Chapter 14: Talking on the wind

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Mornings are the worst, especially since Aether is making me do this stupid workout first thing. It has been a couple of weeks since we parted ways with Venti and his wine. However, these weeks have felt like prolonged years of pain. Every part of my body hurts by 8 o'clock every morning. Making the rest of the day unbearable. Though, this training has been increasing my stamina as well as speed and agility. I am not nearly as tired as I was on the first day.
"Hey you ready!" Aether yells at me. I get concerned and confused. "For what...." I groan, as we both run.

"We're going to race from here to the finish line!" Aether grins. I sigh.

"Ready! Set! GO!!!" He yells as he runs far ahead. I don't even bother. All the energy I have at the moment is being used keeping my legs from crumbling. He slows down, letting me catch up with him.

"I'll buy you something if you beat me~," He says mischievously. A small flame of passion ignites in my core. Energy reserves I didn't know I had catch ablaze. I leap forward, taking first place. Aether is shocked that his attempt at bribery actually worked.

I run full throttle, with Aether only metres behind me. I see the bridge of Liyue ahead. The finishing line.

As we approach, my energy reserves begin to run on empty, and I am heaving like a pig. "I made it..." I mumble, with my tongue sticking out of my mouth. I spin around, "Hah! I beat ... you..."

Aether wasn't behind me. I spin around again facing the bridge. He scratches the back of his head. I grunt and fall to the ground.

Aether laughs, "You where so close that time!"

Feeling defeated, I lay there not moving, 'dead'.

"Come one I'll buy you something," Aether holds his hand out. I don't take it, "carry me."

We wonder through town, me on Aethers back. Looking for something to buy. We stop by a shop I have never seen before. One that sells bracelets. I pick out a matching pair, they are made of white gems embedded in gold swirls with a choice of charm.

"That one," I saw in awe.

"You want both?" He says picking them up.

"No, one for you, one of me," I smile.

"That's splendid," The old shop lady says, "have your choice of charms with it."

We both scan the charms section. Nothing catches my eye. Aether has found a six-pointed star that he likes.

"Perhaps young lady, you would like this charm I found," The old lady offers. She rummages through an old bag of hers until she pulls out a small box. When she opens it, it reviles a symbol like the on Paimon's clothes, however it seems to be upside down compared to hers. But what is weirder is that I have seen this exact charm before. I bought it from an antique shop on Earth. The shop was closing and everything was cheaper, I went with friends and found it. I took it home and left in on my chest of draws. Months past and I forgot about it.

I pick it up out of the box and say, "I'll take it!"

If this thing is so special it can travel with me through dimensions then its something worth having.

And with that Aether and I walk away happily with new matching bracelets.

Somewhere else-

"She sounds interesting. However, I want her tested before you send her."

"You do realise that could stir up quite the fiasco."

"I don't care."

"Hang on, I see her now." 

Word count: 607

I know this chapter is short I am sorry....

Would you like me to write a small summery at the start of each chapter because the updates are so infrequent?

Thankyou for reading :)

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