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Jacobs wife, whose name is Christiana, invites us to a round of poker and I smile. I might be sold today, but at least I can take their money.

We move to the register where we can get our chips and I feel a hand brush against mine. A warm one, calloused one. Finnick's.

I look at him from my position in Jacob's arm, but he is focused on Christiana, so I just brush my thumb over the back of his hand and then take my chips, walking to the second table.

We play. And I win the most money in the end. It is hilarious because the people think they are so hard to read, but Christiana always looks over at Finnick if she isn't sure about a hand, Jacob ticks his small finger ever so slightly when he is bluffing and the couple that joined us is just very bad at poker. They don't understand that a full house is better than a flush. I grin as I collect the chips and walk back to the register with swaying hips, where they count them and put the amount onto my account.

"My dear, it seems like I have to invite you to my poker nights", Jacob whispers into my ear as he comes up behind me.

"You'd lose way too much money and your friends cause they'd lose as well", I answer and turn around.

"Maybe. We will open the buffet together, the people will talk about this party forever when they see the Capitols goddess is helping me host it."

"Great", I mumble and get dragged along by him once more.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you very much for joining me and my dear friend Talisa Moreno tonight as we celebrate my new position in this beautiful city's government!", he calls out and looks at me expectantly.

"And I believe you all waited for this part of the evening", I say and smile graciously, "the buffet is now officially opened."

People are clapping and piling towards the sides of the room.

Finnick and Christiana join us on our way to the buffet, the food is then consumed in silence while I glance at Finnick every now and then while munching on crabcakes and spinach quiche. He doesn't look at me though.

"If you will excuse me for a minute. I will visit the ladies room."

I walk through the halls with the skirts rustling and my fists clenched by my sides, towards the bathrooms that are golden and basically made from marble. I mean, it stings in my eyes because the light reflects off the mirrors and the gold.


I turn around, towards Finnick who called out my name. I stand still as he walks towards me, not knowing what to say or do.

"Talisa. My love. I missed you", he mumbles and pulls me towards him, one hand on my waist, one cupping my cheek.

"You forgive me?", I question, my voice shaking.

"Of course I do. Of course. I could never stay angry at you. I understand why you said what you said. But I would never hate you. Never."

I let out a sound of relief, which is a mix between a sob and a laugh.

"I thought I lost you", I mumble.

"Never. I promise", he says and plants a kiss on my lips which I return eagerly before remembering where we were.

"Finn...someone could see us. And we both have other duties to fulfil tonight"

Finnick nods but continues to caress my cheek with his thumb.

"Will you come to my room tonight?", he asks.

"Yes. And I missed you too", I say, kiss him on the lips once more and return to the table.

The dancing was great and the dessert even better. We played darts and they thought they'd actually stood a chance against Finnick and me, not considering that we both use weapons that are thrown.

Since we are the special guests of the hosts we have to stay until the party is over. Which is a long time and I am almost falling asleep while sitting on the couch, my skirts inelegantly spread around me.

People have been annoying me the whole evening, asking about my thoughts about the Quaterquell, talking about theories and being so excited about the prospect of the games being even more gruesome than the other years. I want to punch them. But a short touch by Finnick and I could plaster a smile back on my face.

Around 4 am the people finally leave, but that only meant that Anderlis now gets what he paid for.

"Well, my dear. Let's continue this party elsewhere", he smiles at me, ever so kind.

"Of course", I say and rise out of the seat taking his offered arm.

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