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Chapter Fourty-Two: You're Beautiful
W/C: 1965

Rengoku's flaming eyes seemed to harden in slight frustration, biting the inside of his lip as the next words uttered from his mouth were intentionally brash, "Open your eye then."

Miyake was surprised at Rengoku's unusual hard tone, he dropped the towel off to the side of the bath, "Kyōjurō-"

Rengoku's hands made their way to Miyake still-fresh wound on his face that drug down his hairline to hid lower jaw, across his eye.

Rengoku's face became wobbly and the anger he once felt turned into sorrow and anxiety, "Miyake... open your eye, right now."

Miyake sighed, bringing his trembling hand to caress Rengoku's, that held his face, he slowly opened his eye. Tears scored from Miyake's eyes in pain, it felt like rubbing sandpaper directly onto his pupil. It was dry and irritated, yet when he opened his eye, he didn't see anything different.

Rengoku's face contorted into pure fear, "Miyake, cover your other eye."

Miyake deadpanned, "Kyōjurō, Shinobu-Sama already did the vision test on my open eye, she didn't-"

"Cover your other eye!"

Miyake blinked nervously, obeying Rengoku's words. His shaky hand was brought up to his uninjured eye, and as he slowly covered it, he realized that everything went black.

"What's going on?"

Rengoku's lips trembled, "Mi-Miyake... what do you see?"



Uzui sighed, sitting on the futon of the hospital wing, waiting for any news of the three young boys and Miyake.

Miyake had saved their wives from any harm, the only harm done to them was mentally. Daki had tormented them during their stay, Uzui grit his teeth. He was angry at himself. Angry for allowing his wives to go on their own, angry for letting the young slayers he swore to protect get injured, and angry at himself for not protecting the man he loved.

"Fuck." Uzui cursed, his hands in his hair, tugging at it.

Tears strained his eyes as he imagined what could happen to Tanjiro, who was now in a coma. To the other two, whose injuries put them out of commission for a period of time; And to Miyake, whose injuries have yet to be tended to or evaluated.

It just didn't make any sense to Uzui. Why would Miyake ever attempt to keep Nezuko alive? Uzui knew Nezuko was the one who had injured him, yet why wouldn't Miyake confess to the truth?

"Uzui-Sama... Rengoku-Sama wishes for you to join him in Aniki's hospital room." One of the young girls notifys Uzui meekly.

She was honestly afraid of getting almost taken again, yet when Uzui stood up, she noticed that his thoughts were not connected to his body.

Her brows knitted in worry, was Aniki's condition that bad? Kanao and Shinobu wouldn't disclose any information to the younger girls, for whatever reason.

The hashiras worry for his husband just made her anxiety worse.

Uzui blasted into the room, Miyake laying in the hospital bed with his head down and his hands entwined, fingers fiddling with each other in what seemed to be nervousness.

Rengoku's hand was trapped between Miyake's, Uzui rushed over his hands nervously hovering over Miyake's body.

"Ah, are you okay, my love? What's wrong? Is someth-"

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