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*This is Matthew Thatcher Grey(Cordelia's biological father and Meredith's older brother)*

Meredith's POV

Looking at my alarm clock, I see that it's 4:37am and I couldn't help but sigh. Turning around, I'm startled by Izzie, who's standing by my bed with a cup of coffee in her hands.

"George's room is bigger than mine." Izzie says and I get up, knowing that I'm not going to get any more sleep. Exiting my room, I walked down the hallway with Izzie following right behind me and I see Cordelia standing outside her bedroom with a tired look on her face. Izzie looks at Cordelia and walks over to her. Cordelia moves out of the way and Izzie enters my daughter's room.

"I have more clothes. I should have the bigger room. Make Cordelia give me her room." Izzie tells me before exiting the room and Cordelia looks over at me.

"Izzie's not going to take your room. Now please get dressed because you're going to see Allison today." Cordelia smiled before running back into her room and George walked over to us.

"And that's my daughter's room! I'm not going to give anyone her room! It's Cordelia's safe space and I'm not going to let anyone take that away from her!" Cordelia exits her room fully dressed and her backpack on her back. She had her puppy chewing necklace on and was sucking on it while looking at us.

"Cordelia, want me to make you some breakfast?" George asks Cordelia who shakes her head still staring at me.

"Cordelia's scared that Izzie's going to take her room. But I'm not going to let that happen."

"Why does the child need a big room?" Izzie asks while Cordelia started to clench her hand.

"You don't need a big ass room! Cordelia comes first not anyone else!"

"Just take my room Izzie. It's Cordelia's house and we're not going to take her room away." George says, causing Cordelia to smile. Izzie groans and stormed back into her room.

"T-Thank y-you G-George." Cordelia stuttered before walking away from us.

"Did she talk?" George asks me.

"Yes. I think you're the first guy that she's ever spoken to. But until she feels more comfortable, she'll sign."

"That's fine. I'm just glad that she trusts me. I'll go keep an eye on her." George said with a smile before walking away from me.

Cordelia's POV

"Hi bunny!" Allison says when I entered her room and sat down on the chair by her hospital bed.

"H-Hi S-Sonny." I stuttered, using my nickname for Allison.

"You're talking." Allison says with a smile before kissing my forehead.

"O-Only y-you, M-Mommy, A-Addison a-and G-George."

"That's fine bunny. I heard that you got a name. Cordelia Elise Grey." Allison says and I nodded in response when Olivia entered the room.

"Hi Cordelia. You know Allison?" Olivia asks me with a smile.

"We were neighbours." Allison explains while I get up and wave goodbye before leaving the room. Walking over to the nurse's station, I see Dr. Bailey standing there with an angry look on her face.

"Fools on bikes killing themselves Cordelia. Natural selection is what it is. Don't ever do the Dead Baby Bike Race, or anything that endangers people's lives." Dr. Bailey said before flashing me a smile.

"I will not do any of those things Dr. Bailey." I signed with a smile before hugging her. Dr. Bailey hugs me back before we pulled ourselves apart.

"Smart girl. Your mother's examining a guy that has nail spokes coming out of his abdomen and all he's worried about is finishing that race." Dr. Bailey says, causing me to frown at that.

"It is just a race. There is always next year to compete. That man is being dumb." I signed.

"Exactly Cordelia. That's why you're my favourite here, but don't tell anyone else." Dr. Bailey says with a smile on her face.

"Aww! Isn't this sweet? My retarded whore of a daughter chummy with doctors!" Father's voice says, causing me to turn around and face him. My eyes widened in fear when I saw Father standing in front of me.

"Tell me waste of my sperm, do you think that anyone would believe you? Clearly I'm out and ready to continue making you a woman." Father said with an evil smirk on his face before grabbing my arm.

"Let go of her Mr. Grey!" Dr. Bailey says while Father squeezes my hand.

"She said let go!" Callie yells, causing me to turn my head to face her.


Callie Torres' POV

"What if I don't beaner?" Matthew Grey says, insulting me but I don't care. All I care about was Cordelia, who was shaking in his grasp.

"You don't want to know." Matthew laughed at my response and Cordelia closed her eyes with tears streaming down her face. Walking over to them, I punched Matthew in the face and picked Cordelia up. Security walked up to us and restrained Matthew while I brought Cordelia upstairs to my office.

"You can open your eyes mija." Cordelia opened her eyes to see that we're now in my office.

"I-I a-am a-a m-mistake, a-a w-whore a-and a-a r-retard." Cordelia stuttered and I shake my head.

"You're not any of those things. That bastard lied to you because he's not a very nice man and wants you to hurt." Cordelia hugged me and I hugged her back. Meredith entered my office and ran over to us. Cordelia ran over to Meredith, who picked her up and hugged her.

"Sorry Mommy and Callie. I ruined your day." Cordelia signed while tears continued falling down her face.

"You didn't ruin anything Cordelia. That man did. But I heard that you're Bailey's favourite." Meredith says, smiling at the last part of her statement.

"Really? You're lucky Cordelia. Bailey doesn't really have favourites." Cordelia smiles in response before lying her head on Meredith's shoulder.

"Thanks Callie." Meredith said with a smile.

"No problem. Plus I got to punch the bastard so it was worth it." Cordelia giggled and I couldn't help but smile.

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