Chapter 21: Attempt At Escape

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Summery~ You spent a while recuperating after the first experiment. You also learned how you ended up at the delusion factory (Childe dobbing on you). 

Several weeks have passed since I saw freedom. I have managed to wear down the rock I was playing with, leaving me with a splintery sword. I have already had to dig several splinters out of my fingers.

"Get up," A voice orders. I obediently move to the front of the cell. Here we go again.

"What is it this time?" I sigh as I am dragged to the pole in the middle of the room. The agent chains me to the top and retreats behind Scaramouch.

"We're trying 6 elements at once," He smiles. My blood runs cold. 6 elements I haven't even absorbed 2 at a time. I quickly look around, 6 agents of different elements excluding dendro, are preparing themselves. This time I won't be able get out of the experiment because of side effects from one element. I gulp so hard it nearly gets stuck in my throat. Scaramouch almost looks amused by my uneasiness.

"I've... I've never done that before..." I mumble, but it quickly becomes a plead, "I've never absorbed more than 1 element!"

"That's why we are taking this test," Scaramouch rolls his eyes, and walks into a different room. "Begin!" He yells as if he doesn't care about the experiment at all.

All the elements hit me, and as I hoped, I absorbed all of them. However, I did notice that my body felt very strange and tired by the experience. Slowly as time went on the faint pain I had felt earlier - during the first experiment - appeared and began increasing.

Barely 15 minutes into the experiment, the pain I felt, was as if I was being gutted from the inside. The barbed wire returned and slowly felt like it was tearing through the insides of my limbs. This experience was different from the statue however, I could move, I had control of my body, I was still aware.

The pain becomes quickly over whelming, and I can't even feel myself shaking as violently as I am. Water begins forming in the corners of my eyes, but I try and force it away. However, that only results in more overflow, and soon I am burying my head in my arms, hiding my face. At some point adrenalin had kicked in to try a give me the strength to get out of this situation, however now that it had worn off, the pain was returning with a bite.

The same fatui soldier, the one that had protested to end the first experiment had left the room to get the harbinger. They returned fast. Seeing my fragile state Scaramouch considered it.

Scaramouch POV:

She's sitting at the bottom of the pole huddling similar the first experiment. The way she is staring at me... She looks like a wounded animal ready to fight to the last breath. Despite the tears running down her face the way she is clutching her teeth, displays high emotions of anger and desperation. Her body shakes to her core, yet she looks as if she want's to claw her way out of here and devour everything. A smirk rises over my face.

"Sir, if this continues. The high levels of pain might cause severe trauma to her mental state," One of the agents begs.

"Fine, end it. What was the timer on this experiment?" I groan, as I face a different agent.

"Total time was 24 minutes sir."


As the elements stop crawling their way under my skin, I can still feel the pain and the shaking hasn't stopped. It took several minutes once I returned to my cell before my body realised that I was no longer being subjected to torture.

I calm down and remember to check my arm. Before when I touched the anemo statue I obtained a symbol on my arm. I have forgotten to check the geo. I pull up my right sleeve. My search comes up empty, so I check my other arm. There I find the geo symbol on my left lower forearm. Did I not notice the stinging on the boat? The symbol is close to the rope burn, I probably shrugged it off as the same pain.

I sit back down on my bed and assess what just happened. Clearly my tolerance to elements is significantly shortened when absorbing more than one. I let out a bit sigh. Despite my act at toughness, if more experiments like this continue my physical let alone my mental state won't survive. So, time to escape. I look around the room.

Can't dig out, take too long. Those walls are concrete, so no. Leaving, the bars. I look at my wrist. The bracelet Aether bought me as been left on my arm. The charm may help. I awkwardly take the charm off the bracelet and attempt to unbend it. Finally, I create the desired shape, or what I think would be the desired shape.

It took several hours, but I finally unlocked my cuffs! Now for the door. I sit there with cuffs - unlocked - over my hands in case a guard where to walk by. The building becomes significantly darker once a day, indicating night fall. The only light around are the torches on the wall. I quietly approach the bar door and fiddle with the lock. I stand there for ten or so minutes before the door makes the click noise indicating its open. I slowly push the door open, and I turn around to close it gently, a loud thunder crack screams outside. That's strange must be a storm outside. Perfect opportunity to run!

Before I make one step, someone grabs my hand and twists it behind my back. I jump out of my skin at the sudden touch of someone, but the pain of their grip on my rope burned wrist is excruciating. I try to head-but my attacker, but instead they shove me against the bars of my cell creating an egg size lump on my forehead.

"What do you think you're doing," The person growls. I look over my shoulder, Scaramouche stands barely a foot away holding my wrist like it's his lifeline. I open my mouth to protest but he continues, "You don't think I have guards posted?"

I look down, I don't ever remember the guards, or at least ones that I could see. His grip tightens making my hand twitch, "The experiments I have been conducting have been successful. Somehow the Dottore has read the reports. Him being more suited to these types of experiments has ordered me to hand you over by the end of the month."

I tense up. The Doctor!! No, I have to leave before that happens!! That man is pure evil!

The last thing I hear from Scaramouche is, "Try to enjoy the rest of your stay here," as he shoves me back in my cell. I reach for my bracelet, but he has taken that with my charm. I sit back down on my bed and try not to imagine the atrocities that will have occurred within a months' time. All because of

The Doctor.... 

Word count: 1214

Thankyou for reading:))

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