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Jovie heaved in a breath as she was pulled along by Remus, the boy chasing after James and Sirius down the platform.

"MERLIN'S BALLS HURRY UP," Peter screeched from behind them.

Apparently thirty minutes is not enough time to pack, catch a carriage, and board the train. So now the five teens were left chasing the Hogwarts Express down the platform, praying they caught up in time.

Sirius barely managed to make it to the last train door, wrapping his fingers around the handle to yank it open. He chucked his chest inside, leaping in after it.

Jovie watched as James threw his trunk aboard as well, her mouth agape.

She was about to jump onto a moving train.

James grabbed the train bars, pulling himself aboard. He stuck his head out a moment later, "hurry up guys!"

Remus looked up, the end of the platform in sight. He pulled Jovie to be in front of him, releasing her hand for a moment to throw his luggage inside.

He then took Jovie's trunk, the girl running faster without the extra weight. James caught the trunk, moving all their luggage to the side as Sirius stepped forward. "Come on!"

This was possibly the worst idea ever.

Still the blonde latched her hand onto the train bar, pulling one foot onto the step. Remus caught up with her, pushing her the rest of the way in as he jumped on behind, causing them all to topple over.

Jovie sat up, heaving in a huge breath. She looked down to see herself seated on top of Sirius, the boy slowly pulling himself to a seating position as the girl slid down from his chest to his lap. Both sat in silence for a moment, just catching their breaths as they stared at each other.

"Blimey Peter!" James appeared again, stepping over the two to lean out the train door with Remus. "Wormy move your arse!"

There was a moment of silence before Remus yelled, "DUCK!"

Everyone dropped to the ground as a trunk came flying overhead, nearly taking Sirius out as it landed beside him. The black haired boy sat up again, "bloody hell, are you trying to kill us?!"

Nobody answered, James throwing his hand out the car. Peter reached for it, stumbling slightly before he grabbed on. With a heave they pulled him aboard just as the platform ended and they entered a tunnel, the force causing everyone to topple over again. 

Jovie tried to sit up again from where her face was smooshed down into Sirius' chest. "Guys I really can't breathe," she whispered.

James, who was sitting on her back, Remus and Peter sprawled across his lap, sighed. "You heard the lady, GET UP!!"

* * *

"See you soon Moony! Wormy!"

James and Jovie waved to their friends as they were pulled away down the street by Sirius. He grumbled something about the dangers of ice on the road and how they needed to be paying attention. Specifically James-

"Oh my Merlin, are you okay?" Jovie quickly helped James up from the ground, the boy having slipped within the first two minutes of being out of the station. Sirius sighed, he knew it was coming.

"You tosser, watch where you fall."

"Shut up! Need I remind you-"

The two boys paused their arguing, looking down as Jovie squirmed her arm in between each of theirs, linking herself between the two.

She smiled up at them, "now we can all walk really slow and nobody will fall."

Both boys exchanged glances, this girl was something else.

Sirius sighed, beginning their walk again. "This way," he led them down the street.

The walk to the leaky cauldron was a peaceful one. They didn't have to worry about lugging their trunks through the snow because Jovie had remembered about the extension charm on her bag so everything was stored there.

All in all they only fell twice, both times because of James.

"Finally!" James grinned, rushing over to the lit fireplace as they entered the inn. Jovie followed after him, taking a seat beside him on the floor as she pulled off her gloves. Sirius took a seat beside the blonde, stretching out on the floor.

Jovie smiled, "this is heaven."

"You said it sister."

Sirius watched as Jovie laughed at something James had said, her face lighting up. He understood why his brother had been in love with her all these years.

In fact he had never understood something more.

"Reggie! Hey Reg, wait up!"

The boy finally turned, smiling slightly at the sight of his brother, "hey Sirius." Both boys stood in silence for a moment before Sirius asked, "why does Jovie have your hat?"

Regulus slowly smiled to himself, "do you remember all those times when I would sneak out to go play with my friend. I refused to ever let you meet her."

Sirius' eyes widened as it dawned on him, "you called her Jojo, you said she was your best friend."

Regulus nodded again as Sirius continued, "and that time you got so mad I took the hat? It was because it was hers. Because..." he trailed off, his jaw going slack.

"You were in love with her."

His brother didn't budge, his somber smile unwavering.

Sirius frowned, "you're still in love with her."

At this Regulus didn't answer, grinning instead, "I'll mail my christmas present to you, I think you'll love it this year."

Sirius watched as his brother left, his fist clenching.


Sirius black didn't know exactly what his feelings towards Jovie were. He wasn't in any rush to figure them out either. However no matter what they didn't matter because Regulus liked her first.

Sirius at least owed him this much.

Just then the boy was snapped from his thoughts by the innkeeper's voice.

"You three! Get off my floor! Other guests want to enjoy the fire!" The innkeeper frowned at them, shooing them off with his broom. Both boys quickly scrambled away, Jovie giving a quick apology before she followed after them.

They made their way to an empty fireplace, James digging into his pocket for a small pouch. He shoved his hand inside, pulling out a handful a floo powder and stepping into the fireplace. Sirius followed, pulling Jovie with him.

The boy's mouth watered, "man I can't wait for Effie's cooking."

James nodded, grabbing his friend's hands, "let's go then."

He threw down the powder, "Potter house!"

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