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The main square is where the worst fighting is. A mass of bodies, fires, shots and cries. I clutch Finnicks hand tightly as people walk past us, carrying wounded.

Some stop when they see me, they use the Mockingjay salute. One girl presses a bloodied cloth into my hand. It is a handsewn image of the Mockingjay pin.

"I take the roofs", I inform the unit and enter the store from which I bought the flowers for my garden.

Upstairs, to the balcony and up onto the roof, hidden in the shadows.

But we weren't the only ones thinking about that. Two roofs to the left Peacekeepers crouch and fire single shots into the crowd.

I narrow my eyes. Cowards.

They haven't noticed us yet.

I walk over the flat roof, then jump to the next which is only a metre away, Finnick follows after me.

A short look and we know what we are going to do.

One distraction, one shot.

Finnick runs up to the next gap, while I ready my gun, waiting for the pair to look towards us and reveal the spot on their necks that will be their death sentence.

And it works exactly like that. Finnick lands on the other side with a soft thud, they turn, see him. I fire once. The other one sees me. I fire again.

I look down onto the crowd, see Macie, side by side with Aiden.

I ready my bow.

There are too many Peacekeepers, but if I hit enough, then they might be baffled enough that the rebels can overwhelm them.

Finnick guards me as I notch the first arrow.

It hits right where I wanted it too. The neck of the uniform-clad man is close to Aiden and Macie. Second, Third, Fourth.

I move to the next roof.

By now people have noticed something is happening and my unit has left and moves in from the other side, clearing a way through the rebels until they can get clean shots.

Fifth arrow, sixth and seventh. Next roof. Three more.

The rebels cheer and tackle the remaining Peacekeepers to the ground. I look at the flag that I put in between my vest straps and hips. Then look up to the Capitol flag still on the roof of the justice building.

"Talisa, no."


"You are hurt."

"I can do this."

"At least give me your bow and arrow, I can cover you better that way."

I grin. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I climb down the roof, leave through the house and make my way to the big justice building.

I grab the water pipes at the side of the wall and start to climb, gritting my teeth.

People noticed me by now and are cheering me on, even though they don't know what I am planning.

Halfway up I take a quick break, catching my breath and cursing my back, my legs, my ribs, but I continue climbing until I reach the top.

I fling myself onto the roof and walk towards the flagpole, where I rip down the Capitol Flag.

The people applaud and I raise the Mockingjay flag above my head and whistle the tunes that have become so famous.

Querencia | Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now