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   Jovie frowned as she forced open her eyelids. She sat up looking around the room to find all the other beds occupied.

   Remus was in the bed closest to her though all she could see were his wild tawny curls sticking out from beneath the duvet. Feeling a shift beside her, the blonde turned to find Sirius on top of the covers, his hair all over the place.

   It looked like he had tried to push himself to the furthest corner of the bed and even made a pillow wall between them. Though the pillows had been scattered as he sprawled on the bed, his shirt lifted slightly allowing the girl to see his toned torso.

   Jovie squeezed her eyes shut, she really needed to throw up.

   Standing, she kicked off the covers of the bed, careful not to wake anyone as she crept to the door, making her way into the hall.

   The boy's hallway was littered with bottles and cans, one of the prewett twins passed out by the stairs. Jovie moved his legs gently to the side, moving his jacket over him as a blanket.

   She made her way to the common room and it was trashed, as expected. Tables were tipped, some teens sleeping on the couches as others had started to clean up before McGonagall could come scold them all.

   Jovie thought about helping before feeling the overwhelming urge to empty her guts build as she hurried back up the steps to the girls side of the dormitories.

   She passed the open doors of the girl's dorms, waving inside to Emmeline Vancce in her dorm. Almost all the girls' dorms were always open so they could go in and out, hanging out in other rooms and such.

   Finally making it to the bathroom she was rushed with the smell of vomit, clasping a hand over her mouth. She made her way to the last stall, her favorite, to find Lily bent over the toilet.

   "Mind if I join you?"

   Lily sat up, wiping her mouth, "be my guest."

   After about forty five minutes and seven toilet flushes later both girls deemed that they were officially done and headed back to their room to get ready for a late breakfast.

* * *

   Jovie slid into a seat beside Sirius, grabbing a muffin from the center of the table. She had showered and cast a pain reliever spell so she felt a hundred times better than when she woke up.

   "Thanks a lot for last night," she smiled.

   Sirius nodded, shoveling his breakfast into his mouth, "don't ever do that again."

   Remus smiled smugly at his two friends from across the table, "yeah sorry Jo, none of us meant to leave you alone." He elbowed James, the brunette nodding as he gulped down his eggs. "I don't know what I was thinking, sorry Jo."

   Jovie shot a glance at Sirius before grinning, "it's fine, you guys were having fun." She suspected at some point this morning Sirius had chewed them all out.

   James grinned, "on the plus side, spin the bottle has become my favorite game."

   Lily immediately stood with her tray, "I'm going to sit with Sev," she declared, almost running away. Jovie looked between her two friends, her mouth agape, "oh my Merlin."

   Sirius' jaw was on the ground, "James you didn't."

   James just sat back, smirking.

   Alice and Marlene exchanged glances, both girls in disbelief. After a moment the silence was broken as Peter jumped up, "James Potter you bloody did it!"

   This set off a series of yells and cheers throughout their section of the table. Remus patted his friend on the back, "congratulations mate, never thought I'd see the day."

   Marlene, Mary and Alice all stood on their benches as they cheered, Peter joining them. Some other Gryffindors grew interested and eventually the entire table was celebrating.

   James had been pining for Lily since first year, this was a huge milestone.

   "Our great captain James Fleamont Potter!" Peter and some other sixth years sang. Everyone besides the first years were in a frenzy.

   "Everyone sit down!" McGonagall came along their table, shushing all of her rowdy kids. She stopped by James frowning down at him, "what's happened now Potter?"

   Sirius grinned as he threw an arm over Jovie's shoulder, "oh you won't believe it Minnie, James has finally kissed his Lilypad." Alice let out another string of loud cheers at this.

   McGonagall tried to hold back her smile, patting James on the back, "well congratulations, Mister Potter."

   It wasn't long after that the excitement died down and they continued on with their breakfast, everyone talking of their plans for Halloween. Just then the hall windows opened, allowing for all the owls to fly in.

   Jovie found her mother's brown spotted owl, waving the creature over to her. She landed on her shoulder, dropping the envelope onto the table. The blonde quickly ripped open the envelope, pulling out the letter inside.

   Sirius watched as the girl's face fell, "what's wrong?"

   Jovie shoved the paper into her pocket, grinning, "everything's fine."

* * *

   Rumors had been spreading like wildfire since the party.

   Jovie had made the mistake of actually leaving Sirius' room in plain daylight, not to mention wearing his clothes. Her messy hair and groggy appearance didn't help anything either.

   Since everyone knew she didn't drink, or rather hadn't drunk before, the automatic assumption was that something had gone down when they disappeared to his dorm last night.

   The blonde sighed, "people keep staring."

   James chuckled from his spot next to her, "not staring, Jo. Glaring. They're glaring. And it's only the girls, bloody jealous they are."

   The two were seated in Slughorn's class and were supposed to be working on a potion together however Jovie was doing most of the work as James just sat on the table, staring over at Lily.

   Lily frowned, leaning over from the table she was at with Remus. "Jovie stop doing all his work for him! He's taking advantage of you!" James winked at her, the redhead rolling her eyes as she retreated behind Remus.

   Jovie smiled, shrugging as she stirred the potion. "I like potions, I don't mind." She turned back to James, her brows furrowed. "Anyhow, why is everyone glaring? Did I do something?"

   Remus grinned, "ah, our sweet sweet innocent Jovina."

   Jovie shook her head at her friends, placing down her spoon and raising her hand. "I'm done Professor." James slid down from his seat on the desk, plopping on his lab goggles as he let a wide grin spread on his face.

   "Yup! We're all done sir!" 

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