twenty six.

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"You two cannot keep skipping classes," Jovie grinned at herself in the mirror, James and Sirius seated beside her, each attempting to do a braid on her curly hair.

It had been a week since the incident and she was released from the hospital wing, still under bed rest until the soreness subsided.

And the two boys seated behind her had skipped every single day of school just to be by her side, it was rather ridiculous actually.

Peter was tempted to do the same but Remus didn't give him much of a choice.

Sirius ran his hands through the girl's hair frustratedly with a groan, "how the fuck do you even do this?!"

James grinned as he tied off his braid, a smug smirk on his lips, "what can I say, you don't have the feminine touch."

He pushed Sirius over slightly, taking over his braid, Sirius grumbling as he moved to take a seat on the floor. He sprawled out, his foot nudging something beneath the girl's bed.

He sat up, pulling the object from beneath the bed, a frown etching its way onto his lips as he looked to the suitcase in his grasp, "why do you still have this?"

Jovie smiled sheepishly, "dad is still in the US, I'll only have it a little bit longer."

James tied off the braid, looking at the suitcase curiously, "could we go inside?"

This made the blonde's face light up, "why didn't I think of that earlier! You guys deserve to see after helping me after all."

She slid down from the bed, slowly clicking open the suitcase. She stepped inside, her lower half almost instantly disappearing, "whoever comes in last try and close it behind you okay?"

Without waiting for a response she disappeared the rest of the way down. Sirius and James exchanged glances before Sirius grinned, stepping into the suitcase.

James sighed, "why did I suggest this?"

* * *

"Can you guys see?"

"Don't touch me blind ass."

"Guys gimme a sec."

A moment later a light clicked on, all three now able to see each other. Sirius raised a brow, scanning his surroundings; they were in a small wooden shack, tools scattered around, papers pinned to the wall.

He stopped on a completely separate scribble drawing of a woman, a man and a little girl, surrounded by blobs of what might be magical creatures. At the bottom it was signed in messy handwriting.

Jovina Scamadr

He felt himself smile, his thoughts interrupted by a shout, "this is amazing!"

Sirius turned to find he was now alone in the shack, the tent flap covering the door, blowing slightly in the wind.

He slowly pushed it aside, stepping out to find himself in a sunny desert, James being chased by baby rhinos with inflated heads, Jovie laughing at him as she stood beside the mother.

Jovie grinned at him, "come on this way," she led them through another tent flap, a much bigger space that looked like sunny forest unfolding before them.

James ran around the room excitedly, "this is that invisible thing you guys found, and there are the occamys!" he seemed ecstatic, jumping about like a little kid.

Sirius stopped beside Jovie, the blonde looking around in pure amazement even though she had no doubt been here hundreds of times before.

She breathed out, "it's always beautiful, no matter how many times I see it."

Sirius smiled, watching the girl, "yeah, it is."

* * *


Jovie slowly turned, her lips pursed as she laid eyes on Snape, "don't call me that," she mumbled under her breath, the boy seemingly taken aback.

He nodded quickly before smiling, "listen, I'm really sorry about what happened. I wasn't thinking. Are you doing anything tonight?"

Jovie furrowed her brows, confusion flashing across her face. What could Snape possibly want to do with her tonight?


Snape averted his eyes to his shoes, twiddling his thumbs, "well um I planned this sort of big apology for Lily and I figured as her best friend you could tell me if it would work or not."

The blonde sucked in a breath, digging her nails into her skin. In all honesty she didn't want to be anywhere near Snape. The pain he had caused her that night was unbearable.

She thought it was over.

She thought she could never see her parents again.

Never study with Remus and Lily again, never play a prank with Peter and James, never have Sirius' arm around her shoulder again.

But this was Lily.

Ever since the incident she had been shut down and wouldn't talk to anyone besides James or Jovie, and even then all she would do is apologize. Jovie could tell Lily was hurting and missed Snape.

She sighed, "fine, I'll help you this once."

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