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"Are you sure you don't want to take the early train with us?"

Lily frowned as she pulled away from her hug with Jovie, holding her shoulders like a mother about to send their kid off to Hogwarts for their first year.

Marlene nodded, crossing her arms across her chest, "yeah, do you really want to be stuck with the boys on the late train?"

Jovie smiled sheepishly, "I procrastinated too much and need more time to pack."

Alice frowned, wrapping her arms around her friend, "well then take care our little angel, don't let them corrupt you."

Mary nodded, joining the two girl's hug, "who are we kidding? Our Jo could never be corrupted."

After a few minutes of mournful dramatic monologues Lily had to pry her friend's away so they didn't miss their train.

Marlene ruffled the blonde's hair before leaving, "have a good break Jo."

The blonde smiled, "you too."

She watched as all her roommates loaded onto a carriage, headed off for the train station. Christmas break officially started tomorrow and everyone was eager and packed to leave for home.

Everyone except Jovie.

She didn't exactly have somewhere to go this break.

* * *

Regulus sighed, "I'm not looking forward to this."

Ever since Sirius had been disowned and run away, going home was unbearable. He didn't know it yet, but this christmas break was going to change his life forever.

Jovie smiled, patting the boy's back, "it's going to be okay, we can write and maybe even hangout."

Regulus nodded, pulling the girl into his chest for a long hug. He smiled into her hair, "see you later Jo."

After a moment they released and he started towards the carriage his friends were seated in, Dorcas jumping on top of Barty to wave.

"Bye Jo!" she yelled, "have a good break!"

Jovie waved back, "you too!"

The rest of her Slytherin friend's waved as the carriage took off, Jovie staring until it was completely out of sight. She sighed, two trains gone and one to go.

Turning on her heel the blonde set back off towards the Gryffindor dorms. She figured she might as well go and hang out with the Marauders until their train left.

She made it there in no time, opening her dormitory door only to find her room wasn't empty and lonely as it should've been. Inside James and Remus were seated on her bed as Peter and Sirius sat on the floor, going through the girl's trunk.

Peter pulled out a frilly nightgown, standing and holding it up to himself as he spun. "Jovina, this is magnificent! The frills bring out the curls in your hair!"

Jovie grinned at her friend's ridiculousness, her mood immediately seeming to lighten, "what're you guys doing?"

Remus sat up, leaning back onto his palms, "well we came to see you only to find your room empty and none of your stuff was packed."

He stared into her soul, "the last train leaves in thirty minutes so why wouldn't you be packed?"

The blonde smiled and averted her eyes as she took her nightgown from Peter, stuffing it back into her trunk. "I just figured I'd stay here for break, maybe get some studying done you know?"

Sirius shrugged, "I don't know and I never want to."

James looked up from the magazine he was flipping through, "are you sure you thought this through? You're the only Gryffindor sixth year staying, we wouldn't want you to get lonely."

Jovie nodded, taking a seat on the bed, "I'm fine."

She hated lying to her friends.

Remus narrowed his eyes at her and it felt like he knew exactly what she couldn't tell them. He nodded, "hmmm, I see."

Jovie didn't know exactly what he saw but it was making her nervous. The longer Remus stared at her the more she began to itch.

"Okay! I don't have anywhere to go for the holidays because my parents have set off traveling and are back in the US. Sorry, Rem."

Remus nodded as he clicked his tongue, "lying is a sin."

Peter sat up, "you seriously have no where to go? You could've told any of us that. I'm sure any of the girls would've been happy to take you with them."

James shook his head with a snarky smile, "yes but none of the girls, even my dear Lilypad, have the Remus Lupin stare. He's used it on me plenty of times, I know its effects."

Sirius rolled his eyes at his friend's comment, sitting up straight, "just come with us."

Jovie felt herself stiffen, "come with you?"

James grinned, bouncing up on the bed. "Pads you're brilliant! Jo should come with us to my house!"

This made Jovie breathe out a sigh of relief, she had almost forgotten for a moment that Sirius no longer lived at the Black house.

One visit was enough for her forever.

"Well if your parents say-"

James jumped off the bed, "hurry! We've got to get her packed!"

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