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   James cheered in excitement, turning to wake his friends only to find they weren't in the bed with him. He gulped, "oh Merlin."

   He made his way to the bathroom, slowly opening the door only to find it jammed. He stuck his head inside, Sirius leaned up against the door asleep, Jovie beside him, her head on his shoulder.

   James grinned at the two, before shoving the door all the way open, throwing both kids forward and waking them.

   Jovie sat up slowly, rubbing her head, "what just happened?"

   Sirius however was already wide awake, rolling up his sleeves. "JAMES COME BACK!" He ran from the bathroom after his friend, Jovie quickly standing to chase after the two.

   She followed them down the steps, ramming into Sirius' back as she slid down the hallway in her socks. Sirius seemed to have done the same to James' back, seeing as he was groaning in pain.

   James looked up to the man blocking his way, "geez dad that hurt!"

   Fleamont grinned, stepping to the side to allow the kids into the living room. "No fighting on Christmas, go ahead."

   They slowly filed past, Sirius whispering profanities under his breath as they took seats on the carpet around the tree. Euphemia was already seated on the couch, a cup of coffee in hand.

   Fleamont took a seat beside his wife, sighing, "commence the present opening."

   James began to pass out presents at light speed, immediately ripping into his own. Anyone could clearly see his enthusiasm for the holiday. Jovie and Sirius began on theirs as well, a little more slowly.

   Jovie pulled an oversized jumper from the box, her initial weaved on the front. She immediately pulled it on over her pajamas, "Effie I love it, thank you."

   Sirius and James exchanged glances, both having gotten the same present with their initials. Fleamont shot the boy's a look, Sirius kicking it into gear, "thanks Effie," he pulled on his jumper.

   James reluctantly did the same, "yeah thanks mum."

   They opened the next set of presents which were from Fleamont, this set more exciting to the boys. He had gotten them each new quidditch gear, a new beater for Sirius and a newer broom model for James.

   Jovie smiled at her present, a copy of the cooking book they had been using the past week. She thought about how she and her mum could use this back home.

   After another chorus of thank you's it was time for Euphemia and Fleamont to open their gifts from the kids.

   Fleamont got a new apron from Jovie, flowers and his name woven into it, and a new set of pots and pans from the boys. Euphemia got a matching jewelry set from all the kids, declaring her gift the best.

   She attacked the kids with kisses and hugs before ushering them into the kitchen for a breakfast of waffles, bacon, and fruit. Now all that was left to do was wait for the others to arrive.

* * *

   "THEY'RE HERE!!!"

   Jovie looked up from the book she was reading on the couch beside Euphemia, the front door flying open. Remus and Peter stood together with their trunks, James engulfing both in a hug, "I missed you guys!"

   Remus chuckled, ruffling the boy's hair, "it's only been a week."

   Peter scoffed, "I didn't miss you," he stuck his head inside, spotting Euphemia. "That's who I missed! Hi Effie!"

   The woman laughed as she came to the door, hugging and kissing both boys before urging them to take off their shoes and coats. Fleamont waved a hello before taking their luggage upstairs.

   Jovie finally finished her chapter, bookmarking her book and making her way to the door. "Rem! Pete!" She hugged the two tightly before letting Sirius have a turn who had just come from raiding the fridge.

   They all took seats around the living room, Remus and Peter in the jumpers Euphemia had made them, everyone settled in.

   They each passed out the gifts they had gotten for each other, excitedly ripping open the packing and littering the floor.

   Jovie had gotten books from both James and Peter, Remus having given her a scarf big enough to wrap all the way to her nose so she wouldn't always look like she was freezing.

   However Sirius' gift was her favorite, it was a book about magical creatures however it had full page pop up spreads that quite literally came to life when you opened it.

   Jovie watched as Sirius opened her gift last, the other boys too preoccupied with James' new broom to pay any attention. Sirius slowly opened the box, his eyes widening at its contents.

   Inside was a chain necklace with a star pendant, his star to be exact. He looked up to Jovie with wide eyes, "How-"

   Jovie grinned, "well I mean, your name is a star."

   Sirius nodded, unable to stop the wide grin that spread across his face as he slipped it on around his neck "thanks, it's amazing."

   Jovie smiled though before she could say anything more, Peter interrupted the two. "Guy's get your boots on! We're going to play quidditch!" 

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