the monster you made me

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"Finally, you are powerless."

Korra crawled to her knees, trying futilely to firebend him.

"Amon! Everything the Avatar said is true, isn't it. I just saw you bloodbend her," The lead equalist accused Amon angrily, pulling off his mask and stomping on it, causing the lens to shatter.

"You traitor!" He seethed, taking out his weapons, rushing to attack Amon.

"I dedicated my life to you!"

Amon turned to look at him, bloodbending him into the air. The lieutenant groaned in pain as his back arched, the crack of bones echoing in the dark room.

"You served me well, lieutenant," Amon drawled, curling his fingers into a fist before throwing him against a pile of wooden planks.

Amon faced Mako again, forcing him to his knees. He grimaced, his fingers twitching as he concentrated. Lightning coursed from his body, electrocuting Amon, beautiful blue sparks dancing across his body. The force of the lightning threw Amon against the wall, and he collapsed. Khione staggered to her feet, finally free from his grasp, her knee protesting in pain as she and Mako helped Korra up. They ran through the hallway, gasping in exhaustion.

"Guys, my bending," Korra whispered weakly.

"Everything will be alright, we just have to get out of here," Mako barked back, sounding more confident than he felt. Suddenly, Mako jerked to a stop, causing Khione to stumble and nearly fall flat on her face. The familiar feeling of Amon's bloodbending crept into her. Mako slammed against the walls, grunting in pain as Amon forced him to his knees. Mako's eyes widened in fear, when a terrible fury rose in Khione.

She had experienced too many heartbreaks in a day. First, her father. Then, the fear on the airbender kids faces as a hateful crowd called for their lives to be ruined. Last, her uncle, stealing her closest friend's bending. Khione was sick of Amon, sick of him hurting the people she loved. She was overwhelmed by the guilt of being utterly unable to have saved Korra.

Something dark in the dredges of her soul snapped.

Amon's arm halted just above Mako's forehead, as he whipped his head to look at Khione in shock. She stood, sickening power roaring in her ears as she bloodbent Amon, forcing him backwards in jagged movements. He recovered almost immediately, forcing his arms up as he tried to bloodbend her. Khione curled her fingers, her face an apathetic mask as she forced Amon to one knee, her arms shaking from the effort. He was furiously trying to combat her bloodbending, pain wracking their bodies in tandem.

All he needed was a tiny slip up, a crack in the foundation of a dam. Khione had not bloodbent anyone for years. He found a gaping hole, right where her heart used to be.

Amon slammed his hands into fists, excruciating pain tearing through Khione's body, causing her to collapse. She screamed, the sound ripped from her throat, echoing in the room around them.

"I'm impressed, niece. Not even your father could bloodbend me. It's almost a shame to take away such talent," Amon sighed, sounding genuinely impressed.


His fingertips hovered above Khione's forehead and she squeezed her eyes shut, fear and shame and horror wracking her body. Maybe this was better for everybody, a tiny part of her whispered. If he took away her bending, she'd never be able to hurt anyone again.


A huge gust of air slammed into them, sending Amon tumbling as Khione slid to the floor, curling in on herself, shaking.

"Impossible," Amon snarled.

Korra leant against the wall, looking down in wonder at her hand.

"I- I can airbend?"

"I can airbend!" She repeated triumphantly, standing up confidently.

Korra sent punches of wind, hitting Amon again and again until he was thrown to the floor, right in front of the beautiful stained-glass window.

He snarled, stretching his hand to bloodbend Korra when he grunted in pain.

Khione stood in the hallway, hands spread wide, her expression cold, breathing heavily. She moved her arms, forcing Amon's arms to his sides.

Korra kicked the air, sending wind spiralling towards Amon, throwing him backwards. The window behind him shattered, as he fell, tumbling into the water below.

Khione sank to her knees, the taste of blood metallic in her mouth. Mako warily helped Khione up, softening as he saw the tears staining her cheeks. They limped toward the broken window, standing next to Korra.

A huge spiral of water shot from the depths, carrying Amon. The painted scar faded away, revealing his true face to the crowd of equalists gathered below. His eyes, flashing hatred, met Khione's for a second, before he plunged back into the water. Mako sent blasts of fire at him, narrowly missing him as he fled the harbour.

In all her life, Khione had never hated herself as much as she did that day. She felt vile, the aftermath of using her bloodbending still seeping through her body, a terrible high that came from using such a sick form of bending.

Khione stepped back, watching numbly as Korra pressed her head against Mako. The echoes of sickening power bloodbending had given her swirled in her blood. She felt sick to her stomach, digging her nails into her palms so hard they drew blood.


She was drowning in her thoughts, every one of them death and hatred and suffocating guilt, when Korra hugged her, drawing her back from the depths.

I'll save you.

That promise, uttered for a different reason, and yet, saving her all the same. Then, Korra let go, and Khione was drowning again.

She'd used her bloodbending. She was sorry, but she wouldn't take it back. It had saved them, but it had cost Khione terribly. It didn't matter.

Khione would atone for her sins for the rest of her life if she had to..


Tarrlok slumped against the wall of his cell, exhaustion painted on his face. The trap door creaked open as Noatak climbed up into the attic. Surprise flitted briefly across Tarrlok's face, before the cold emptiness inside him blotted it out.

"Noatak," Tarrlok said, an acknowledgement.

"It's over brother. I'm sorry for what I had to do to you."

"My father set us on this path. Fate caused us to collide. I should've left with you when we were boys," Tarrlok sighed, looking away.

The jingle of keys, followed by the cell door opening. Tarrlok looked up, confused.

"Leave with me now," Noatak implored. "We have a second chance. We can start over, together. Please. You're all I have left in the world,"
Tarrlok was silent, the word 'yes' on the tip of his tongue, before the image of his daughter's heartbroken face flashed in his mind.

He sighed, looking down as guilt swelled in him. How easy it had felt to say yes to that hope. "I can't just leave Khione."

Noatak stiffened slightly. "My niece," He murmured quietly.

"Republic City will see you in chains, brother. She is a lost hope. We can be brothers again, if you come with me. Please."
Tarrlok met his brother's eyes, hatred and hope clashing in his heart. 

What a father I am, he thought bitterly, before he took Noatak's extended arm.

I am sorry, Khione.

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