sisterly spat

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Breakfast in Zaofu was just as exquisite as dinner had been last night.

"Hey guys, have you seen Beifong?"

Korra scoffed, before replying, "She's probably off sulking in her room."

"I know she has a problem with me, but she had no right to yell at Opal last night.

Beside her mother, Opal looked down, her face rippling with sadness.

To her disappointment, Su had paired Asami and Khione in the same guest house, leaving Korra with her very own private suite. Korra appreciated the gesture, but honestly, she wished Khione was sleeping in the guest house as her.

At least now, Khione was sitting beside Korra, taking little delicate bites of her breakfast. Korra glanced at her, and noticed at once how tired she seemed. 

Had she not slept well? 

To Korra's horror, she found herself wanting to fuss over Khione, and ask her what was wrong and if there was anything she could do to help her feel better. Khione glanced at her, and then gave her a weird look. 

Korra gave Khione a smile, which she returned tiredly, when Wei and Wing ran into the room, picking fruit from the basket prepared for them.

"All set for your power disc game today, guys?" Su asked.

"All set to kick Wei's butt," Wing smirked, before stealing an apple from Wei.

"I'm going to power disc your face," Wing retorted, punching Wing in the stomach, before turning to Korra.

"Oh, I don't think I'd be much competition since I can't metalbend," Korra admitted.

"Really? Lin never offered to train you?" Su said disbelievingly.

" Nope, and I guess I never thought to bring it up because I was learning to airbend, then there was the pro-bending, then I got tied up fighting the equalists. It was a busy few months."
Saying it out loud, and so casually seemed almost absurd, but Korra had long since accepted that being the Avatar would mean going through some crazy things.

"Well it's probably for the best," Su said primly, before smirking, "I'm sure Lin would be a horrible teacher."

Korra chuckled with Su, before the latter leaned forward.

"As the Avatar, you should have mastery over all of the elements. I'd be happy to show you the basics," She offered.

"Really? That would be great!"

"You should try it too," Opal told Bolin, who froze, before waving a hand.

"Uh, nah. I'm more of an earth guy. The dirt, the rocks, maybe some light gravel... That's kinda where my heart is," Bolin replied awkwardly.

"Okay, earth guy. Well, let me know if you change your mind," Su said kindly.



Khione hadn't slept well last night. 

She had always been prone to nightmares. They came and went, sneaking into her dreams, vivid and terrifying, like shadows staining her mind. Tonight, she'd been falling and falling and falling through infinite darkness, the prickling, heart-plunging feeling of ground rushing up to meet her, rising until it caved her open. 

Khione sat up in her bed, her heart pounding in her chest, her entire body covered in cold sweat. She stumbled out of bed, throwing open her windows and letting the cool breeze wash over her, unable to sleep again. 

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