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Khione had never looked forward to lunch so much in her life. She stepped into the restaurant, her arm resting casually in the crook of Korra's elbow. Her silver cane glimmered in the lighting, matching the silver jewellery pinning up her hair and on her body.

Khione had to admit, she much preferred Korra in blue. She was wearing dark blue fingerless gloves that covered her arms, and a dusty blue tank top, and the sight of her in such familiar colours made Khione smile.

"I hope you haven't been waiting long," Korra said, as they neared Asami. She looked up from her magazine, her face lighting up as she saw them.

"Only three years," Asami replied, standing up to hug Korra. "It's so good to see you."

"You too."

Asami reached over to hug Khione as well, which Khione obliged, patting her back politely.

"You were gone for days," Asami complained good-heartedly. "Where'd you find her?"

"In a swamp," Khione replied breezily, and Asami shook her head.

"Why am I not surprised? Anyways, I'm loving the hair," Asami complimented, and Korra smiled.

"Thanks. You're looking snazzy as always."

"She gets it from me," Khione said haughtily, tossing her hair and smiling lazily.

"Sure I do," Asami retorted, rolling her eyes. "C'mon, Mako got us a table at the restaurant."

She snaked her arms through both Korra and Khione, linking them all and walking them towards the restaurant.

Mako was waiting by one of the fancy tables, leaning against one of the dark wood columns.

"Korra," He greeted, walking towards them.

"Hi Mako," Korra smiled, hugging him.

"Hello there, Prince Wu, rightful heir to the throne and this guy's boss," Prince Wu said, popping up in between them and nudging Mako. Khione's lips twitched at Mako's expression, like he was deciding whether he should strangle the prince or not.

"I bet he's told you a lot about me," He said confidently.

"Nope, not a thing."

Khione narrowed her eyes as Wu slunk his arm across Korra's shoulders, steering her to sit down.

"Then we have so much to talk about. You are going to love the food here. I know the chef personally," He bragged, as one of the waiters came up to them.

"Let's start with a round of your spicy octopus fritters, and keep the cucumber aloe-water flowing!" He yelled, raising his glass as the waiter left. "Gotta keep this princely skin hydrated."

Khione glared at Mako, who made an elaborate shrugging gesture, looking completely helpless.

"I thought it was just going to be the four of us," Asami hissed, as Khione slid awkwardly into the booth, propping her cane beside her.

"Sorry, I couldn't ditch him," Mako replied, looking equally as peeved.

"What, can't he spend one night without a babysitter?" Khione intoned, before glancing at Mako.

"No offence."

Mako sighed, slumping. "He promised to be on his best behaviour."

As he spoke, Wu leaned forward, his chin resting on his interlaced fingers.

"Hey, pop into the Avatar state for me. I want to see your eyes glow."

"What? No," Korra shot back.

"So can you go into the Avatar state again?" Asami asked. "I was worried when Khione said you couldn't."

"Wait, when did Khione tell you she couldn't?" Mako interrupted.

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