Chapter 22: New cell

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Summery~ You went through another experiment, that gave you the determination to attempt escape. Without success, Scaramouche caught you learned that it wont be long before you are handed over to the Doctor... 

I pace back and forth around my cell. I don't even know what day of the month it is! I could be shipped off in a week, a couple days or tomorrow! I look at the bars hoping for them to break somehow. I look back over at my bed. An idea comes to mind.

I pull another plank of rotting wood from my bed and place it between the bars flat. This probably won't work considering how rotten the wood is, but I might as well. So, what if I have less bed to sleep on it wasn't comfy anyways.

I use the wood as a lever and push as hard as I can against it. Just as the metal begins to bend ever so slightly, the wood snaps. Making a loud crunch noise. I sigh loudly waiting for someone to come and yell at me. However, no one came. Instead, I hear yelling in another room. The only words I can make out are "Where running out of time!" Before I hear a loud crash. I can't see who stormed out of the room, but they are headed this way.

Scaramouche walks right past my cell, before he looks over his shoulder at what I did to the bars. "Are you seriously still trying?"

I don't even bother to answer his accusation. Instead, I stare him down. It infuriates him to the point that the smile leaves his face. He must be really pissed...

"Move her to cell A," He orders to an agent following him. Then he continues to walk away like he has somewhere he needs to be.

The agent opens the cell door. I look at my hands, realising that the cuffs I took of earlier are still on the ground. All I have to do is act really relaxed then jump out the cell the moment the guard least expects it!

I stand up slowly and walk toward the front of the cell. Once the guard steps inside, he realises that the cuffs are on the floor instead of around my rope burned wrists. However, I have already sprinted out the door in the opposite direction that Scaramouche headed. I run into a different room, one I don't recognize, and it so happens to be a dead end. I turn around to see where three more agents stand, cuffs in hand and ready to pounce.

I scan all areas of the room, there is no way out. Hopefully all the games of gang-up-tiggy as a kid, will pay off.

I fake step in one direction, then try to slide between two to get to the door. They realised a split second to late that I tricked them. As I prepare to stand back up, the agent steps on an old bandage that has gotten tangled around my neck, jolting me back towards them. It was a bandage from a fight a long time ago, that I could have taken off but couldn't be bothered enough. I grab my neck and let out a cry of pain. I try to stand up, but the bandage is so tight if I move it will cut out my oxygen intake. A different agent locks the cuffs back on my hands, indicating to take the shoe off my bandage.

I stand up slowly and massage my neck.

The next thing I know is I am in a new cell, WITHOUT a bed overlooking a different room. I barely get a look at the room before a second sliding door slams over the normal bars of my cell. Blocking out any and all light. I freeze, that room... isn't it the one where Aether meets Scaramouche.

Word count: 651

Thankyou for reading :))

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