3- An offer I could definitely refuse

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I peel my eyes open and I'm greeted by darkness. Where am I? What happened? I try to move but my hands are trapped to the sides of the chair I'm sitting on. I notice that my feet are also tied to the chair. What is this? I pull on the binds. A small wave of panic rushes through me.

"Hello?!" I yell. I pull harder on the binds, my breath coming out heavy. I don't like this feeling of being trapped, it makes me want to pull my hair out.

"Let me out of here! Where am I?" I try to reach into my pocket for my spare knife but it's impossible in my position. I groan loudly, this is annoying. What happened? I walk down memory lane, trying desperately to recollect what happened. Then the pieces start to come together. I was taking a walk, I saw some drunkards...then...I saw a vampire and the werewolf that could be responsible for my parents' death. They were arguing and I quite remember how psychotic the vampire behaved.

"Ah, I always knew humans were loud creatures." a voice says. I recognize that voice.

"Vampire? Let me go"

He steps in front of me and crouches down to my level.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because... we're on the same side" I spit out. He cocks his head to one side.

"Surely, you'll say anything to free yourself"

"I'm not lying... just let me go first then we'll talk. I'm human and you're not what could I possibly do to you?"

He looks like he's thinking about what I said. His hands brush mine swiftly as he rips off the ropes. They are cold.

I have a plan. I stand up from the chair and muster enough courage to pull out the pepper spray in my pocket and I spray his eyes with it. He groans and I drive my blade into his torso.

I know I will not make it and I know it's stupid but I still run to the door anyway. As soon as I touch the handle, I'm yanked backward and pressed against the door harshly. I wince, I might have a few bruises now.

"You are very stupid. Did you think you could run away?" He seethed. His eyes bleed black and I see his sharp fangs stretch out. I smile nervously.

"No, I just wanted to try"

He growls pressing me harder against the door, a whimper escapes my lips before I realize it.

"Please... let's talk"

"I don't bargain with my prisoners"

"Prisoner? Ally might be the right word...we can work together. Just hear me out... please" I add at the end when I notice his fangs grow longer.

We sit across from each other, me on the chair and him on the bed. Oh, he is a sight for sore eyes. He has the most striking blue eyes and the darkest hair I have ever seen.

"Did I mention I'm not very patient?"

I scold myself internally. What am I doing? I need to keep my eyes on the prize.

"We can help each other. That man...that werewolf earlier, I recognize him. Four years ago, my parents died in an accident...or at least that's what I was told but a week before the accident I remember seeing that werewolf talking to my parents. And they weren't just talking, they were arguing and right after that my parents said we were moving. It was almost as if they were running away from something. For four years, I've been clueless about what happened to them and today... for the first time I might have a lead." I say carefully.

He says nothing and I decide to continue.

"I want to find out if the werewolf murdered my parents but I need your help. I want to know why he is after me as well. I don't know what you have against him but I know you're keeping me here to spite him and I know you don't want to kill me...at least not yet because if you wanted to you would have in the forest. I assume you just want to flaunt me in front of him... probably rub salt on his wound or something..." I run my hands through my hair. His eyes follow my movement, watching me intensely.

"...the point is we can help each other. I will stay here willingly and you can flaunt me in front of him. Then, in return, you will help me find out the truth" a wise person once said, if you can't run from the shadows invite it to dance.

The Vampire chuckles.

"Do you think I need to make a deal with a weak human to get what I want?"

"Of course not...you are a vampire. You are capable but it will save you so much unnecessary stress and trouble if I willingly do as you say"

I watch the wheels in his head turn. I said he was capable, that was the bait. Men are slaves to their pride...as long as you tell them how great they are, you'll always get them to do anything.

"The room across from this one will be your room. If you go against me, I will not hesitate to rip off your head"

"O-of course"

Well, he isn't exactly my favorite person but I need him. He's my ticket to finding out the truth. Running away is futile, I might as well take advantage of the opportunity to find out the truth, and if I'm lucky I'll make a friend who will eventually help me escape later. But now, I need to know the truth. I hope I didn't make a mistake. By agreeing to partner with him, have I gotten tangled up in something bad? I can't deny the small pang of uncertainty that settles in my chest.


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