5- Hush Little Baby, Don't You Cry (1)

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A knock on my door interrupts my sleep, I groan and climb off the bed. I can barely see a thing but who cares, I just want to see who's at my door and return to bed. I pull open the door and a girl with red hair is waiting for me.

"Um...hi?" I mumble. A lady I have never seen before.

"Good morning, miss. I'm Sahar, I am your maid. The prince has instructed me to take care of your needs and the prince has a meeting by ten so he will only be able to help you from seven to nine o'clock which means you need to get ready now"

"Now? Oh...okay" I sigh. After the little fight we had yesterday I guess he's willing to help me now.

"May I come in?"

I nod. She walks in and only then do I notice the guard behind her holding a bag. My bag.

"How did you...?" I trail off as I take my bag from the guard. He leaves and Sahar shuts the door.

"The Prince was able to bring a few of your things from your previous realm"

What?! Previous realm? I never asked where I was though. But wait...did she say the prince got my things? My eyes pop out.

"The prince packed my bag?"

She nods. Oh shit! I run into the bathroom with my bag. What on earth did he pack?! I zip open the bag in a hurry and pull out some clothes and underwear...

I sit on the floor. Oh shit! He packed my freaking underwear?! I slap my hands across my face. This is embarrassing. I groan loudly and shove the dumb clothes back in.

A knock on the door interrupts me.

"Miss? I need to help you get ready"

"No, thank you. I'm good"

"Very well, I'll be outside"

I hit my head against the wall gently. It's fine. It's done. There's no need to dwell on it. I release a breath before getting off the floor.


I follow Sahar to the library, the same library Dagon took me to the first time he left books for me to research. One thing my research was right about is vampires have impeccable taste. The halls, the library, my room, the stairs, the dining room, and literally any other part of the mansion I've managed to see are exquisitely designed. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the stares I get from guards and maids I walk past. I frown, what's wrong?

"Sahar, why is everyone staring at me?"


"Sahar, what took you guys so long? Dagon doesn't have all day, you know?" A guy I remember from the dining room says.

"Apologies, Erix" she says before leaving.

"Good morning" I say politely.

"Oh, I see you're nicer today" he teases with a smile. I return an awkward smile.

"Well, he's waiting inside"

I nod before entering. Dagon's back is turned to me.

"Yesterday, you almost tore out my ears because I wasn't helping, and now that I'm helping you decide to arrive la-"

He pauses when he turns. Okay, now, he's staring at me. What is wrong? Is it my face? Or...shit!

"Well...I assumed you would feel comfortable in your own clothes but clearly, that was bad a bad decision. What exactly are you wearing?"

It's my outfit.

"What? Don't tell me you've never seen a girl in a tank top and shorts" I say.

"I've seen vampires wear less than that...the point is you're human. Every vampire can hear the warm blood pumping through your veins and the neck is the easiest access. Walking around wearing that is a temptation"

I roll my eyes.

"Well, it's not my fault. I work from home which means I only have comfortable home wears and unfortunately you didn't pack any of my trousers and shirts" I defend. Plus the jacket I wore on my first day here is dirty. And I feel comfortable wearing what I'm wearing.

"I didn't pack your clothes, Erix did. Once we're done here just stay in your room, I'll have clothes sent to you"

Oh, thank goodness! I don't know why but I'm relieved he didn't pack my clothes.

"Why did the werewolf come for me?" I question after about an hour of searching.

"Now, how should I know, Love?"

"I know you know something otherwise why did you come for me too?"

I watch him exhale before sighing.

"Your bloodline is special to werewolves. I don't know much about it but every five hundred years they need someone from your bloodline."

"Why do they need me? What can I possibly offer?"

"All I know is Caspian needs to mate with you to continue their line and restore their strength... something like that"

My eyes widen, mate with me?! As in I will marry him or he's just going to knock me up and kill me? Oh my gosh... thank goodness Dagon kidnapped me. Who knows? Maybe if he hadn't I would be carrying a werewolf pup.

"That's enough for today. I have to be somewhere, return to your bedroom"

He leaves after that. What a strange vampire! He could have told me this yesterday but he said nothing. What more isn't he saying? If he doesn't help me find the truth about my parents, I won't help him with Caspian.

I remain seated in the library and look through a book on the supernatural realm. The door bursts open suddenly and a little girl runs into the library. She runs towards me and hides behind my chair. Surprised, I stand up to question why she was running but a maid rushes in.

"Pardon me, miss but have you seen a little girl run in here?"

I thought for a second before shaking my head. The maid nods before leaving. Once she's gone, I turn around to look behind my chair for the girl.

"Hello" I wave at her.

"Why were you running from your maid?" I question next, crouching down to her level. She blinks and I notice how long her lashes are. She's literally so cute with a button nose and long brown hair.

"I only wanted to see D but they wouldn't let me until I finished my breakfast"

I laugh softly.

"Well, why didn't you finish your breakfast? Don't you know you need to eat so that you can grow?"

She nods and grips my finger.

"Will you help me find D?"

"Um...I'm not supposed to wander the halls" I say.

"Were you punished?" She questions.

"No, I was bullied by a bad vampire"

"Everyone fears D, when I tell him, he'll punish the bad vampire"

"That's so sweet. What's your name?"


"Well, hello Kaida, I'm Daphne" I smile.


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Love, Rese.

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