Chapter 17: Yashiori Shores

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Summary ~  You wake up realising that you where taken by the Fatui. Chongyun, Xingqiu and Xiangling showed up to help, but you were scared that they would see your power, so you sent them off to find Aether. Seconds later, you are pushed into the statue absorbing the elemental energy from the geo statue. You called for Xiao but he didn't respond. You pass out and are carried away, when Xiao appears and confronts Childe, but Xiao leaves empty-handed.

The first thing pulling me back from the darkness is a faint bell. Soon I feel the breeze and hear waves all around me. My eyes slowly open. All this fainting can't be good for me. I might get brain damage or something. I carefully look around, without making it obvious of my 'resurrection'. I notice that I am on a ship, a big ship. With lots of fatui agents running around like mad monkeys.

I look up at the sky, seeing the dark clouds of the thunderstorm that shields Inazuma from the rest of the world. Why the heck am I being taken to Inazuma?

Still tied to a post above deck, I am going to have to deal with the storm. I sigh. My arms are too weak to break the ropes, and my legs are to tied to make me stand. I sit on the deck awaiting the harsh winds and rain soon to come.

"Take her below deck!" Someone yells. Two others unstick me from the ground, while I play dead.

They drop me on the ground and run back up the stairs. "Suck nice treatment of prisoners," I grumble.

A thought comes to mind. When I first came here, when I touched the anemo statue I was 'blown away...?', but when I touched it a second time I absorbed the elemental energy. But when I touched the geo statue for the first time, I absorbed the elemental energy. Meaning that it was an isolated incident, that might have been caused due to my arrival?? I mean now that I think about it I haven't been absorbing elemental energy my whole life, have I?

Huh, if I absorb elemental energy wouldn't every one of Earth too? But why? Two separate worlds- mostly separate- how...? Nothing here would have caused a reaction like this, especially since Aether has done the same things I have and didn't have the same problem. So why am I-

My thoughts are interrupted by a familiar voice, Childe, "Take her off the poll, and tie her up with these."

I feel hands grab my wrists, loosening the hold the ropes have on my rope burned arms. The second they are untied I leap up and run for the stairs. However my attempt at escape isn't foiled by Childe, but my own legs. They crumble under my weight, and I fall to the ground. My arms aren't able to braise the fall due to their own weakness. I crawl away from Childe, he only stands their surprised. I grab a sword sitting a foot of the stairwell and turn to face Childe. The fatui agent that untied me is prepping to fight. I look back to Childe, his frown turns into a smile, that soon becomes laughter.

I death stare Childe, holding the sword as tight as I can. "Where did you think you would go?" Childe giggles. I attempt to throw the sword, knowing that I could never hope to defend myself with it. Childe doesn't move as it hits the wall a foot from his head.

The fatui agent doesn't move and looks to Childe. Childe repeats, "What did I say? Tie her up!"

The fatui agent approaches me, unsure. I attempt to kick him away though it doesn't work. Childe walks past me, "Quickly we have a storm to prepare for."

I lie at the bottom of a turning vesicle. I role from one side of the ship to the other as the waves toss and turn the bout. My hands are tied so tight that my fingers are numb, and my feet are roped to wall with enough length to let me sit on the floor. The water from above deck is slowly filling the bout. Just a small puddle at the moment, but enough to get me soaked. With no sharp objects around I am left rubbing my wrists on the wall, trying to wear down the rope.

The moment I do Childe comes down ready to move me above deck. He sighs, "get her in chains."

We walk aimlessly along the shore of Yashiori Island. I can barely place my foot each step without falling. Sand and water quickly filling my shoes making it even more unbearably.

"So, it worked?" A familiar voice echoes. It takes a moment before the voice registers, Scaramouche.

"Yeah, it did," Childe mutters.

"What did?" I interrupt.

"Silence! you do not have the right to talk here," Scaramouche orders, "Now what part of it worked?"

"All of it," Childe replied, "However, after it takes effect, it appears she becomes weak for short period of time."

I role my eyes, they are talking about me, and I can't even join the conversation. "Good," Scaramouche finally replies, "Now hand her over."

"I hope you realise the harm that could be caused if this information was to get out," Childe crosses his arms, "It could significantly damage the contract we have with Morax."

"So then why did you agree to do it?" Scaramouche smirks.

"I was kept in the dark by our comrade, La Signora, that effects something as important as a gnosis. So, this is just a little bit of fare treatment, if you ask me," Childe grins, pleased with himself. My brain makes loops trying to understand what is going on. How did Scaramouche find out about me? Why am I being 'given' to him? WHY ARE WE ON A BEACH!?

I hear the sound of a chain moving, before I realise that Scaramouche is now holding the other end of my cuffs.

"See ya," Childe turns away and leaves. I am confused, but before I can ask him, the words get stuck in my throat as I am hauled the other way.

I turn to face Scaramouche, "How did you know about me?"

He sighs, "Clearly you don't listen."

I tug on the chains to get his attention, "How did you know about me?" I repeat.

He doesn't answer. I attempt to sit on the ground in defiance, but before I cross my legs I get dragged.

After a couple of minutes Scaramouche turns around and screams, "Stand up would you!"

Clearly, he has had enough of my attitude, but I choose to listen and not make the son of a god angrier.

We approach a building, one I like all of the houses in Inazuma. But then it comes to me. It's the delusion factory. 

Word Count: 1153

What do you think about the new cover of the book. Its not much different from the original, but I thought this one is a little more interesting. Hope you have a wonderful day. 

Thankyou for reading :))

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