the light at the end of the tunnel

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Khione sat with her legs tucked up against her body, on the floor of Republic City's underbelly, allowing Asami to adorn her hair with little braids and blue beads. She hadn't asked where they'd come from, only nodded gratefully, sitting down. She ran her fingers down her brace absentmindedly, sorely missing her cane. She'd left it tucked safely beneath her bed, praying that no one would come across it.

Korra and Mako returned soon, in the equalist gear they'd managed to acquire.

"You two were gone a while," Asami noted sharply, not looking up from her braiding.

"We were just doing reconnaissance," Mako bit back, sounding equally as frustrated.


Khione watched them quietly as Mako stalked away. Asami's expression turned from hostile to upset as he walked away. She was hurting, Khione could tell, but she had no idea what to say. 

"Welcome back!" Gommu, the old man who had kindly allowed them to stay at the resistance camp, suddenly interrupted.

"Hope you worked up an appetite cause dinner is served!" He exclaimed, doing a strange dance.

"Thanks so much for letting us hide out with you the past few days," Korra thanked the man again, as he handed her a bowl of mysterious soup.

"Honour to oblige!" He responded cheerily. "My associates and I hardly oppose Amon's equalist policies. We got benders and non-benders living together down here. But do you see us fighting? No sirree. We figured out how to harmoniously coexist!" He hugged himself happily.

"You are a wise and noble hobo," Bolin stated, as Khione raised her eyebrow. Gommu offered her a bowl of soup, which she politely declined.

"Mhmm. This is the best tasting street gruel I've ever had!" Bolin exclaimed as Asami tried it, dubiously.

"I culled it from the finest dumpsters the city has to offer!"

Asami turned a pale shade of green, before she spit out her mouthful of soup and discreetly placed her bowl on the ground, where Pabu scurried to lick it.

After Gommu finally left, the rest of them were gathered in awkward silence. This was the first meal everyone was present for. Korra sat down beside her, leaning against her.

"So... Khione. Why didn't you ever tell us you were, you know," Bolin's voice dropped low, his eyes wide as he stared at Khione. "A bloodbender," He whispered. Khione cringed. She had been dreading this conversation for the past few days. If there was no escaping it...

"It's not exactly a great conversation starter," She said flatly.

"Still. We're your friends. You can trust us," Asami said, gently prodding her.

Khione sighed, picking at her fingers absentmindedly.

"It was my greatest secret. Bloodbending is a stain on my soul."

She held out her hands, examining them. They looked ordinary. Slim fingers and pale skin, a small scar on her right thumb from spirits knew what. But they controlled life and death.

"I thought you guys were going to hate me," She confessed quietly.

Everyone around the campfire instantly objected.

"Absolutely not!" Korra insisted. (Predictably.)

"We could never hate you!" Asami said. (How sweet of her.)

"You're annoying, but you're also our friend," Mako admitted. (Rude.)

"You're like, this sister I never had," Bolin sniffed. (???)

Mako gave Bolin a strange look.

"Bro, that was weird."

They all burst into laughter, the strange tension that had draped around their friendship easing for a moment. Khione managed a smile, wiping a tear from her eye. Nothing could convey the relief flooding through her at that moment. Her friends didn't hate her. They didn't think she was a vile, disgusting monster.

"Are you crying?" Bolin asked, looking horrified to see Khione's usually emotionless eyes shining with unshed tears.

"I think that's the first time you've ever cried in front of us," He pondered.

Korra nudged her shoulder, grinning wickedly.

"Actually..." She began smugly, and Khione smacked a hand over her lips. 

"Shut up!" Khione nearly shrieked, turning red as Korra laughed, pushing her hand away. They all began teasing her, and she buried her head in her hands, groaning. 

"You can all go die," She deadpanned. They all laughed harder.


"Can't sleep?"

Khione turned to see Korra, tucked beside Naga. The moon shone bright in the night sky, silver light filtering softly through the manholes. Korra scooted over, letting Khione lean beside her, resting her head against her shoulder.

"Never," Khione said, playing with Korra's hair.

"Can't, or don't want to." 

Khione shrugged. 

"Both. Neither. Don't know these days."

Korra glanced at her friend worryingly; she hadn't been eating well and she'd been sleeping even less. She looked tired, dark circles under her eyes, shoulders slumped. At the very least, Khione looked content. Happier. 

She was staring now, Korra realised, but even exhausted, Khione looked pretty. Moonlight suited her, Korra thought deliriously. Then, she shook her head. She was exhausted and stressed out and on edge waiting for General Iroh's fleet to arrive.

"When this is all over," Khione began, "We're going to go to that noodle joint downtown, and we're going to eat all the noodles we can. Then, we're going to go to that food market downtown and buy all the sweet snacks we've ever wanted." 

"You don't even like sweets," Korra pointed out. Then, quieter: "Just us?"

"Just us."

"It's a date!" Korra smiled at the strangely warming thought, before stifling a yawn.

"Go to sleep," Khione said quietly.

Korra let out a soft chuckle.

"Speak for yourself." 

That earned her a kick to the ankle. 

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