under siege

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Despite the happiness of their initial reunion, the atmosphere in the little group sobered up as they caught Korra up on Kuvira's actions in the past few months.

"Are you sure we should be going to Zaofu? Dad wanted us to bring you back to Republic City," Jinora asked, glancing back from her spot at the reins.

"If Kuvira's heading to Zaofu, so am I. She needs to know the Avatar is back. The world needs to know," Korra said broodingly.

"WOO HOO!" Meelo yelled, standing up. "Avatar fight! This is going to be AWESOME!"

Khione met Korra's amused look, shaking her head in exasperation.

"Meelo, there's not going to be a fight. Kuvira saved my dad. She was a captain in Su's guard, I think she can be reasoned with," Korra said calmly.

"What? No fight? Why did we go through all that trouble to save you if you're not going to beat someone up!" Meelo complained. Khione sighed.

"I wouldn't put it that way, but the children have a point. Excluding Meelo. Kuvira's changed quite a lot during her little reign of the Earth Kingdom. She seemed pretty hellbent on keeping herself in power over the Earth Kingdom during Wu's coronation," Khione said delicately, nibbling on one of the buns Pema had made for them.

"A lot has changed since you last saw her, so I'd be prepared for the worst."

Korra nodded thoughtfully, brows knitted in thought as she glanced away. Quite honestly, Khione was torn about how to feel about Kuvira. After all, she had the strength to unit the Earth Kingdom after the chaos following the wake of the Queen's death.


Khione regretted every doubt she'd had about Kuvira. She'd spiralled from a leader who was (rightfully, in Khione's opinion) opposed to handing power over to the monarchy, to a straight up dictator.

Even as they flew into Zaofu, Khione didn't seem to be able to truly process the tremendous show of force Kuvira had put on. What had to be thousands of mecha suits and men were lined up in pristine little rows, like legions of ants. Airships floated in the sky, and Khione saw that Zaofu's defences had risen, the city looking like closed-off flower buds.

They strode through Su's manor, the sound of Khione's cane the only noise in the near silent hallways. Korra threw open the doors to Su's study, confidently striding into the room.


The entire room went silent, and then Su was hugging Korra.

"I can't believe it. Where have you been? You disappeared; everyone was so worried."

"I'll tell you the whole story later. Right now I'm going to help you stop Kuvira. What can I do?"


Sending Korra right into enemy territory hadn't been the first idea Khione had thought of, but they went ahead with it anyway.

"Attention, citizens of Zaofu. Your leader, Su Beifong, attempted to attack me while I slept, ignoring the terms of our truce. Luckily, I now have her and her assault team in custody. Rest assured that I will not take revenge on the peaceful citizens of Zaofu as long as your remaining representatives meet me outside the city at dawn to offer the full and unconditional surrender of your city. That is all."

Khione was in the courtyard in an instant, limping on her cane to Korra, Opal and Jinora.

"Korra, you can't let Kuvira get away with this. We have to go break out mom and my brothers!" Opal pleaded angrily.

"You swore an oath of non-aggression when you became an airbender. You can't just attack Kuvira," Jinora replied.

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