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The floor is cold, the hospital gown doesn't help.

My friends have been calling my name for some time now, but my ears are ringing and my eyes can't focus, the lamp over my head multiplying from time to time. But slowly the world gets back into focus and I am able to sit up. Clutching my head in my hands as the world spins once again. Then I look around. There is not much in my cell. A toilet and that was it. No bed, not even a mattress.

"I was wondering where they kept you", Gloss says to my left.

"What on earth happened?"

"They picked us up from the arena. You were knocked out. And then you weren't here. But you got picked up with me. So I thought you died."

"Still alive and kickin'. They need something stronger than a little lightning to get rid of me", I smile a little. Peeta sits against the furthest wall, Johanna is pacing.

"Nice new neighbours I got", I say and they look at me. The boy seems just as confused as I feel and Johanna seems pissed.

"You aren't supposed to be here", she grumbles.

"I don't think anybody should be here, Jo."

"Yeah, sure."
I sigh. There is nothing we can do here but wait and talk.

So I talk. I talk to Peeta who tells me about the bakery, about District 12, about Katniss, about his leg. I talk to Gloss and we bicker a bit. I try talking to Johanna but she isn't in the mood.

Time passes and it gets colder by the minute, the lights get dimmed. I settle down in the corner of the room, curling up into a ball. Gloss does the same thing on the other side of the bars, and I move closer, hoping that at least a tiny bit of body heat can be exchanged.

Shivering I fall asleep, the cold creeping through my body into my bones, sending images into my dreams. Of wolves, of snow-covered ground, of blood.

And only a few hours later blaring sirens make me jump up from my position against the bars.

I exchanged a panicked look with Gloss, but nothing happens, except the sirens not stopping. They change in volume, but other than that. No peacekeepers running in, no sprinklers in case of a fire. Just noise.

It stops after a time and I curl back up, just for them to start again.

I cover my ears and curl up once more, realizing what they are trying to do.

Sleep deprivation and sensory overload.

A hand reaches through the bars, stopping me from clawing into my scalp further by trying to block out the sounds.

So we hold each other's hands once more, trying to help each other through the blaring noise.

It goes like that the whole night, or at least I think it's night because the lights turn out after a while and I can see nothing. But I have Gloss' hand.

Hours pass, maybe more than a day, I am not sure, but the lights turn on and blind me, heavy footsteps are coming from stairwell and guards storm into the room, but the door to my cell stays closed.

Johanna and Gloss get dragged out of their cells. I can only try to hold onto his hand, but through the bars, there is nothing I can do but wait.

I hear them groan from pain behind the closed door, and later even scream out. Tears fill my eyes.

So this is my life now. No doubt they are going to hurt me too. Maybe they'll starve us. The effects of dehydration will set in soon enough. But maybe it is better that way. Dying instead of being tortured, asked questions I don't know the answer too.

At least Finnick is alright. Snow let that slip. Maybe on purpose, maybe not. But he hates me. And he won't hesitate to kill me. But Finnick is safe. Wherever he is now. He will no doubt try everything to get me back. But what do they want to do, have the citizens of the districts storm the Capitol with pitchforks, clubs and torches?

"It is going to be alright", Peeta says from my right, sounding hopeful, maybe trying to convince himself.

"I admire your hope Peeta, but I don't think it will be. We are stuck here and I don't know what the President wants to know. I also stabbed him, so there is that."

He smiles slightly.

"If anyone would stab him, it's you."

"I will take that as a compliment. And Peeta. Whatever they do in there and even if there is no hope. Fight. Don't let them break you. Don't give them the satisfaction."

He nods.


"I promise", he says.

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