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"Monty, they're here!"

At the sound of the voice, Jovie began to fret, turning to Sirius. "Do I look okay?" She never knew why but making a good impression on parents was always important to her.

Sirius rolled his eyes, smearing some of the charcoal from her cheek, "you look fine."

A tall slender woman came around the corner, she actually looked nothing like James. She had wild curls framing her face and the two had the same eyes but other than that they couldn't be more different.

"Who's this? She's too cute to be Remmy or Pete!" she smiled.

Jovie smiled, stepping out of the fireplace, "hi I'm-"

James threw an arm around her shoulder, nearly knocking her over. "Mum, this is Jovina Scamander! She joined school this year and everyone is head over heels for her. Except me you know, cause Lily."

Sirius rolled his eyes at his friend's introduction, stepping out the fireplace. "Hey Aunt Effie. This is Jovie, we made friends with her on the train to school this year and she needed somewhere to come for the holidays. Hope it's okay."

James' mom, Effie, nodded as she planted a kiss on Sirius' cheek. "Of course it's okay," she rushed over to the girl pulling her into a hug.

Jovie smiled as the woman squeezed her, in a lot of ways she was reminded of her own mother.

"Okay boys go show her around upstairs, everyone get washed up and ready for dinner."

* * *

"Now who is this little lady?"

Fleamont grinned as he served out plates of dinner, wearing his favorite apron. Euphemia kissed her husband on the cheek before taking a seat at the table, "this is Jovie, apparently she's been adopted by our boys."

Jovie grinned at this, taking the seat in between James and Sirius. Fleamont ruffled the girl's hair, slipping off his apron, "nice to have you Jovie."

The family immediately launched into eating, James talking with his mouth full of all that had happened this term at Hogwarts. He left out not a single detail, including his kiss with Lily at which his mother starts clapping excitedly.

The entire dinner was warm and fuzzy.

It only took that for Jovie to fall in love with the Potter family.

Once dinner had finished, spells were cast to do the dishes and all the kids were ordered to go upstairs and get ready for bed before coming back down to help with Christmas decorations.

Jovie sat criss cross on her chest, watching as James and Sirius surveyed the room.

Though the Potter's were purebloods and by no means poor they chose to live in a small cottage out on the edge of a muggle town. James' room was in the attic and was very spacious however did only have two beds.

"I say we push the beds together and we can all just sleep, dogpile style," James suggested.

Jovie nodded, she had zero problem with that.

"I'll sleep on the couch."

Both James and Jovie turned to Sirius, looking at the boy in confusion. James raised a brow, "why would you sleep on the couch?"

Sirius shrugged, gathering his pajama pants and a muggle band t-shirt. "Then you guys can both have your own beds and we don't need know, share."

James looked between Jovie and Sirius, a grin forming on his face. "Better idea, if you want your bed so bad me and Jovie can just share so you get your own."

Jovie smiled, "that's okay with me."

Sirius grit his teeth, he was going to knock James' teeth in.

"Let's just all share."

* * *

"Goodnight kids!"

Euphemia called out up the stairs before shutting herself in her room with her husband. All Christmas decorations had been put up and finished at eleven so everyone was exhausted.

"Night!" Jovie called back before sticking her head into the bathroom, Sirius inside with the door open. He raised a brow at her, his toothbrush in his mouth.

The blonde nodded her head for entry, Sirius stepping back to allow her in. Jovie quickly entered the bathroom, grabbing her toothbrush and paste and beginning to scrub away at her teeth.

Sirius watched her in the mirror.

She was short, just stopping at his chin, and wore a camisole with a plastic pink headband holding back her curls. Sirius looked back up at himself, his own hair falling into his face.

As if reading his mind Jovie spat into the sink, "want a headband? I have a whole pack."

Sirius nodded, bending to rinse his mouth as Jovie dug into her toiletries pack. She came back up with the headband, smiling as Sirius allowed her to push it onto his head, his wild black hair moving away from his face.

Both teens finished up in the bathroom, exiting and finding James waiting for them, sprawled out on the pushed together beds.

He sat up, his jaw slack, "matching headbands?! I want one!"

Jovie grinned, climbing onto the bed beside him as she pulled out another, slipping it onto his head. Unlike Sirius, James' hair wasn't as long so it looked as though there was a fan in front of his face, blowing his hair back.

Sirius laid himself onto the bed, moving as far from the blonde as humanly possible. Of course, he was only doing this to respect his brother's feelings towards the girl.

At least that's what he was telling himself.

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