the honour?"

"I am here on two reasons," I say as calm as possible, "One about the manufacturing of delusions and the second over a friend."

I swear I hear a bang, but before I can say anything, the harbinger is quick to step in "I think you've got the wrong idea. I know how this looks, but I'm just here to follow orders. I'm obviously not the mastermind behind this. Aren't you supposed to be pretty tough? What are you waiting for, go get them. You're getting all worked up over nothing. Huh... didn't have you down as being weak."


I can barely hear them through this door. I have to find a way to open this. It is so dark I can't even see my own fingers in front of me, as I try to find the handle of the door.

It takes a few seconds, but I find it. I can't run through it because of the bars of the cell. So, I try kicking the handle. Hopefully the noise might alert Aether of my presence. I take a quick break and I can hear how loud Scaramouche is talking now, he must be trying to hide my noise.

I prepare my throat to yell but barely a whisper comes out, my throat still aches from being strangled earlier. My hands ball into fists as the anger inside me builds. Now's my only chance. I feel the adrenaline enter my bloodstream and a sudden flow of unlimited energy.

I grab the bars and line my kick up. I put all my strength and hope into each kick as I slam the lock.

Soon the wood snaps and I slide the door open revelling the traveller and Paimon facing Scaramouche. His face goes dark when he sees me. I look to Aether, when our eyes meet, he rushes forward in my direction. He lets out a grunt of pain as the purple mist begins to engulf him. My gut drops.

"Aether!" my voice croaks. Aether begins to fall back and forth as Paimon does everything to try and help him.

"Haha..." The smirk returns to Scaramouche, "That's it, just like that! Embrace the anger... Embrace it! The wrath of the gods fills this factory, and it feeds on your anger..."

Aether collapses to the ground and once again I am standing here unable to do anything. All this training and I still can do nothing! My gut begins to melt as my blood boils over. I am not going to except this! I refuse to stand here and do nothing! I refuse to be nothing!

I see a faint light coming from my right upper arm, but I ignore it. My mind goes blank and my breathing calms, I feel a slight breeze past me. I rush forward through the bars in a blink of an eye. I stand between Aether and Scaramouche trying to defend a friend. Once again Scaramouche's face drops, confused about the event he saw before his eyes.

Despite the adrenaline I feel a sharp pain cut into my ankles. I look down, the purple mist is soaking into me. Shit, stupid move... I collapse in front of Aether. His eyes hardly open looking at me with mixed emotions.

Soon enough the mist is pouring into me, and I pass out within seconds. 

Word count: 1024

Sorry it has been so long since my last update I have been busy. I have started writing a new book for fun, with a friend. And I will most likely prioritise that book over this one. Not only that but I haven't played Genshin in a while, so I need to go back a re-do the story line and catch up. BUT I will not leave this book, I will still update it, updates may be slightly slower. I'm sorry :(( Please go and check out my other book when I release it :)

Thankyou for reading:))

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