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For some reason Khione couldn't fathom, she'd been dragged to stand besides Asami and Mako during the coronation. They were on the pale green stage, dignitaries and monarchs sitting neatly on either side of Prince Wu, who was centre stage, knelt on one knee.

She watched in idle boredom, fingers wrapped around the handle of her cane, perfectly still as Grand Secretariat Gun carefully pinned a golden brooch onto Prince Wu's lapel. They'd been thoughtful enough to give her a chair, so she didn't have to go through the annoyance of standing upright for the entire ceremony.

"Now, rise, King Wu of the Hou-Ting Dynasty, King of the Earthlands and Glorious Defender of Ba Sing Se. Long may you reign," The Grand Secretariat said reverently, stepping backwards as Wu rose hesitantly. Khione's face remained impassive, but secretly, she could admit her displeasure. The fate of the Earth Kingdom resting in the hands of a piddling little boy. She wasn't sure he could handle the responsibility.

"Thank you for that incredibly brief, but moving ceremony. I am touched by my devoted countrymen who have worked so hard to restore their beloved leader to the throne. One of them deserves special attention. Kuvira? Rise." Wu commanded, gesturing to Kuvira as the woman rose from her seat. Khione watched her carefully. She hadn't seen Kuvira in three years, and time seemed to have made her crueler. She was all sharp angles - the glinting shapes of her specialised iron armour, the keen cut of her eyeliner, not a hair out of place. She was order incarnate.

"For your service to the realm, I would like to present you with the Kyoshi medal of freedom, our nation's greatest honour, which was somehow not stolen, unlike the royal pinkie rings." Wu took the gold and emerald medal, a huge, garish eyesore, and placed it around Kuvira's neck.

Kuvira smiled, a snake's smile, soft and dangerous, and said, "Thank you. And if you don't mind, I'd like to say a few words."

"Why not? We've got six hours to fill," Wu said petulantly as Kuvira walked forward to the microphone, hands clasped behind her back.

"Growing up in Zhaofu with Suyin Beifong, I learned that the idea of a royal family passing a title from one generation to the next was archaic, and that technology and innovation should be what drive a nation forward. It was the pathetic rule of kings and queens that caused the Earth Kingdom to descend into such incredible disarray. It's taken me three years to get it back on track, and there's no way I'll allow it to slip back into the dark ages."

Khione's expression didn't change from cold indifference, but her eyes narrowed. Surely not.

"I'd like to make an announcement to the world. The Earth Kingdom is no more. And from here on out, this man has no authority."

Kuvira said, her voice steely. She turned to gesture at Wu, whose expression changed from boredom to pure confusion.

"Wait what? But I just got the royal brooch!"

"I have created a new Earth Empire, and I will continue to lead it into the future myself, bringing about a new era of prosperity for my people."

She paused, allowing herself a brief, satisfied smile - the confident smile of someone assured in their victory - as the crowd erupted into cheers. It was clear as day that Kuvira held their loyalty, not some pampered royal. That was the difference between them, Khione supposed. Kuvira had proved her competence, her capability and her ability to lead, over and over. But Wu? He was only king for the blood in his veins.

"And let me assure my fellow leaders of one thing..." Kuvira continued, effortlessly yanking the medal from her neck, the delicate green ribbon tearing. It floated above her hand as she glanced out at the audience.

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