by the bayan grove tree

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Out of everywhere Korra could've been, Khione hoped to the spirits it wasn't this forest. Trees, tall and flourishing, stretched to the horizon, reaching on for as far as she could see. There was no way they could search the entire forest, even with Jinora's ability to sense her spirit.

"Those soldiers said there weren't any troops here, and I figure if Korra's not feeling good, she might come to a spiritual place like this to get better," Ikki offered, leaning forward from Pepper's saddle.

"There's an enormous amount of spiritual activity here, but I don't feel Korra," Jinora said, after a moment's meditation.

"Well, that's what we get for listening to Ikki," Meelo said disinterestedly. Khione gently hit him on the back of his head.

"Guys, we just got here. Let's at least look around."

"I'm sorry Ikki, but I'm with Meelo on this. I don't think we're going to find her here," Jinora replied, not unkindly.

Khione leaned forward to object as Jinora pulled at Pepper's reins. Any words she was about to say slipped from her mouth as Pepper suddenly grunted in surprise, giant vines wrapping around her legs. Khione grabbed onto the side of the saddle as Pepper was dragged down through the foliage, trying to shield herself from the stinging branches that whacked her in the face.

A moment later, they were deposited in the middle of a swamp, Pepper groaning and covered in vines. Instantly, Khione released her vice-like grip on the saddle, arms raised as she tried to take over the vines. She reared back in surprise when she was met with... resistance? Almost as if the vines could sense what she was trying to do. 

Khione switched tactics instantly, ducking as a vine shot into the air above her and commanding the water in the swamp. It sliced through the vines easily, and in a moment, she and the airbenders had cleared the vines off Pepper.

She ran a hand through her long hair, which had loosened from its bun in the rough descent, watching as the vines receded into the still water.

"Why did those stupid vines pull us in here anyway?" Meelo scowled grumpily.

"Because they want us here. I'm telling you, Korra's close," Ikki said, frustrated.

Khione glanced out at the expanse of trees, covered in green moss and towering above them.

"I don't know, Ikki. I still don't sense Korra," Jinora said hesitantly.

"Well, you haven't sensed her the entire time we've been looking for her!" Ikki yelled in her face.

Jinora scowled, leaning in.

Khione pinched the bridge of her nose, before planting her hands on both of the girls' faces and forcing them apart.

"Both of you, stop acting like you're five. Ikki's right. We might as well search this place, seeing as we clearly aren't welcome to leave," Khione intoned, letting go and brushing her hands on her shirt.

"Next time I go on a mission, it's going to be boys only. Just Poki and me," Meelo said happily, pointing to himself.


When Toph said she could help Korra, she didn't think 'helping' was going to be dragging Korra through miles of the swamp. Still, she had to admit that the banyan grove tree was incredibly impressive. It was ancient, towering over the rest of the swamp like a colossus.

"It's beautiful," Korra admitted.

"The roots of the banyan grove tree spread out for miles in every direction, connecting this whole swamp," Toph said.

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