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While the room is converted, Finnick and I decide to visit Peeta. He did our cake after all.

"Hi Peeta", I say softly to the boy who is no longer restrained in his cell.

"Talisa. Finnick."

"We wanted to at least visit you and say thank you for making our cake", Finnick says.

"Congratulations you two. I am sorry I couldn't be there."

"No, we are sorry. But! We are going to find a way to make your mind less mushy and you less homicidal, okay? We are going to work this out. Remember what you promised me? You need to fight. We will fight."

The boy nods. "Okay. Now go enjoy your wedding. You deserve it."

Finnick stays when I turn.

"I'll be right behind you", he says and gives a quick kiss.


I gather up my dress and walk back, where my friends wait outside and pull me into their arms.

"I am so proud of you sweetheart", Haymitch says and Johanna pulls me into a hug next.

And then there is little Theresa. I crouch down and pick her up, just as Finnick returns.

Hand in hand we walk back inside where a dancefloor now exists, the people waiting for us gathered in a circle. I give Theresa to Gloss and together with Finnick take my place in the middle of the circular tiles.

A lone fiddler from Twelve starts playing a melody and we sway to the music.

"I adore you", Finnick mumbles and I plant a kiss on his lips.

"I adore you too."

Throughout the whole dance, we beam at each other, happiness seemingly radiating off us. All worries gone for just the moment.

Then the fiddler changes the tune and all the heads from Twelve snap into his direction. We clear the floor and watch them dance, until Haymitch, Haymitch out of all people, pulls me back to join in. The steps are fairly simple and actually a lot of fun. We swap partners many times, I get lots of good wishes and congratulations from all attending. I dance with Theresa and Katniss and Johanna, with Gloss and Finnick. Effie is in tears every time she looks at me.

Then finally the cake is brought in and I see Katniss' face fall. But that is her fight, not mine. So I turn to my husband with a wide smile and we cut the cake.


Plutarch cannot stop talking about the beauty of the wedding at the next meeting which we have been summoned to. Coin has her hands folded on the table, waiting patiently for him to finish. Finnick has my hand clasped tightly on my thigh, tapping nervously with the other.

"Miss Everdeen and Miss Mason have decided to join the official training in the hopes of joining the effort to enter the Capitol. I thought it only fair to offer you the same chance."

Finnick and I look at each other.

"You of course will have to pass the exam, but I believe the two of you are well equipped."

"We will go to the training, and see how it goes. And then we'll decide if we join in on the war effort", I say.

"Miss Moreno, this is not a pick-and-choose type of situation. You joining training means you join the military, which means you enter that chain of command."

"Of course. Yet I am sure you won't force any of the citizens of District 13 to enter the Capitol, considering the delicacy of that situation. And it's Mrs. Odair now", I say, smiling at the woman.

"I am sure we will find common ground once we reach that point."

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