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Khione was getting tired of being chained by evil men. First, her father. Now, Unalaq. It was exhausting. She shook her chains, scowling.

"Congratulations everyone. You've all got front row seats for the beginning of a new order," Unalaq strode into the tent, smiling coldly.

"You don't know what you're doing, Unalaq. Freeing Vaatu won't make you powerful, it'll only make you a traitor to everything god that's happened in the last ten thousand years, " Korra bit back weakly.

"You think what Avatar Wan did was good, driving almost all of the spirits from this world? The Avatar hasn't brought balance, only chaos. You call yourself the bridge between two worlds, but there shouldn't be a bridge, we should like together as one," Unalaq replied back, almost feverishly.

"Even if Vaatu escapes, I'll put him right back in his prison, just like Wan did," Korra vowed.

"It's true that when Wan fused with Raava, he tipped the scales in her favour, but this time I'll be here to level the playing field. When Harmonic Convergence comes, I will fuse with Vaatu, and together we will become the new Avatar. A dark Avatar. Your era is over."

Khione laughed, her chains clinking.

"So what, all of this is so you can go ahead with your delusional power trip?"

"You wouldn't understand, you simple-minded girl," Unalaq snarled as Khione met his gaze coolly.

"Don't talk to her like that," Korra snapped to her defense, struggling against her chains.

"Think about what you're doing. I know you've always had a deep connection with the spirits, but you're still a man. You're still my brother. You're Eska and Desna's father. Are you willing to throw your humanity away to become a monster?" Tonraq pleaded.

"I'll be no more of a monster than your own daughter. The only difference is that while she can barely recognize her spirit power, I will be in complete alignment with mine. Vaatu and I will be as one. No one will be able to stand against us! Keep them locked up. After Harmonic Convergence, I will come for Korra."

"Yes father," Eska replied emotionlessly as Unalaq walked out of the tent.

For a moment, there was nothing but the sound of laboured breathing.

"I failed in every way. We've lost Jinora forever," Tenzin murmured, leaning against Kya.

"There's still a chance. They didn't get Bumi," Kya replied optimistically.

Tenzin sighed.

Khione shifted slightly, wincing as pain spiked through her head and her right leg.

"They didn't even take my brace," She muttered, a little insulted.

"Eska, Desna, listen to me. You've gotta help us stop Unalaq. I know he's your father, but Vaatu has made him completely crazy," Korra pleaded.

"We will never turn on our father," Eska replied coldly.

"Please. If you let me out now, I can still stop him from restoring everything. Once he fuses with Vaatu, no one will be safe. Desna, he won't be your father anymore."

Desna paused, registering Korra's words, before his face twisted in anger.

"You don't know what you're talking about! Our father is the wisest man in the world, if he says what he's doing is right, I believe him," Desna seethed, stalking to tower over Korra, eyes glinting in anger. He retreated back to Eska's side, the twins resorting to glare at them.

"That's not what you told me before," Khione said softly. The twins whipped around to look at her. When her father and theirs had met for business, Khione had only Eska and Desna for company. They acted like they loved their father, and they did, but there was a part of them that wished he was more. Just like she had with her own father.

"I know what it feels like, to worship your father. To believe he can do no wrong," Khione said softly, sadly. "But he can do wrong, and he has. He will destroy the world if we don't stop him. Let us go."

Eska looked briefly stricken, and Desna looked like he'd been punched.

Then, they shook their heads.

"We're sorry, Khione. We can't. Your father isn't ours," Eska said, as if she was trying to convince herself.

Khione wanted to hug them. How similar were their stories? She knew very well that denial, that desperate hope they clung to, that their father loved them unconditionally. She wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Khione slumped against Asami, who gave her a worried look when loud explosions rocked the tent, followed by the sound of shouting and screeching metal.

Bumi slid into the tent, strapped to a seat, bowling over the twins in the process. He grinned, "Alright guys, rescue time!"

The twins scrambled up, matching looks of surprise stamped on their faces, before Naga burst in. She swiped the twins at each other with her paws, knocking them out cold.

Bumi unbuckled himself from his seat, before quickly unlocking their chains, thanks to the set of keys that had been left conveniently with Eska. Korra helped Khione up, worry clear on her face. Korra's hair had come undone, spilling over her shoulders and framing her face.

"Bumi, how did you manage to take out this entire encampment on your own?!" Tenzin exclaimed, the shock on his face mirrored on everyone else.

Khione gave him a small thumbs up, and he grinned back at her.

The entire military camp had been destroyed, still smouldering debris littering the camp. Fires dotting the camp flickered, sending columns of dark smoke in the air. The entire place was deserted.

"I did it all with my trusty flute and-" He rummaged around his jacket before pulling out a wooden flute, before his shoulders slumped.

"Ah nevermind, you wouldn't believe it anyway."

"Let's get moving," He marched forward, everyone trailing after him.

They headed deeper into the spirit forest, the familiar blue glow of the portal announcing their proximity to it.

"You run into the portal. I'll try hold off anyone who comes after you," Tonraq staggered forward, holding a wounded arm. Bruises and cuts littered his face, reminders of his torture at Unalaq's command.

"No, you're too hurt. You need a healer," Korra fired back immediately.

"Asami, can you take Oogi and my dad back to my mum?"

Asami nodded in determination, walking over to the sky bison.

"This is my fight now," Korra turned back to face her dad.

"Korra..." Tonraq pulled his daughter into a tight hug. "I love you."

"I love you too, dad," Korra mumbled back.

Khione watched as Korra helped her dad aboard Oogi, wishing that she'd had a family like hers.

They watched as Asami held Oogi's reins, giving them one last determined look.

"Yip yip."

Oogi lifted into the air, heading back to the White Lotus camp.

"Once we're inside, you go find Jinora," Korra addressed Tenzin, wasting no time in formulating a plan. "Khione, Mako and Bolin will take care of Unalaq while I close the portal so Vaatu can't escape."

Khione nodded in determination, meeting Korra's eyes.

"Wait a second," Bolin interrupted frantically. "Worse case scenario! So we're fighting Unalaq, you close the portal, let's just say something happens to you. Are we gonna be trapped in there for eternity?!"

"If everything goes as planned, we'll all walk out together after Harmonic Convergence. If not..." Korra trailed off, sighing.

She looked up, her eyes flickering with determination.

Khione's resolve hardened, as she steeled herself for whatever was to come.

"Let's go."

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