Chapter 8

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I sit on the bench and look at Peeta's arm. It doesn't look like camouflage, more like a nice painting of flower fields.

"You paint?", I ask and he looks up.

"Yeah, I picked it up after my games. You?"

"Yes...I painted before but never had the money to do so, my grandparents bought me small pots for my birthday every year. But after I won... I could spend hours, all through the night, looking for the shade of green that remodels the evening sun hitting the leaves perfectly. What do you draw?"

He seems surprised by my openness but then speaks.

"I drew the games. I guess it was a way of getting the pictures out of my head. But it never really works, does it?"

I smile. I like Peeta already. Katniss did right by saving him.

"Not really, but it helps take off the weight I guess."

I then start painting the table with small strokes until a forest covers it, small flowers getting hit by light. A deer hiding behind a tree.

Lunch is called out and Peeta and I walk together, talking about shading and colours and I get to know more about him.

His favourite colour is orange and he has a brother who always teased him for his artistic talent. He knows the exact shade of Katniss eyes and loves painting daisies.

"I believe your presence is wanted", I say and point towards Katniss who is eyeing us suspiciously. "Tell her that I am not a threat. Not to you, not to her. At least until she decides to become a threat herself."

I fill my plate while the victors push the small tables to make one long table. I smile. We are in this together, we are friends on some level and we are going to show that. At least until the gong rings out.

I take my seat in between Chaff and Finnick, opposite to Gloss and Johanna.

Katniss seems rather uncomfortable in the big round, but I am impressed that she tries.

I chat with Gloss and my friends, trade a few jokes with Chaff and talk to Seeder. Agreeing that we want to do a station together in the afternoon. Katniss seems annoyed by that. She probably wants Seeder as an ally. Because she is like Rue. Kind and gentle. And now she thinks I am stealing her away.

In the afternoon I train spear throwing with Brutus, but it is clear that we won't become friends anytime soon, although he compliments my skills.

I do get along better with Enobaria. We train hand to hand combat and it is fun and a challenge. Katniss looks at us with interest and I am tempted to offer her a lesson, but decide against it.

Seeder and I work together at the shelter station and Wiress and Beetee join me while I was struggling to make a hammock. Together we actually make a halfway decent one and I get to know them a little better. They are incredibly smart and have so many ideas. But they aren't particularly strong which makes it hard to consider them as allies.

I saunter over to Finnick who is, not very surprisingly, at the trident station.

"Hello love", he says and pulls me close, I raise my eyebrows.

"So no more pretending?"

"I don't know. I'd say we shouldn't go on full display, but it's up to you."

"I would wait a little. Otherwise, that is all our interviews will be about and we don't want to steal Katniss and Peeta's spotlight do we?", I smile teasingly at the last part.

He chuckles. "I wouldn't mind. Have you come here to ask me that?"

I grin. "I have come here to beat your ass."

"With a trident?"

"I have been training"

"Very well love, let's see it."

We spar and I knock Finnick to the ground and the other way around, for 30 minutes and there is no clear winner, we pant and sweat runs down the sides of my face.

I attack once more, trying to sweep his feet, but he blocks it with the staff of his trident and then delivers a blow to my stomach that knocks the wind out of me.

I stumble slightly and Finnick uses the chance to tackle me to the ground. He straddles my waist and holds me down by my wrists.

My stomach starts twisting and panic begins to set in as Finnick's face morphs into a different one. I struggle against his hold and it loosens, hands pulling me up as I can barely breathe.

"Come on little T. Breath in, breath out. Focus."

"Talisa. It's Finnick. It's me."

Breathing in. Holding the breath. Breathing out. Repeat.

Gloss and Finnick hold me up.

"I'm fine", I say and step away. Not many tributes had looked into our corner, have noticed my breakdown.

"See you tomorrow", I say and leave the training hall. In my room I strip out of my clothes and shower for a long time, hot water soothing my muscles and my mind.

During our dinner, we discuss the private sessions the next day. But there is nothing that could surprise them. I could, of course, use the bladed whip, but that itself won't give me more than a nine. I have to do something special, something memorable.

Silas is silent, poking around in his stew.

Penelope walks in with a solemn expression, a small white box in her hand, not with the dessert that I hoped for. She sets it down in front of me.

Inside is an envelope with my name written in a handwriting that I know too well. I break the seal and take out the card.

"Seems like I have a meeting to attend", I sigh and rise from my seat, walking out of the room.

Out of sight I clench my hands and take deep breaths. Why would Snow want to see me? Hasn't he ruined my life enough by now?

I go to my room and put on a pair of boots and a black sweater and then exit the training centre. And obviously the car is already waiting, with my old driver.

"One last time huh?", I greet him; for the very first time in three years.

"Seems like it"

His voice is different than I would have imagined. More youthful.

"Just as a precaution. Under your seat", he says, so quiet I almost don't hear it, but I do and find a small parcel, consisting of a blanket that is wrapped around an object and secured with string.

I unwrap it and a small dagger falls into my hands.

"Thank you", I mumble perplexed.

"Teach the old bastard to fear you."

I smile and slip the dagger into my boot. Seems like not all the people here like Snow, like the way the country is governed.

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