Chapter 12: An unknown voice

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I reach my hands for the sky in an attempt to stretch, to keep myself awake. I am still not healed from fighting Osial however there is very little pain. The pharmacy provided new bandages and applied ointment to the cuts. I yawn. Pools of water appear in my vision.

"Tired?" Aether asks. I quickly rub my eyes and shrug, "No... why would I be tired?"

He giggles. "Even though no one asked! Paimon is tired! Paimon is so tired that I might fall out of the sky right now!"

"Come on, flying isn't that tiring" Aether places his hands on his hips.

"Well it doesn't help that we haven't eaten for hours! You know Paimon is hungry all the time! And flying for ages makes me even more hungry!"

"For once I agree with you Paimon.... I am absolutely famished." I grumble.

"I packed lunch," Aether teases holding the bag up to our faces. Paimon shoves past my head screaming, "Give it!"

"Hey!" I scream back. Aether starts running with the food, having me and Paimon chase him. We keep trying to push past each other, trying to use each other as a means to propel ourselves forward.

"Slow pokes!" Aether yells from in front. I grit my teeth and begin sprinting after him. He doesn't realise it but I leap forward and tackle him to the ground. We both tumble into a pile both dizzy from the experience. I lay pancaked on the floor with Aether lying on my back facing the sky.

"The food!" Paimon squeals. I launch up and Aether falls of me hitting the floor for a second time. Lunch has made its way onto an ant nest. My tummy rumbles and I slouch my shoulders in misery.

"Its fine I'll make more," Aether says standing up. I look at his face and there is a graze mark, my gut drops.

"I'm sorry..." I rub my arm. He feels his face and finds the graze. "Oh, no that's fine. No need to worry."

 Aether makes lunch. Me and Paimon fight over the left overs. Then we continue our walk to see Venti. I collapse in a heap under the Windrise tree. Aether joins me, we lie there staring at the tree above.

"I was starting to get worried that you would never come," A voice chimes. I sit up and Venti is sitting crossed legged smiling at me.

"So how are you two going?" He plays with the wind in his fingers.

"Three!" Paimon screams making her presence known.

"My mistake, how are the three of you going?" Venti corrects.

"Well we fought an ancient god..." I sigh, Aether rubs the back of his head. "Don't forget a fatui Harbinger," Aether adds.

"Oh yeah!" I click my fingers.

"Sounds hectic," Venti giggles, "so I believe that you have come here, to talk about something important." 

"Yeah... about that," I begin, "I think that I... how do I say this... I think I can block people's elemental energy..."

Venti raises his hand to his chin and smiles, "something quite peculiar. Shall we give it a test?"

I shrug, I have already tested it but what harm can come of another test.

Venti summons a small ball of anemo energy in his right hand and holds out his left towards me. I reach my arm out and the second I make contact the energy disperses.

"Hmm, well it appears that your assumption is correct..." Venti drops both arms, "Now's the question, how did these powers appear?"

Well I guess the secret cant stay a secret forever, however I can keep the information to a minimum. "I have been meaning to say this... I am not actually from Tayvat."

Aethers face changes to confusion as Venti just nods his head. "That would probably explain it then!" Venti smiles with joy.

"You're not from this world ei-" Paimon is silenced by Aether, "Can I talk to Venti alone for a sec?"

I shrub and walk off slowly. I already know his secret but I am going to have to act surprised when... or if he tells me...

Aether's POV

"Should I tell her?" I mumble to Venti.

"Tell her what?" Venti scratches the back of his head.

"You know that I am not from this world either," I side-eye Paimon and she just mouths sorry.

"Well I had presumed that you had already told her," Venti assumes, "I know it took her a while but she told you."

"I know she did but... if I tell her, she might end up getting dragged into bad situations."

"Anything worse than fighting an ancient god or a fatui harbinger?" Venti rummages through his pocket and grabs out a small bottle of wine. I roll my eyes.

"Thats true... I guess if she intends to continue travelling with me, then she should know."

I get a small pat on the back from Venti, "Go on!" He cheers as he devours the entire bottle. I get up and walk in the direction that Y/N went. 

I am pacing around in circles looking at the sky above. I stumble over a log and end up on the ground near the archon statue. Of course, I mean it is kind of my fault. I look up at the statue and try to sense if anything peculiar was happening to me. I stand up and head closer to the statue.

I shrug my shoulders and begin to walk away, when I get a splitting headache. My hands move to hold my head up straight. My eyes blur and I force them into focus again. One of my hands leaves its post, taking an order I did not give it. It moves towards the statue. Despite my attempts to pull it away it was not listening to me. Everything but the statue turned to darkness.

Touch it...

I hear a voice but there was no response from my body when I looked around for the source. Soundenly all the outside noise stopped. I could still feel everything, the slight breeze, warmth from the sun, my clothes as they moved.

My fingers finally touched the cold rock surface of the archon statue. A strong aqua coloured light seeps out of the statue and forces its way beneath the skin on the back of my hand. I see the light travel in my arm towards my torso. As the light fights its way through my body, it feels as if someone is dragging barbed wire through my flesh and bones. I attempt to scream to help relieve the pain in a way, but my body does not respond.

I feel my feet begin to leave the floor as I levitate upwards.

The flow of light increases, then a separate stream that segregated from the original joins itself with my other hand.

"Y/N! Y/N!" I hear from the corners of my mind, its Aether. With his voice other noises return and I hear a dreadful scream that seems to be Venti's. I look around still not able to move any other muscles in my body.

Another heavy stream of light rams into my chest. A tear rolls down my cheek but before it can reach the ground it is blown away by the wind.

Aether grabs my foot and tries to tug me away from the statue, but the elemental energy is to strong. I hear a grunt as Aether continues to try and pull me away.

The flow of energy from the statue begins to decrease making it easier for Aether to pull me away. Two of the steams fade, leaving the one in my chest.

Aether heaves again and this time managing to separate me from the statue. The remaining energy seeps into me then I black out. 

Word Count: 1285

Sorry for not posting in a while, as I said I have been really busy. Apart from this I have also been writing a second book (not related to this or genshin in anyway.) I will priorates this other book over this one, however I will still update this book. I hope to get the first few chapters of the other book out before the next chapter in this book, so you may be waiting a while (sorry), but when it is released please check it out, especially if you like anime :)

Thankyou for reading :)

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