26- The runny nose of doom

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I smile softly, feeling the warm tickles of the sun on my skin. I hear the low but steady beat of Dagon's heart. I think he's asleep. I peel my eyes open slowly and I smile. Oh, I was right.

His features are relaxed. His defenses are down. His hair is a cute mess on his head. I kinda want to watch him sleep forever. He's so...

I notice black, faint lines on my wrist. Huh? Maybe it's a scratch. I refuse to think about it.

Okay. So, last night was...I want to experience it again. The high, the inability to think of anything other than his hands on my body. I want that. The pleasure, his hands. I want that again. His dangerous, bruising kisses. I want that again.

I bring my gaze back to his face and I gasp in shock when I see him staring. Why does he make me jump?

"I didn't mean to" he chuckles and it's the most beautiful sound. I laugh softly.

Later, because I'm curious and spontaneous, I walk into his bathroom. He's in the shower, I can see his silhouette through the glass. His hair is wet. Obviously. His back turned to me, I remember scraping his back last night.

"Are you just going to stand there?" He says from inside the shower. Then, I realize how fast I'm breathing. I'm still without clothes, so I walk toward the shower and I step in.


I notice the dark lines on my wrists have grown. I frown, examining them. They look like...veins. I remember the nightmare I always have.

Veins all over my body.

No. No. No.

I push away the negative thoughts and resume dressing up. Now, I'm in my bedroom. I prefer Dagon's, it smells like him.

Okay, my brain melted last night when we made love but it exploded this morning in the shower. It was hot. Like hot. And the water was cold but it was hot. I release a shaky breath, just thinking about it makes me shudder. It was amazing.

The dull pain that resides in my chest suddenly becomes more obvious. I clutch my chest, I ignored this pain thinking it would go but it hasn't left yet.

I pick up my phone and Google 'reasons for chest pain'. A lot of causes come up but the one that stands out is a heart attack. Nope. I can't have symptoms of a heart attack.

I sigh, it's probably nothing.

Sahar walks into my room, she sends me a smile which I return.

"You forgot your scarf" she mutters.

Oh, right. The stupid red marks on my neck are yet to fade completely. From the mirror, I watch her fix the scarf around my neck.

Then it tightens.

"Sahar, I think it's a bit too tight" I mumble. It tightens and now I'm practically struggling to breathe.

Coughing violently, I look up at the mirror and it's not Sahar, it's the faceless woman. I can't speak or move though. I'm paralyzed.


"Daphne?!" I shake her but she's not moving. Not speaking. Just crying. Barely even breathing.

I don't know what to do. I can't think of anything.

"Daphne? Please..."

She blinks.


"Dagon, I'm sleepy"

She's asleep soon.

"I don't understand what happened" Alma mutters.

I know, it was scary.

"Should we talk to Emilia?"

Emilia?! What? No.

"We don't need Emilia! She's fine"

"Is that what you're going to keep telling yourself when it gets worse?"

I glare at my father.

"When what gets worse?" Alma speaks.

"The damn prophecy! I told you to return her to the wolves but you didn't listen. Now, she'll die because of you"

"I don't believe in prophecies." I state. There has to be another reason. Not some stupid prophecy.

"Father's right. We all just saw what happened to her" Nikola mutters.

No. She's not going to die. She's going to be fine. I don't believe in prophecies, I'll find whatever's wrong with her and I'll fix it.

"Her death will be on your hands. You brought her here because everything's a game to you." Father throws at me.

No. She's not going to die.

"She's not a game to him. He loves her"

Why is Alma defending me?

I just want them out of the room.

I just want to be with Daphne.

"Love?" Father laughs like it's the funniest thing. "Don't deceive yourself, Dagon. We both know you're incapable of love. All you do is own people and look where that has gotten you"

It dawns on me. I broke the prophecy.

"Get out. All of you"


"I said get out!" I yell.

Alma looks behind me and I turn, following her line of sight. Daphne's awake. She's watching me.

I hear Alma, Nikola, and Father leave.


Walking towards her bed, I sit down beside her.

"Your father was wrong" she mumbles.

Of course, she supports me. She always does. But he's not wrong. I did this. I broke the prophecy. I destroyed everything. She's in pain and it's my fault.

I really can't love. All I do is curse everyone around me. All I do is ruin. And now I've ruined her.

"I'm sorry"


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