If Miyake Was A Girl For 24 Hours | Part 2

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Uzui grinned brightly, "If you are a woman, you can also bear me a strong child! You have perfect hips for childbearing."

Rengoku's posture was tense as Miyake's head tilted to the side, dark waves of her hair flowing past her waist as she glared at Uzui menacingly.

"I'll kill you."

Uzui smirked and flashed a pose, "You always say that, yet are never hesitant when you're with me!"

Miyake let go of Rengoku's hand and shoved her fist into Uzui's stomach, making him cough out, "YOU FUCKING-"


Miyake turned around to see the three young slayers she had taken under her wing. Inosuke, Zentisu, and Tanjiro, calling out to her.

Tanjiro walked up quickly to a smiling Rengoku and a heaving Uzui, "Rengoku-San, where is Aniki? I was tracking his scent, and it's right here, but I can't find him."

"Tanjiro-" Rengoku begins, before he is interrupted by a harsh sound of painful wails emitting from a certain Hashira.


Miyake waits until Uzui is bent down far enough for her leg to reach his shoulders, she kicks up and wraps her legs around his neck, forcing his head into the cobblestone walkway near the butterfly mansion.

Uzui smiled as blood dripped from his head into his mouth, painting his teeth red, he blushed as his head was between Miyake's plush thighs.


Miyake grimaced as she held Uzui down by her thighs, "Say one more thing and I'll rip your tongue out and feed it to an Uppermoon."

"Hey wait! Miss, you are harming a Hashira! I know Uzui-Sama can be annoying, but we must respect everyone! Miyake-Aniki said so!"

Miyake narrowed his eyes at Tanjiro, a sickening feeling crawling up Uzui and Rengoku's throats, Miyake had never been so harsh to Tanjiro before.

Miyake let's go of Uzui, his face plundering into the stone again. Uzui let's out a raspy groan, spitting out blood onto the pathway. Zenitsu gulps down anxiety while Inosuke stays oddly silent.

Miyake stands before Tanjiro, standing for once, shorter than Tanjiro. She tilts her head mockingly.

"Your aniki told you to respect those who deserve it," Miyake shifts her vision to a easily recovering Uzui, "Tengen here, has not gained my respect."

Tanjiro blinks nervously before he gasped with stars gleaming in his eyes, "Aniki! Have you gotten hit by a demon art again?! You look so beautiful as a woman! Such gorgeous features."

Miyake sighed, pushing her hair back behind her ear as she smirked at Tanjiro, "You're so smart, Tanjiro."

Zenitsu began screaming.


"Miyake-Sama, is everything alright so far? You have about 20 hours left until this spell wears off." Shinobu asks, the doctor within herself linked to wanting to care for Miyake.

Miyake nods, "Hai, Shinobu-Sama... so far, everything has been pretty normal."

Miyake looks down at her body, she grimaced, "Even if it's my body, I feel odd looking at it. Shinobu, may I ask you some personal questions about the female anatomy?"

Shinobu smiles her usual blank smile, "Of course."

"Do females often feel such immense pain in their shoulders?" Miyake asked, rubbing her back.

Shinobu chuckled, "I don't, but Mitsuri often does, it's your breasts Miyake."

Miyake blushed, her body tensed at the word, "Huh? My... my breasts can cause me to have back pain?"

"If their big enough," Shinobu looks closely at Miyake, "which yours definitely are."

There was a tense silence between the two females, one that was almost comical in nature.

"Shinobu-Sama, are you lesbian?"


"Miyake is a girl!!!~ she's so gorgeous and strong, did you see her take down Uzui-San with her thighs!! She looked so sexy." Zenitsu gushed, his hands on his face as he imagined Miyake's thighs.

Tanjiro groaned out on disgust, pushing Zenitsu's head down, "Don't say such things about Aniki, that's so gross."

Inosuke was still quiet, thinking deeply about something but he couldn't remember why he felt such a negative way. He wanted to call Miyake mother, and he didn't quite know why, he forgot what that word meant.

"Gonpachiro, what does mother mean?"

Tanjiro perked up, dropping Zenitsu's collar and smiling brightly at Inosuke, "Mother is someone who takes care of you! Usually a woman, she feeds you, loves you, and takes care of you."

Inosuke hums, "Mikake is my mother."



"Mother! Mother!!"

"Inosuke! That's not what I meant!" Tanjiro chased after a bolting Inosuke, in search of his mother.

Rengoku was holding hands with Miyake, both of them gracefully enjoying their walk downtown. The wisteria leaves beautifully hung over the city near HQ. It was a calm atmosphere. It was lovely.

Rengoku slowly wrapped his arm around Miyake's waist, his hand resting modestly on her hip, she held onto his kimono. Both of them enjoying the presence of nothing.

Master granted Miyake 24 hours of a break because of the probable danger she might end up in by using her breathing technique. They didn't know how her forms might change because of her statue, so they decided to play it safe.

Rengoku and Miyake walked close together, both of them reaching an end to the walking path, standing before a tall and beautiful wisteria tree. The two love birds slowly turned toward each other, and Rengoku blushed, looking down and ignoring Miyake's gaze.

"Kyōjurō? Is something bothering you?" Miyake tilted her head, her braided hair keeping intact as it slipped to the side.

When Rengoku didn't answer, Miyake frowned deeply, "Is... is it my looks? Does me being a woman disgust you? Why wont you look at me?"

"Because you're beautiful."

Miyake's grey eyes widened, the wind picked up and blew the wisteria perfectly in time, the calm flower petals dancing gracefully down to the ground.

Rengoku's flaming eyes creased as he smiled at Miyake with pure love and admiration in his eyes, "I can't look at you, because I'll never want to look away! Every time I look at you, I want to..."

Rengoku sighs, digging into his pocket, he was about to say something before Inosuke came tumbling up the hill, screaming and yelling.

Miyake blinked owlishly before dodging to the side as Inosuke ran after her, calling out.

"Mother! Gonpachiro said you are my mother, Miyaya!" Inosuke grunted out like a beast, "You act like one, so you must be one!"


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