Chapter 19: The first experiment

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Summary~ After being introduced to your holding cell, you spend a boring couple of days pacing around, finding ways to entertain yourself. Finally, you were taken out of your cell and chained to a post in the centre of a room. This is where 'the experiment'. 

My body locks up as I realise what is about to happen. The four agents begin spraying me with cryo and as expected I absorb it. Not knowing how this experiment will end, I tug harder and harder on the chains but to no avail. The cryo mist is cold but doesn't freeze my skin. I prepare to argue with Scaramouch, but he has already walked out of the room.

Very soon I can feel my body's temperature dropping, trying to divert all power to heat. It doesn't take long for me to curl up in a ball at the bottom of the pole.

Within what I assume to be an hour, my skin is numb and the cold as gotten to my bones freezing me from the inside. My nose is so blocked I am forced to breathe through my mouth. The shivering has started, it feels like I am shaking the whole building. Two of the cryo fatui agents have been replaced by their comrades because they ran out of elemental energy. The only thing fiery about me is the anger I have against the fatui.

Scaramouch finally comes back around 30 minutes later. The shivering has dramatically worsened, and now I feel as if I haven't slept in a week. "Can I please have a warm drink," my husky voice finally mutters. Scaramouch just looks at me with disappointment in his eyes, "No."

In an attempt to bring feeling back to my body I bite my arm has hard as I can. I can't even feel my teeth sinking into my skin. I go too far to the point where I taste blood in my mouth. I look at my arm to see a bleeding bite mark. The blood was barely warm. I choose to suck the blood as it's the only thing I can feel, the taste of iron in my mouth. Quickly the taste becomes tiering, and I relax my jaw.

Barely half an hour later and my lungs are so cold I can't breathe properly. The lining of my throat and lungs covered it a thin layer of ice. The only air I get is from short and wheezy gasps. I look down at my fingers and they are beginning to turn blue. I shove them in my armpits to try and prevent them from freezing off. The last thing I need is frost bite. I notice a very faint similar feeling of the archon statues power being absorbed into me. It might be caused by the prolonged exposure to one element. Three other agents have swapped out. I look up at Scaramouch, barely able to make my eyes move due to the slight layer of ice covering my eyeballs. "Please... stop... the experi... ment..." I wheeze between breathes. Still, I don't receive an answer.

Slowly my eyes begin to close, but I keep forcing them to open. If I close my eyes now, I'll probably die of hypothermia.

A couple of minutes later one of the agents speaks up. "Sir, if this continues she could very much die... Being exposed to the cold for so long cou-"

"Silence," Scaramouch barks. He looks back at me, seeing the pour condition I am in and sighs, "Take her back to her cell."

I only just notice that I am standing outside my cell as they unlock it. They shove me inside and the agent walks away. Scaramouch stands there staring at me. "Thankyou," I mutter. But those words cause an uncontrollable coughing fit. I try to lie down on my wooden bed, but I can't get comfortable with all this coughing. My body shaking violently from the coughing as well as the shivering. My limbs have sudden outbursts of movement randomly. Soon my body takes control and forces me into the abyss of darkness, not knowing if I would wake up again. 

Word count: 648

I'll get the next chapter out soon, I promise :)

*Edit (sorry) the italics didn't work

Thankyou for reading :))

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