Chapter 10: Osial

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We leave the safety of the Golden House, and enter the heart of a storm. Its cold rain soaks into my torn clothing, reaching all of the cuts and brushes covering my body from the fight. In a way the rain soothes my flamed skin, making it somewhat refreshing. The air cold and the aromas of iron is sending me into a relaxed trance. I zone out as I breathe in deeply.

"Huh? He-he's already gone!" Paimon sighs. I jolt into a fight position. Aether looks at me and giggles, I give him the death stare.

"That guy is fast..." Paimon continues. Aether and Paimon look up at the Jade Chamber moving through the sky. Its heading in the direction of Osial.

"How are we going to get up there," I cross my arms. Aether just shrugs. "Hey look Paimon noticed a mini jade lift we can use to get up there," Paimon flies over and excitedly presents her discovery.

We now stand at the very front of the Jade chamber overlooking the five-headed god, who is still waking up from his very long nap.

"If we hadn't happened to see the Jade Chamber flying over just as we came out of the Golden House, we really wouldn't have known which was to go..." Paimon turns to us, putting her hand on her chin, "Whew, did we make it in time? Is the Overlord of the Vortex still in the sea? It hasn't destroyed Liyue yet, has it?"

"What... are you doing here?" Xiao askes, looking more at me than at Aether.

"Huh... Hold on! It's the adepti! What are you doing on the Jade Chamber? Paimon thought you were arguing with the Qixing... is the fighting over?" Paimon questions as everyone else approaches.

"Faced with a calamity of such magnitude, we have agreed to put our differences aside for now and unite against this common enemy," Ningguang steps forward. Moon carver moves his head away in annoyance.

"Oh Paimon gets it... So, how do you plan to defend Liyue? Uhh... Just seeing this Overlord of the Vortex guy puts a pit in Paimon's tummy, even from all the way out here."

I role my eyes, she doesn't even have to fight him...

"It's not just you. We've got new Millelith recruits who can't even stand at attention without shaking. The force of an ancient god's presence seems to be too much for ordinary people to handle. Which is why we must stop that monster before it gets any closer to Liyue Harbor !" Keqing steps forward.

I raise an eyebrow, too much for ordinary people... I understand why it wouldn't effect Aether but I would be considered an 'ordinary person'... I don't know, maybe those recruits are just wusses. Aether nudges me, I seem to have zoned out.

"So be it. We shall use the upgraded Guizhong Ballista to fight off that god. All the adepti here can lend their strength to man it. We haven't a moment to spare. Our battle begins now!" Ningguang starts her spell. She teleports into the sky and creates a glowing circle, that summons little shining totems in a circle formation. Then several round floors appear a merge into one. She finishes the spell by summoning three Guizhong Ballistas.

Three adepti leap forward and take one ballista each. After they power up a barrage of bullets they let them rain down on the ancient god. "That looks like it would hurt a lot..." I mumble to myself.

Portals appear on the platform and fatui agents immerge out of them. Aether and Keqing rush forward, swords in hand. I think I'll just stick to using my bow for now... considering I am still banged up and all.

I pull out my bow and check the string sturdiness. I count my arrows, eight. That's not many, better make them count.

While Aether takes care of one side and Keqing takes care of the other, there is no one covering for them if someone appears in a blind spot. I pull out an arrow and prepare to act fast.

An electro fatui agent charges at Aether, readying his hammer. I spot a pryo gun agent aiming at Aethers back. I set the arrow on fire and release taking down the gun agent before he could get a shot at Aether. I check back on Aether and he has already defeated the electro agent. He gives me a thumbs up I smile back at him.

I pull out another arrow and steady my aim. Aether is quickly surrounded by four fatui of different classes. The type with the elctro mage, the anemo fist one, geo staff and hydro healer. The healer is always the most problematic ones, so best to take that one out first. Aether leaps out of the centre of the circle as I ignite my arrow.

Aether summons a rock between the enemy - splitting them into groups of two- electro mage, geo staff and hydro healer, anemo fist. With this distraction I take the opportunity to fire the arrow at the hydro healer. Fire and water don't really mix, that's why I dipped this arrow in extra oil and aimed for his arm that is holding his gun.

When the arrow meets the fabric on his arm, the flame engulfs his clothes. He begins to panic franticly patting down his arm and slowing walking backward out of the fight. He drops his gun on the ground and starts screaming out of shock. So concerned about his arm, he doesn't realise he is standing on the edge of the platform.

The fire spread to his upper torso, now using both arms to pat the flames, he takes another step back. His body begins to tip. Ohh... there he goes...

He makes the most dreadful scream as he plummets to the seas bellow. Six arrows left. By now Aether has defeated the electro mage and nearly the geo staff, but the anemo fist guy is attacking Aether from behind.

Aether is forced to turn his attention to the anemo fist agent, leaving the geo staff to recover. Instead I fire an arrow at the geo guy, making him useless for the rest of the fight. In fact, other fatui agents have to drag him back through the portal.

Suddenly big raindrops start pouring from the sky. "Aether above you!" I scream. Aether quickly ducks out of the way keeping his eyes on the sky. I check above me, a moderate size raindrop is directly overhead. I have plenty of time to move out of the way and prepare myself to the second wave of fatui.

Soon I run out of arrows and have no other way to contribute to the fight. I see Keqing deal the final blow to a fatui agent, then the adepti speak. "The interlopers are no more. Now we may commit ourselves fully!"

Three rays merge into one creating an immense beam that quickly propels itself towards the used to be fallen god. It creates a massive explosion that generates harsh winds, I hold my bow tight and ready for impact.

I slowly open my eyes as the wind dies. Osial's heads rise and creates an awful scream. I walk up to Aether giving each other thumbs up to make sure we are all right.

"Ah! It's working! We just need to keep this up!" Paimon grins. I notice a strange movement in one of the heads, its generating a strange bubble. Two other heads are copying.

The three glowing orbs merge into one generating a large ray of light into the sky. The second the beam dissipates gigantic raindrops fall onto the platform. The ground shakes like an earthquake and I grab onto Aether so I don't fall off the edge. Cracks spread along the ground. Shit.

Aether takes my hand and starts running for the Jade chamber. One second there was something solid underneath my feet, the next I am suspended in air. My gut sinks further than I expected, almost leaving my body. Soon my figure catches up and I start tumbling.

During the fall, my hand contact with Aether is broken and I am falling in emptiness. Everything goes silent as I focus on the wind passing my ears.

"Y/N!" Aether shrieks. After hearing his voice I focus back in on what's happening. I search the skies for Aether and he is safe and sound on the Jade chamber. He is leaning over the edge holding a hand out though he knows it will never reach me. This grabs the attention of Xiao, the second our eyes make eye contact he disappears.

He appears right next to me and grabs my shoulder. His face turns to shock the second we touch.

"Teleport already!" I scream over the wind. He breaks eye contact, making a confused face.

"I... I can't."

Word count: 1476

Thankyou for reading :)

I may take a small break before uploading another chapter (sorry), i have got a lot happening in the next couple of weeks. But thankyou so much for nearly 400 reads :) 

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