Chapter 29: Train wreck

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Summery~ You trained some more with Kazuha before he went back to Watastumi. So today is the first day training by yourself. Later tonight you are going to have a feast with Aether... and of course Paimon will be there...

It's a quick start to the morning, I am up and at 'em! However, without the guide of a teacher and with so many things I could improve on, I start writing a list on my nightstand.

"Sword fighting," I mumble as I write it at the top. I tap my pencil against my lips, "though too difficult to do by myself..." and put an 'x' next to it. I didn't cross it out entirely, maybe I could get around to doing a few swings so that I won't get rusty.

"Could do with more practice of archery, though I don't have a bow or arrows. Going into town could be suspicious considering I am not local. In addition, I don't even know if they would sell me a weapon..."

I write 'stronger' on the paper, only to write a question mark next to it. I sigh, "I don't think I have the discipline to 'work out' right now. Maybe another time..."

I scribble it out then my mind re-kindles an old thought of mine. MY SPECIAL MOVE! Well not really mine since I am pinching the idea... but it does give me the ground works to design my own.

Now the only struggle is to decide which technique to try first, Aang's air ball or Naruto's resengun... Naruto needed balloons to practice in and I don't have any. So, with it decided I reach under my bed, grab my sword and run for the hills.

I've already prepared lunch this morning before anyone was up. Since I would be getting home early to have dinner with Aether, I need to compensate for the lost time in training.

I find a different place to sit this time, one deeper in the forest. I let the elemental energy flow to the ends and out of my fingertips and condense it into anemo ball. I begin spinning the air faster and faster. I slowly withdrawal my hands, hoping to remain in connection with elemental energy. It continues spinning; however, it starts to slow and lose its form. With added concentration I was able to bring it back to its original form.

Sweat starts dripping down my face, as the further away I draw my hands the more wild the energy becomes, making it more difficult to control. I see something move out of the corner of my eye and lose my concentration. The tightly packed ball of air takes this moment to escape its confinement and expands quickly, letting out a large gust of wind. The wind was so strong it push me back a few feet. Wow no wonder it was difficult to control, if I got that carried away to put that much elemental energy into it...

I turn to look at what originally distracted me. A small blur of colour vanishes into a bush. As I slowly approach I see a small reflection of light in the creatures eyes. Once it knew it hand been spotted it slowly approached, leaving the protection of the bush. It was a small fox. Clearly curious in what a lunatic (go read my other book) like me was doing in the forest making air balls explode.

I slowly reach my hand out but stop when it starts moving. It gets closer and sniffs my hands, then places its head under my open palm. Little fireworks of excitement were going off inside my stomach when it asked me to scratch its head. I give it a quick scratch and offer it some food. It disappears after that. So, I go back to practice.

I vary the amount of elemental energy in each ball hoping to find the right amount that wouldn't be too difficult to control, yet powerful enough to maintain itself. Time to try and sit on it!!! My face lights up with excitement as I condense my first air ball I intend to sit on. Once it is the right size, I lower it to the ground. Now the hard step, finding a way to sit on it...

Attempt number 1: I place my foot on the top of the ball, slowly placing more weight on it. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! CRAPPPPP!!!" I holler as I quickly begin to spin around. I lose my balance falling stomach first on top of the ball and I begin to spin faster and faster. The ball maintained its shape without my help, and soon enough I was getting sick of being spun. So, using the connection I had with the elemental energy in the ball, I disrupt it. Causing it to explode.

Naturally I fly into the air soaring into the tops of the trees. Unfortunately, I miss the nearest branch, so I start tumbling down again. Hitting several branches on the way down, causing cuts, brushes, and scrapes. The ground approaches fast. Come on, focus!

I hold my palms out in front, facing the ground, quickly I force wind out of my palms, reducing my speed. Just before my inevitable doom, hitting the ground, however, that ending didn't happen. Instead I was hovering a few centimetres from face planting into the ground. The anemo coming out of my palms is strong enough to support the weight of my body, preventing me from hitting the ground.

I get a little too excited because a few seconds later, there is too much anemo coming from my palms and I fly back into the trees. This time hitting my back against the lower branch of a tree and falling flat on my face, in dirt. I can't get a break from the face planting can I... Always got to be dirt...

I wipe my face clean, to only have a stick land on my head, smashing it back into the dirt. I sigh the most exasperated sigh of my life, then I begin to rethink the choices I made today. I flick bugs off me and then play with the gusts of wind in my hands. Then groan and get up; the only thing I ended up re-evaluating was however the hell I believed I could get this in one go at first.


Attempt number 8: This time I try to spin the air in the ball slower around the top so I could sit on it. However, I didn't even get a chance to sit on it before it blew up, launching more dirt, leaves and sticks into my face and hair.


Attempt number 20:

"Ok, this is my last attempt because otherwise I am going to find something else to do!!!" I whine. This time I place the balls of my feet on the top and use my arms to stabilise. I quickly begin spinning, but I use my hands the spin me back the other way. However, my feet don't listen. They continue to spin in the direction they were going, and my torso spins the other way, because of my arms. Quickly and surely I spin into a massive knot and fall off the ball. This time when I tell it to self-destruct, I am far enough away that I don't get blown to hell and back.

"What an afternoon wasted..."

Bored out of my mind, I pick up rocks infuse them with anemo and toss them at a tree for the remainder of the afternoon.

Looking like a train wreck, I hobble back up the steps of the shrine. Still salty and disappointed, I drag my miserable gaze tainted with interminable failure off the floor and to the undeniably calming scenery. The sea of clouds begin to illuminate the darkening sky with a warm orange shine as the sun nearly touches the horizon. 

Word count: 1309

Thankyou for reading:))

p.s thank my friend for the pic on this chapter:))

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