Chapter XXXIV

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I step into the hall and press the elevator button when the entrance doors open and my favourite person in the world steps inside.

"Finnick!", I call out and run up to him.

"I missed you! So much!", I mumble into his shirt as we embrace.

"I missed you too my love. Let's go upstairs, alright?", he smiles at me.

"Alright", I smile back and we head to our floor. His room is on the other end of the hall, around a corner.

These hallways have cameras, so we don't hold hands or anything like that, but we do spend the night in each other's rooms from time to time, but never too often.

But today I am bouncing with excitement, because after I had a talk with Theresa, yes Mariann's little girl, I couldn't believe it myself, I decided to make it official.

Well in between the two of us.

It is not that our behaviour will change, but I never told him that I wanted to be his girlfriend. And it was Theresa raving about that one movie, where some girl never tells the boy she loves him and then they are apart and she never gets the chance before he dies. I really hope that Finnick won't die anytime soon, but I think that it is overdue to tell him how I feel and I waited so long to see him again. I mean we have been together in that way for almost half a year now and I never told him I love him. Which I do. I love him so much, but I am so scared, so scared that he will be taken from me.

But as the door shuts and Finnick turns around moving towards me I stop him.

"Everything okay?", he questions.

"Yeah, very much so actually. I need to say something. So..uhm. I love you Finnick. And I...I was so scared to admit it, because the things I love were taken from me and for a long time I felt like I was just a doll in Snows hands. But with you I don't feel that way and you gave me back art and you gave me reassurance. You never pushed me and never questioned the things I did or didn't do. And for that I am unbelievably grateful for that. So...Finnick Odair, will you be my boyfriend?"

Finnick just stands in the room stunned.


Then a big smile finds the way onto his face.

"Yes. Of course! And I love you too."

He cups my face and pulls me close.

"I love you so much", he says and we kiss, his hands moving down my back, slowly to my front while my long hair is dripping onto his shirt and the ground. His hands move to the knot of my robe, pulling it open, but checking with me first before dropping the robe off my shoulders, onto the ground.

"I fell in love with you the moment you showed me your scars. And when you drew with that sparkle in your eyes, I knew I was a goner."

I smash my lips back onto his, making him tumble back until we hit the beds edge. I fiddle with the hem of his shirt, looking into his eyes, asking for permission and he nods, helping me with the shirt. He spins me around kissing my neck and for a second I freeze and he notices.

"You want to go on?", he asks and I know I do. I want to do this. I want to do it with him, with somebody I love. With somebody who loves me and will be careful and respectful and is just as broken as me.

"Yeah, I just...needed to remind myself that this is you."

He carefully moves my wet hair and takes the zipper on the back of my swimsuit into his fingers, slowly pulling it down, very slowly, kissing the skin that is revealed.

"You got another tattoo", Finnick mumbles and traces it with his fingers. Pleasurable shivers run down my spine, the places he touched tingling.

I then turn back around, the upper half of my swimsuit now folded over, revealing my chest. I push Finnick onto the bed slightly, straddling him, me on my knees so I am slightly hovering over him, but as soon as I see a short darkness pass in his eyes, lower myself so we see eye to eye.

"Do you want to do this?", I question.

"Yeah", Finnick breathes out and flips me over, "I do."

His lips move from my jaw to my shoulders, down my collarbones and to my chest, slightly teasing it and I let out a breathy moan.

The sound surprises me. My body reacting to Finnick, to his hands, his lips, so differently.

This time I flip us back over, my strength being comparable to Finnicks. My lips exploring his chiseled upper body, my fingers following, always returning to his lips, looking into his eyes as I sit up slightly, my hands fiddling with his belt and zipper.

I pull off his pants, once again with his help and we are left only in underwear, or well a bathing suit. Finnick once again switches our positions, gently lowering me onto the silky sheets, his hands trailing down my stomach, lips following, stopping at the edge of my suit, looking up for reassurance, which he gets as I lift up my hips and he pulls it off. I feel exposed, but safe and Finnick is looking up at me with such adoration in his eyes.

"You are so beautiful", he says, then lifts up my right leg, kissing up from my ankle, to my knee, my inner thighs until his mouth meets my core. My hips bucked and heat was pooling in my center.

My moans turn into his as I return the favour, our breaths mingling as we finally become one, our bodies pressed together. This time I take in all the details. His firm, but not hurtful grip on my hips, our kisses, my hands digging into his back and into the duvet as we change the pace, the arching of my back, the pearls of sweat on his forehead. The smiles on our lips, our small fight over domination, our chest flush together once I won and sat atop of him, the friction in between our bodies. And the feeling of safety and pleasure that I never experienced before.

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