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   "Wow this place is amazing!" Jovie awed at the surrounding town, her eyes lit up as she looked from shop to shop.

   Several bags already decorated her arms as they had been in Hogsmeade for about an hour and the girls had taken her to all their favorite stores, plus a few they thought she would like.

   Alice popped her gum, "it's about time to meet the guys."

   Lily let out a loud groan as she let her head hang, Mary laughing as she pulled her along, the two girl's arms intertwined. Marlene followed behind them, pushing the eager Jovie with her as Alice trailed them, her hands tucked into her pockets.

   Before they left for Hogsmeade they had made an agreement to meet and have lunch at the three broomsticks. Reason being the boy's wanting to go to Zonko's, for what reason anyone could guess.

   Marlene held open the door for her friends, "welcome!"

   Jovie grinned as she entered the old restaurant, her eyes quickly landing on a booth in the back the boy's had filled.

   Lily tried to turn and make a break for it but Alice caught her and pushed her forward. James seemed to notice the new arrivals, sitting up straight as he waved. "Lily! I saved you a seat next to me!" he cheered.

   Peter snickered, "I think she'd rather sit on the floor mate."

   This caused Sirius to burst into laughter, Remus being considerate as he tried to hide it from James' appalled face. He immediately launched into bickering with Peter, the two boy's immediately stopping as the girls reached the table.

   Remus looked at Jovie, a grin playing at his lips, "got some shopping done?"

   The blonde smiled, "what can I say? This place is amazing," she shoved the bags into the empty booth behind them as she slipped into the seat next to Sirius, his arm immediately around her shoulders as if it was magnetic.

   Sirius twirled one of her curls around his finger, "where'd you guys go?"

   Jovie launched into discussion of all the fabulous shops they visited as the rest of the girls took seats, Lily sliding in next to her, the farthest seat from James, as Mary and Marlene sat across from her leaving Alice to pull up a chair.

   James got on his knees in his seat making Lily roll her eyes at his bad etiquette as he waved wildly towards a woman behind the bar. "Rosmerta! C'mere I want you to meet someone!"

   The woman shot a glare at James, "POTTER YOU BETTER SIT DOWN ON YOUR BOTTOM RIGHT NOW!"

   James dropped to his seat quickly, as the rest of the table laughed. A moment later the woman finished with her customer, making her way over to the kids. She smiled at the girls, "I haven't seen you ladies in here in a while, reckon the boy's kept you away."

   Lily grimaced, "you have no idea."

   The woman, Rosmerta, let out a hearty laugh as she turned to find Sirius with his arm draped over a new girl. This wasn't unusual but she could tell it was different. "Is this who you wanted me to meet?"

   James nodded, his cheeks puffed out in a pout, "you didn't have to bloody yell at me tho-"

   Remus grinned, ruffling Jovie's hair, "meet our newest addition, Jovina Scamander."

   Rosmerta smiled at the girl, holding out her hand, "I'm Rosmerta, darling to make your acquaintance."

   This caused Jovie to grin widely, the woman's energy was infectious. "Same here," she grinned, her dimples digging deep.

   This in turn caused Sirius to grin, the boy poking her cheek causing the girl to let out a small giggle before erupting into laughs. Alice let out a laugh at the two's ridiculousness, Mary and Marlene laughing as well.

   James watched Lily's face as she struggled to hold in her laugh, he himself bursting into laughter. Peter grinned as he chuckled, poking Remus in the side in an effort to help the boy release his bubbling laughter.

   Then everyone was laughing, nobody able to breathe.

   Rosmerta leaned onto the booth, a wide toothy grin spreading on her face as she watched the kids. Her eyes fell on Jovie alone, "well isn't that something."

* * *

   Lily flopped onto her bed, burying her face into her pillow as she groaned. Alice took a seat on the bed beside her, moving a pillow to her lap. "Today was fun," she sighed.

   Marlene grinned as she threw herself onto her bed, "bloody exhausting though."

   Lily picked up her head, an irritated look on her face. She scoffed, "well try being the one who gets harassed all day by some arrogant toerag."

   Mary smiled as she patted her friend's head. "Must be so tough for our little Lily," she cooed, sarcasm lacing her voice. This caused Alice and Marlene to burst into laughter, Lily swatting her friends away with her hand.

   She grumbled at their laughter, "anyway, where is Jo?"

   Alice clutched her stomach, wiping a tear from her eye, "still downstairs," she heaved in a breath, "with James and Sirius."

   Marlene scrunched up her face, "you might not want to go down there though, that arrogant toerag might pester you again."

   Lily rolled her eyes as another wave of laughter passed over the girls. She stood and marched to her door, starting down the hall to the stairs. She could hear Jovie's voice, the girl skidding to a stop on the bottom step. "Jo-"

   She stopped herself, watching as Jovie sat between James and Sirius. The two were deep in conversation with her, all three of them grinning from ear to ear.

   Sirius' arm was hooked over Jovie's shoulder and a Gryffindor girl he had hooked up with last year was glaring from across the common room.

   Lily grinned, all thoughts of interrupting them gone as she watched Sirius grin at Jovie. The redhead hummed in delight before turning to skip back up the steps and towards her room. 

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