9- A Crack In The Glass (1)

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I knew this would happen. My father proving that he was right and I was wrong. Saying that I have yet again failed him and disappointed him. And now standing beside my older brother, Nikola, and standing in front of my father I was right. The silence is deafening. Father hasn't said a word. He hasn't said a word but I know what he wants to say.

"You want things to go your way? You want to satisfy your pride? At what cost, though? The life of that human girl?!"

"You know I never intended for that to happen" I mutter. Daphne's attack was expected but what I didn't expect was her disappearance from the party. When I heard Caspian's howl, I knew she was in danger. I regret I couldn't end him last night. At least I killed Reeve. It was a stupid move. Sending only Reeve to kidnap Daphne while he attacked us with the other wolves.

"Now, to avoid any more clashes with the wolves -though I doubt that's possible seeing as you ripped the heart out Caspian's right-hand man-you will return the girl to her owner"


"I will not! Reeve's death was inevitable and Caspian doesn't own her"

Technically, I got her first so she's mine. Mine to do whatever I please.

"He does. She belongs to Caspian as stated by the prophecy. You want to defy the prophecy?!"

He doesn't even know her, why does he care so much? And damn that stupid prophecy, I will do whatever I want.

"What is this?! Why do you care about her so much? Why did you take her out to the garden last night?" I question. I watch his lips press together tightly. He's hiding something.

"Perhaps you should tell him" Nikola states. I turn to look at him. He knows what father is hiding. Of course, he does.

"That's enough from the both of you!" Father yells.

"What are you hiding?" I press on.

"Analisse was the woman I loved before I married your mother. Analisse is Daphne's grandmother"

My eyes widen. Well, well, would you look at that?

"Analisse is the reason you hated our mother?" I utter.

"I hated your mother because she was a virus, a poison that tried to corrupt your brother's mind and yours, Dagon. Unfortunately, she latched her evil claws to you before I could prevent it"

I narrow my eyes at him. Of course, he blames everything on her.

"Now, I've been alive long enough to know how important that prophecy is. If it is broken or ignored then it will not only destroy the werewolves but will come after Daphne and possibly even you"

I laugh dryly.

"Let's not pretend you care about me" I state. He always saw me as a problem.

"Listen to yourself, boy. You sound like Helena!"

Nikola and I share the same surprised expression when he mentions our mother's name. He never mentioned her name. Especially after she died.

"If she was so bad, why didn't you do anything? Why didn't you try? In your eyes, Nikola is your only son"

I feel sick, the pain is gnawing at me, escalating from a dull throb to burning, glaring pain. The memories of my father's coldness and hardheartedness burn fresh in my memory.

"I demand to know why you treated me differently. Why am I never good enough for you? What are you punishing me for?!" I grit.

"Answer me!!" I growl, I break off the hand from a wooden chair and push my father against the wall, digging the wood into his chest.

"Dagon! What are you doing?!" Nikola yells.

"Answer me!" I state, digging the wood deeper. He winces in pain. Good. He should feel what he made me feel for twenty-five years.

"Because you may resemble me but you are just like your mother. You are impulsive, childish, and destructive. Every time I see you, I am reminded of Helena and I am reminded that she was the reason Analisse died. You hold a stake to my heart and you wonder why I despise you"

I release my hand from the wood and step backward. This is the reason he hates me?! When it isn't even my fault. I feel a tear trickle down my cheek. The ache in my chest consumes me and I growl, throwing the first thing I get my hands on across the room.


"No!! Don't tell me to calm down! Don't tell me to-"

I'm cut off when a needle is pressed into my neck. The content of the needle empties into my body, leaving me weak and disoriented.

"What have you done?!" I hear Nikola's voice.

As every bit of strength leaves my body, I look up at my father-needle in hand-he did it again. Black spots fill my vision and everything goes black.


I groan in frustration as I rip out another page from my drawing book. Why can't I stop? I stare at the litter of papers scattered on the floor. Why do I keep drawing him? And it's the same drawing. The look he had when his father said he despised him. Raw pain.

It was only a few hours ago when I watched the King inject Dagon with vervain causing him to lose consciousness. I don't know what to do. I'm conflicted. I shouldn't have been nosy. If I hadn't gone to look for Dagon to thank him for saving my life yesterday then I wouldn't have heard his conversation with his father and brother in the meeting room.

And I can't even sleep, every time I close my eyes I remember the look he had. I always thought Dagon was arrogant and selfish but earlier today he looked like someone who just wanted his father's love. He looked like someone who missed his mother. I remember the pain in his eyes when his father said he despised him for something he had no control over.

Now, he's locked in a room downstairs. I followed the King cautiously to see where he was taking Dagon. Am I supposed to release him? Is that why I can't sleep or draw anything other than him? Can I break him out? He must be weak because of the vervain. How will I break him out?

No, I shouldn't get myself involved in family drama. One son daggers his father with a stake and the father drugs him with vervain while the other son watched unable to do a thing. I should mind my business. I should sleep, it's almost twelve.


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