a promise of hope

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For the first time in a long while, Korra could say for certain she wanted to get better. Maybe Toph was right, and she'd been scared of getting better because it meant having to face all the terrible things that plagued every dream of hers.

But just the sight of Khione, glowing like moonlight against the darkness of night, was enough to make Korra want to try. She wanted to be better.

Korra stood in front of the flickering fire, as shadows danced on the walls of the cave behind them. They'd flown back after Toph, to her home, waiting for the poison to hopefully be drawn from her body.

"Alright. I'm ready," Korra said, fists curled and body tensed. She meant it this time, truly. She glanced at Khione, standing solemnly by the airbender kids. She'd been quiet on the ride on Pepper, and while she had accepted Korra's hand to help her down from the bison, she'd acted stiff and distant. Korra wanted to talk to her, but she had to do this first. Before she lost her nerve.

"I'm not bending it out of you. You've got to do this on your own." Toph's voice was rough, her hands clasped behind her back.

Surprise briefly flitted in Korra, before she nodded. She settled into a wide-legged stance, palms facing the cave ceiling, and took a deep breath.

"Close your eyes. Clear your mind. And don't freak out like last time," Toph said gruffly. "Now focus your energy."

Korra closed her eyes, and relaxed her entire body.

"Find the metal. Let it move through your body."

She searched for those tiny droplets of pain in her body, her arms moving in swirling centred movement. Her eyebrows creased when she focused on that alien feeling in her, the tiny traces of liquid mercury in her body moving slowly as she concentrated.

All of a sudden, she was sucked back into the past, on that dusty mountain as Zaheer hovered over her, stealing the air from her lungs.

Korra gasped, eyes flying open as she bent double, arms drawn inwards. Sweat pricked her skin, and that familiar fear rolled through her again.

"That fight is over. Release the fear," Toph said calmly.

Korra's eyes met Khione's briefly, and she felt that determination flood back through her. She stood straight, and began again, her arms pushing forward, as if meeting some invisible force. Korra breathed in and out as little droplets of poison rose from her skin and travelled to her fingertips. The little sphere of mercury floated in front of her, nearly glowing in the dimness of the cave.

Korra felt the final amounts of poison leave her body as Toph carefully captured the mercury in an earthen cup, closing it for good. Korra felt strangely light, as if a suffocating weight had finally been lifted from her shoulders. For the first time in three years, Korra felt truly like herself.

She beckoned the Avatar state to flow through her body, and her eyes opened in a brilliant flash of light.

"The Avatar is back in business!" Meelo whooped as the airbender kids raced towards her, followed slowly by Khione.

"I feel so much lighter," Korra marvelled, staring down at her hands. She turned to Toph.

"Thank you for helping me. I'd like to give you a hug now, if that's okay with you."

"Alright. You earned it," Toph allowed, and Korra hugged her, overcome with gratitude as Toph patted her roughly on the back.

She pulled back, and ruffled Meelo's hair affectionately, meeting Khione's gaze.

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