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Arizona Robbins' POV

Entering the on-call room, I see Cordelia passed out and covered in blood. What kind of monster would do something like this? Grabbing Cordelia, I run out of the room and bring her to the emergency room where Cristina Yang and George O'Malley were. Their eyes widened upon seeing Cordelia and I see Cristina leaping into action by paging Meredith Grey. George started to examine Cordelia when he noticed something and frowned.

"Cordelia has syphilis." Cordelia's blue eyes opened and looked at her surroundings.

"Sweetheart, who did this to you?"

"F-Father. H-Hurts A-Arizona." Cordelia stuttered with tears in her eyes.

"It's alright sweetheart. We're going to fix you right up. Then when you're better, you can wear my wheelie shoes."

"I-Ice c-cream." Cordelia stuttered and I give her a smile.

"We can do that." George and I wheeled Cordelia into the elevator where Alice stood. She looked down at Cordelia and her eyes widened with shock.

"Who did this George?" Alice asked George before placing Grey on Cordelia's bed. Meredith gave Grey to Cordelia when I first met them. Cordelia was scared of getting her needles, so Meredith gave her Grey to comfort her.

"Matthew Grey. Cristina's already informing her moms, but Cordelia has syphilis." George tells his girlfriend who ran a hand through Cordelia's hair. Her face remained stoic as to not alarm Cordelia. Cordelia was distracted by Grey. The elevator stopped, causing George and I to wheel Cordelia's gurney into an operating room.

"What colour pyjamas do you want to wear when you wake up?"

"Baby blue or lavender please." Cordelia signed before I put the mask on her face.


Meredith's POV

"I'm going to kill him!" Addison holds me in her arms while we wait for Cordelia to exit the operating room. Cordelia has syphilis and her vaginal area was cut up, like a pig! My anger is at an all time high!

"Me too love, but Cordelia needs us right now. I called in a favour with my friend Dr. Mark Sloan. He's head of Plastics at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and he's going to make sure that there's no visible scars, with your permission of course." Addison tells me and I nodded in response when Matthew walked over to us, causing my rage to boil over and I tackled him to the ground.

"Hello to you Merry." Matthew says, using his old nickname for me. Punching Matthew, I felt relieved that I could avenge my daughter against her monster.

"Don't you ever call me that again! You harmed my daughter for the last fucking time!"

"She doesn't deserve to exist! She's just a retard, who her birth mother should have killed!" Matthew says before Addison and Alice both get me off him. Dr. Bailey walks over to us and glances over at Matthew.

"We really have to upgrade the security around here." Dr. Bailey muttered before two cops grabbed Mathew and put cuffs on him.

"Meredith hit me! She should be arrested too!" Matthew whines.

"Did you see Meredith hit him Alice?" Addison asked Alice who shook her head.

"Dr. Grey was helping me with a patient, so she couldn't have done that. In fact we just got here after hearing the news about Cordelia." Dr. Bailey says before the cops took Matthew away. Arizona walked over to us and I could see blood on he scrub. Cordelia's blood...

"Cordelia's surgery was a success and we treated her syphilis while operating. So we won't have to tell her about the syphilis. But due to the extensive damage in Cordelia's vaginal area, we had to perform a full hysterectomy." Arizona tells us, causing tears to appear in both Addison's and my eyes.

"So Cordelia won't be able to bear children." Alice muttered and I nodded in response.

"This is something we have to tell Cordelia about. Especially with the medications that she'll have to take for the rest of her life." Addison explained to me while wiping her tears.

"When she's recovered we'll tell her."

"Cordelia's asleep right now but you can go see her in an hour or two in room 4232." Arizona tells us before leaving.


Addison's POV

Cordelia's eyes opened and frantically searched for us, causing me to gently take her hand. Cordelia looks at me with relief in her blue eyes and I give her a smile while caressing her cheek with my other hand. Meredith and Alice went to get food from the cafeteria while Amelia was calling her boss to let them know that she's staying in Seattle a little longer.

"I know it's scary being in the hospital angel. But you're safe now and that man won't ever hurt you again. Mommy kicked his ugly butt before the police got here, but that's a secret." Cordelia used her other hand and placed it over her lips.

"S-Shh." Cordelia replied with a smile on her face.

"How would you feel about meeting one of my best friends, Dr. Mark Sloan?"

"N-Not a-alone." Cordelia replied and I placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Not alone." Meredith and Alice both returned with food and drinks in their hands.

"It's good that you're awake little one." Meredith tells our daughter before placing a smoothie on her rolling table.

"Such a brave little girl deserves a strawberry-banana smoothie. Isn't that right Meredith and Addison?" Alice stated with a smile on her face.

"I believe she does."

"As do I." Meredith says, causing Cordelia to smile while cuddling Grey.

Rockabye(Grey's Anatomy Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon