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Chapter Twenty-Six: New MissionW/C: 2453

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Chapter Twenty-Six: New Mission
W/C: 2453

Zenitsu and Inosuke watch in amazement as Tanjiro did his reflex training with Kanao.

Zenitsu's mouth agapes, "Amazing.."

"Look at them go!!" Inosuke huffs in excitement.

Finally after a few periods of struggling, Kanao grabbed a medicine cup, Tanjiro sighs. Miyake wiped the medicine water off of Tanjiro with a smirk.

"That's it!" Aoi calls out, "Your record is now ten wins and ten losses."

Tanjiro smiles brightly at Kanao, "Phew... You sure are fast, Kanao!" He looks at the boys, "I'm totally not done yet. Let's go for a run. Are you up to it?"

Zenitsu pinched his brows, "You mean while doing Total Concentration, Constant?"

Tanjiro hits Zenitsu's stomach, Inosuke rips open his shirt and puffs his chest out, "Monjiro!"

Zenitsu punches Inosuke's chest multiple times, "Take this! Ngh... You're all brawn and no brains!"

Tanjiro smiles excitedly, "Let's go!"

{A few months ago: Infinity Castle}

Nakime plays a string on her biwa, summoning the Lower Twelve Kizuki into the infinity castle. One of the demons, Kamanue, looks around the castle in confusion.

"Where the hell is this place? Was it that woman's Blood Demon Art? Looks like the whole space is distorted around that woman."

With a sound of a few more strings being played, all of the lower moons were summoned, except lower moon 6. Kamanue crossed his brows.

"Only the Lower Ranks of the Twelve Kizuki have been summoned. That's never happened before. Lower Five isn't here yet."

Another sound of the biwa, and they were all transported to a platform with a woman standing above them. Kamanue narrowed his eyes at her in confusion.

"What's the deal with this woman? Who is she?"

"Lower your heads and crouch down, prostrate yourselves." Her voice is not at all what you'd guess it to be, because it was Muzan.

The lower moons quickly bow down, anxious and shaking.

Mukago fearfully apologizes, "P-Please forgive us! Since you've assumed a different form and aura..."

"Who gave you permission to speak?"

The lower moons tense up.

"Don't presume to voice your worthless thoughts. Answer my questions. Nothing else." Muzan said, glaring at the lower moons.

"Rui was killed. I'm talking about Lower Five.
I have but one question to ask of you. Why is it that you demons in the Lower Ranks are so utterly weak?
You shouldn't be satisfied with just being counted among the Twelve Kizuki. That is merely your starting point. To devour more humans, to gain more power... Your starting point for becoming useful to me..."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑯𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒂 | 𝙺𝙽𝚈 𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝙾𝚌Where stories live. Discover now