33- Mr Brightside

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"Don't cry, it will be over before you know it" Caspian says softly, in an attempt to calm me but it does the exact opposite.

"No!!!!!! Let me go!!!!" I scream.

Caspian smiles sweetly as if he has just done something good. Is he crazy?!

He leans towards me and I realize he's actually going to turn me. He's actually going to bite me. I stare at him wide-eyed, unable to blink. He takes hold of my arm and leans closer to the arm.

No. He's not going to bite me. Dagon. He's going to save me. Like he always does. Dagon's going to save me.

"Ah!!!!" A painful scream escapes my lips as Caspian's teeth sink into my arm.

I scream until I'm unable to. I yell Dagon's name until I'm unable to. I stare silently at the door...my vision blurs.

I can't...see properly. Then, my vision suddenly becomes clear...too clear. I shut my eyes, before opening them again.

Everything sounds so loud, I can hear Caspian's heartbeat. I can...until I can't.

The werewolf venom must be spreading rapidly. No, this isn't happening.

My vision becomes weird, I can see better all of a sudden. Then, it returns to normal.

"Your eyes, they just flickered golden. It's working" I hear him celebrate.

I hate him. I hate him for doing this to me.


I freeze. My heart stops. My breathing stops. Everything stops.

"Dagon?" I whisper. Dagon's here. That's his voice.

The look on Caspian's face confirms what I heard. It's really Dagon. A small sense of relief washes over me.

The door falls to the ground as Dagon comes in. He looks at me briefly and reassuringly before going straight for Caspian.

My hearing starts to fade, I can hear Dagon's insults and threats directed at Caspian but I can't make out what he's saying.

I see Dagon about to rip out Caspian's heart when I scream...not for him to stop but because my finger snapped.

Dagon drops a still-breathing Caspian on the floor and rushes toward me. He rips off the binds on my wrists and ankles immediately. He carries me bridal style out of the room.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to get to you. I'm sorry-" he's cut off when I cough out black blood. Is that supposed to happen?

Am I going to die?

I yell painfully when another bone in my body snaps, I grip Dagon's shirt instinctively but I end up tearing his shirt and scratching out his flesh.

I freeze when I stare at my hands and see claws instead.

No. No.

"I know you have no reason to help me but I need your help. She was bitten by Caspian and I think she's having a negative reaction"

Who is he talking to?

I suddenly realize that we're at Emilia's house.

"Put her on the rug"

He drops me on the ground and I stand on all fours, coughing out more blood.

I feel Dagon's hand patting my hair gently.

"Whatever happens, I'm here" he whispers.

My teeth start hurting.

I'm crying because the pain is eating me up.

"Dagon... please I'm in pain"

"I'm here...no matter what happens"


I don't know how many times I've reassured her but there's nothing I can do.

She's in transition and it's painful. She's in pain and there's nothing I can do.

"Emilia, please help her...I'll do anything. I'll give you enough blood to last you many years but please just save her"

"You've never begged before..." She mutters.

I just want her to be okay.

"Dagon" she cries out again.

"Look at me" she listens to me. I stare at her foreign eyes. They're golden.

"When it's all over, I'll take you anywhere you want. I'll give you anything you want...now I just want you to forget the pain and picture where you want me to take you. Picture what you want me to do for you" I murmurs. She nods.

"If I inject her with wolfsbane right at her heart it can counter the effects of the venom but it will hurt and because she's having a negative reaction to the venom, she could die."

"She won't. Do it"

She won't die. Emilia's prophecy said that. I can't let Daphne turn into a werewolf, she would hate herself. I would hate myself if I let that happen to her.

"Once the wolfsbane kills the venom, it should be out of her body completely in two days at most" Emilia mutters.

Daphne's scream when Emilia injects her with the wolfsbane is deafening. I hold her, comforting her. She's in pain but there's nothing I can do about it. Despite the pain, I can still see how she manages to smile softly.

She's so silly.

I smile too.

She must be imagining where she wants to go. What she wants to do.

I'll ask her everything and fulfill every desire she has. I swear it. She'll never be hurt again. I won't let that happen.


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