Chapter 11

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The lunchroom grows quiet and after Johanna leaves I sit next to Peeta.

"And, any ideas about your assessment?"

He shakes his head. "Not really, I will just make it up as I go I guess."

"You can always paint. A lower score might even be better for you."
He tilts his head.

"Come on, don't tell me you haven't figured out that if you get a high number you will become an even bigger target than you already are."

"To be honest, no. I mean it is clear that you guys have an advantage because you know each other, but yeah, makes sense."

"I like you, Peeta. And nobody truly hates the others, except maybe Brutus, but that doesn't matter. Most of us have something to come home to, have something to fight for. Nobody really wants to kill the other, but in order to get back, they have to. And the Capitol loves you and your love story, which is why you guys are the biggest competition."

He nods. "That far I did think. I know that nobody wants this. But it is a big game. And as much as I wanted to be more than a piece in that game, seems like I am. Like all of us are."

Peeta is right. We all are a piece in these games, whether we like it or not.

"If it cheers you up... You are the only one I know that hasn't become some sort of monster in these games."
The blonde boy smiles and I am once again reminded that he is only seventeen.

"Anyways. What did you do back home?", he asks.

"I was working on the fields from the age of fourteen. It is seasonal and hard work, the sun burns onto your skin and you are drenched after two minutes. But it brought money. Just enough that during that time me and my grandparent could put a little bit aside to save up for other times. During the wintertime I helped out in the mills from time to time while my grandparents worked in the factories. You are a baker if I remember correctly?"

"Yes. I was lucky enough to live in the wealthier part of the District and helped out in my parents bakery since I was little. I learned drawing there. Well on the cakes."

We sit in silence then, Katniss who talked to Seeder once again eyeing us.

"Talisa Moreno. Report for individual assessment"

I wave to Peeta and then enter the room, Silas passing me and shooting me a glare. Seems like we are back to that. Not that I mind. He was acting weird anyways.

"Please present your chosen skill."

I nod, looking around. And then I see them, looking down at me with their condescending smiles.

I grab some paint and draw the outlines of the faces of the tributes of my games and grab the weapon they were killed with. Aspen and Shannon, Malia, Tristan, Carleigh.

I use the weapons and show my skills with them, laying them down next to the paintings. I knew they loved it, seeing me in action. Only a few looked concerned at the paintings. The faces that I still remembered clear as day, even three years later.

The last ones, the District 12 tributes. One killed by me, with my daggers, one killed with an axe.

And then I write: 'We remember'

I feel as if my blood ran cold once I finished, taken a mocking bow and left.

How I hated these people. Making their money by torturing us. And enjoying it.

I stomp to the elevator and without hesitation press the button for the 12 floor.

I did promise Haymitch to visit and I actually wanted to see Effie, looking how she is doing. Probably freaking out.

I saunter into the living room and they look up.

"Your guys still have some time, but I thought I'd stop by to say hello", I smile softly, pushing the coldness and my anger to the back of my mind.

"Talisa. Oh, I haven't seen you in forever", Effie exclaims and hugs me.

"It is nice seeing you, Effie. How are you doing?"

"Oh. Fine. Just...oh Katniss is very peculiar about allies. And I am just worrying. And she has also very strong impulses. She is going to do something stupid I can feel it."

I chuckle.

"Deep breaths Effie. Deep breaths. They are the favourites. They will come far."

She sighs and plops down on the sofa. Effie actually plops down.

I then greet the other people in the room, one of them is Cinna.

"You made absolutely amazing outfits. Completely stole the show."
"Thank you."

"You also gave me a new name in the Capitol as far as I know."

He smiles cheekily. "I have heard."

I settle next to Effie.

"So Haymitch. The allies. Am I in or not?"

He nods.

"Can I trust you with them?"

"Trust me to babysit them or trust me not to kill them?"

"I actually like Peeta and Katniss is, she is...what she is. But if it is getting close to the end... I have other people to protect. But I am not going to be the one ending that life. That I can promise."

The life of Peeta.

"Okay. I already talked to Finnick, you two are in an alliance anyways. Johanna is a strong contestant too, but Katniss isn't very fond of her."

"She isn't fond of anybody in there except Peeta", I retort.

Haymitch laughs at that.

"She won't have much of a choice in that matter. You just make an alliance, as if she agreed to it beforehand."

"Very well. Now, I heard that you stopped drinking?"

"Yes, Peeta bribed my source and poured out everything I had. Now why start here?"

I nod approvingly.

"Not bad. Even though I have to find a new drinking buddy."
There is laughter and after that the conversation turns lighter, no longer the heavy topic of the games defining the atmosphere.

Then Peeta enters the room.

"Ah, Peeta. And how was it?", I quip, surprising him.

"Talisa. I guess okay. You?"

It was clear that he didn't want to talk about it. Maybe he screwed up. But as said, that could be a good thing.

"Oh, I think two-thirds of them liked it. The part with brains might not have liked it all that much, but who cares really?"

Peeta gives me a weak smile, a little relief in his can be seen on his face.

Peeta sits down next to Haymitch and we pick up where we left off. Discussing which chocolate is the best.

It is nice and reminds me of home, where I discussed stupid things with Mariann and Mike with a glass of wine and bourbon.

I think of Theresa and Daniel. I miss them.

"Well, it is almost dinner time and we all should agree that dark chocolate is the best. Have a nice evening."

Haymitch raises his eyebrows, but I wave it off.

"Have a nice evening. Even though white chocolate is way better."

I grin and wave a general goodbye before leaving the living room and walk back to the elevator, which Katniss exits.

"Hello, Katniss."
She seems jumpy, almost scared. So she screwed up during her session too.

I step around her and return to my floor.

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