Chapter 20: The aftermath

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Summery~ You where taken to undergo an experiment, where you were tested with absorbing the element cryo. Despite your body not being effect by the cryo element itself (being covered in ice), the air became very cold. Causing your body to fall to near hypothermia like state. The experiment ends and you are taken back to your cell, and pass out mere seconds later.


I feel a pocket of warm air trapped around my body, it's so nice I don't even want to move. My whole nose is blocked, and my throat is as dry as sandpaper. Surprised that I have regained consciousness I sit up quickly and look around confused.

A thick blanket is wrapped around me with a meal waiting at the cell door. I sneeze. I'm alive, wasn't expecting that one. Without losing the warm pocket of air, I move slowly towards the tray of food. I didn't realise how difficult moving would be, as all my muscles are tight, like they are still frozen together. With my stiff neck, I try not to strain it as I inhale my food. I cringe as it scratches my sore throat, but I am also happy to see a full meal again. After my second mouthful, I begin coughing.

It takes several minutes to stop and when I do, I see a mug sitting by my bed. I walk over and touch the mug, its warm. I don't recognise the liquid, so I stare at it trying to figure out what it is.

"It's a honey lemon tea," A voice behind me says. I jump out of my skin and nearly drop the mug. I turn around and see Scaramouche standing at the cell door. "Umm... thankyou..." I mumble, barely audible due to my husky voice. From what I remember honey lemon tea helps with colds. I take a sip, enjoying the feeling of a warm liquid sooth my sore throat and the sweetness of the honey. It is so good I didn't realise that Scaramouche is gone. Oh... Okay, I guess...

I turn back around and finish my food and drink before I crawl back into my uncomfortable bed and fall asleep.

I feel my body on burning likes it's on fire. I quickly open my eyes to scan my body, but I soon realise that my body is completely fine, or at least not on fire. Still however I feel like I am burning. I hold my hand up to my forehead. My skin incredibly warm. I try not to move and stay lying down on the wooden bed. My blanket is on the floor, and I have a wet rag lying next to me. It must have rolled off. I place in on my neck to cool myself down. A fever, amazing.

Quickly the water in the rag becomes warm, but I still use it anyway.

It was a restless couple of hours, as I lay there feeling my insides and outsides burn. Every now and then I would pass out and find a new cold rag next to me. I can't tell if this was because of Scaramouche or that kind guard earlier.

It takes a couple of days for the fever and most of the bad symptoms to go away, but I am still left with a runny nose and a sore throat. My neck is still a bit stiff as well, but what can you do. I use the rock I found earlier to draw a picture on the wall, one, of the harbor in Liyue.

The meals have gotten better, and there are more of them too. Now three decent sized meals as well as water twice a day.

Once I was nearly back to my normal self – almost a week after I got sick – I continued my morning routine.

I sit with my head against the bars of the cell door, staring at the floor. Bored out of my mind I tap my head against the bar. It makes a very low hum. I look over at the 'sword' I made from my bed and picked it up. I began tapping the bars with the sword making a louder hum. Soon I found myself standing up banging all the bars. Making music of some description. Despite how terrible it sounded; it made me happy. I quickly zoned out, remembering the music I used to listen to on Earth.

"Cut that out," A voice from far away yells. I look up. Scaramouche storms out of a nearby room. I drop the stick and kick it under the bed. "Sorry, it's easy to get bored in here."

He stares at me annoyed. He begins walking away but he stops, "Do you still want the answer to your question?"

"Huh??" I blurt out as I search my brain for a question, I asked him.

"Never mind," He mumble.

"Wait! Yes, I would like an answer," I say rejogging my memory.

Scaramouche takes a deep breath, "It just so happened that I was in Liyue, watching over a shipment important to delusion manufacturing. When Tartaglia appeared, clearly shocked by what he had seen. I ordered him to tell me what the commotion was about. Then he described you. Which is how you wound up here, I was interested in what you could do. How you might benefit the factory. And as a last resort, a way to get my hands on the electro gnosis."

He walks away before I can figure out another question to ask him. I sit back down on my bed, "Huh, that's interesting."

I mean it makes sense. A shipment from Liyue possibly containing rare earth metals used for making delusions. But I don't remember him being in Liyue. 'As a last resort', if I am used on the electro statue that could mess up the whole story line. How would the puppet react? Let alone Ei. God, I forgot about Zhongli... He'll be fine right? He's the oldest archon so... I don't even know if Aether has even started the Inazuma quest.

I lay down and look at the ceiling. I wonder how long it will take Aether to get here. 

Word count: 1033

Thankyou for reading :))

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