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Meredith's POV

The other interns, Cordelia and I followed Dr. Bailey into a patient's room. A woman was sitting on a chair next to our patient who was watching what looked like porn.

"Dr. Bailey. Henry Lamott. Aged forty-two. Is scheduled with Dr. Shepherd for a spinal implant..." Cristina starts to say when Henry turns up the television, causing me to hear women moaning and giggling. Cordelia blushes before looking down at her feet and I rubbed her back to comfort her from the awkward situation.

" control the pain of his herniated disc. He's allergic to all pain medication..." Cristina continues to say and I looked up at the screen.

"Is that..." Cristina starts to ask but I don't look up at anyone.

"Porn." Marie Lamott responds, causing both Dr. Bailey and I to look up. Dr. Bailey looks at the television.

"Uh Mr. & Mrs. Lamott I'm sure ... you're really ... nice people ... and what you do in the privacy of your own ... Look we can't have porn in here. This is a hospital." Dr. Bailey tells the couple.

"It's for my pain. My doc says it releases endorphins in the brain. It helps keeps my pain at a manageable level." Henry says, causing Dr. Bailey to sigh while the rest of us looked up at the screen. Dr. Bailey ushered us outside of the hospital room and we walked a little bit before she turned around to face us.

"Yang, you're going to keep an eye on Mr. Lamott. Karev and O'Malley, you're both in the Pit. Stevens, there's a cardiac patient waiting up for you on two." Dr. Bailey says before everyone else scurries off, leaving Dr. Bailey and I alone.

"Grey, your mother's being discharged this evening. You've made arrangements or do you need more time?" Dr. Bailey asks me.

"The nursing home is coming at eight."

"Alright then you're with Shepherd today. He asked for you. Take it up with him." Dr. Bailey says before Cordelia and I walked away from her. A woman with brown hair and grey eyes walked over to us.

"Excuse me, but do you know where I can find Matthew Grey?" The woman asks me, causing Cordelia to stiffen next to me.

"My bastard of a brother's in prison where he belongs. You aren't Cordelia's birth mother are you?" The woman's grey eyes widened in shock before looking at Cordelia.

"I had ovarian cancer when I was twelve years old and they did a full hysterectomy on me, so I can't have children. The only reason I'm looking for your brother is because he raped my little sister!" The woman says loudly, causing me to cover Cordelia's ears.

"He's in Washington State Prison. I'm Meredith Grey and this is my daughter Cordelia."

"I'm Iris Jones and I met Cordelia a few years ago, though Matthew called her his bastard child." Iris explained to us and Cordelia nodded in response.

"I'm glad you are safe Cordelia." Iris tells my daughter, who smiles in response.

"Cordelia, Nana's going to Roseridge today. Why don't you go check on her?" Cordelia nodded before leaving and I turned around to face Iris.

"Sorry for disturbing you at work, but I was just wondering where he was." Iris apologizes.

"It's okay Iris. I understand why you were looking for him."


Addison's POV

"Addison, I just saw Cordelia in the NICU reading to the babies there. Does she always do this?" Preston says and I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

"This is news to me, but I'm glad those babies have some kind of human interaction."

"Cordelia is the favourite among all of the doctors and nurses. Well except for Derek and Izzie. She immediately picks up on everything that we're teaching the interns, but she doesn't go showing off like some of these interns here." Preston tells me with a smile on his face.

"Cordelia's has a combination of intelligence and compassion for others. Something that she clearly didn't inherit from Matthew Grey or that sad excuse of a woman who birthed her."

"That we can both happily agree on." Preston says and I hummed in agreement.

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