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Cordelia's POV

"Someone raped Alice?" I signed to Mama as she wheeled me towards Dr. Webber's room. Dr. Webber had brain surgery yesterday so we're visiting him right now before Mama has to visit a patient.

"Were we talking too loud?" Mama asks me and I nodded in response. Alice is my teacher and best friend so hearing that someone hurt her made my heart hurt.

"I'm sorry angel. Alice wanted to be the one to tell you, especially because she's living with us now." Mama says when we arrived at Dr. Webber's room and went inside. Mama got me a remote controlled wheelchair so I could wheel myself if needed. But today we used one of the hospital's wheelchairs, so that's why she's wheeling me.

"Hey Richard. How are you feeling?" Mama asked before wheeling me closer to his bed.

"How are you feeling Dr. Webber?" I signed before placing a couple of crossword puzzle books on his bed.

"I'm alright Cordelia and please call me Richard. I'm just itching to get back to work." Richard tells me with a smile on his face.

"Cordelia sensed that, so she got you these." Mama says before laughing and I give her a smile.

"Well thank you Cordelia." Richard tells me with a smile when Derek enters the room and I looked at my hands.

"Well, I will be back in the morning to report for duty. And you get some rest." Mama tells Richard before wheeling me out of the room. Alice was waiting for us and I couldn't help but tear up at seeing her condition.

"Don't cry little love. I'm alright." Alice says before hugging me, but because Izzie broke my arms I couldn't hug her back.

"She knows what happened to you Alice as we were talking too loud." Mama says before wiping my tears.

"I wanted to tell you after you were a bit better love." Alice says and I nodded in response.

"She knows Alice. It's just been a rough couple of days for her." Mama says before placing a kiss on top of my head.


Meredith's POV

"Okay, people, assignments. Yang, you're on discharges. O'Malley report to room E19. Grey come see me, and who was on call last night?" Dr. Bailey says, causing Izzie and Alex to raise their hands. Dr. Bailey handed them a stack of charts, causing them both to raise their eyebrows in response.

"Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. Redo these and return them to me before lunch, understood?" Dr. Bailey tells them before we leave the locker room and she turns to face me.

"Your girlfriend requested that you be on her service today. Also how's Cordelia doing?" Dr. Bailey asks me.

"She's a bit antsy, especially because Dr. Sloan's going to do some plastic surgery to make her scars less noticeable."

"I'll be helping him with the surgery along with George. Just so she has some familiar faces. Now go help your girlfriend." Dr. Bailey says before I walked to the hallway where Addison was standing with Dr. Burke and Derek.

"The intern you requested is here." Addison smiles before she and I headed to Julie Phillips' room to see her lying on the bed, rubbing her clearly pregnant stomach.

"Define TTTS." Addison tells me.

"Twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Conjoined fetal twins connected by the blood vessels in the placenta."

"Meaning?" Addison asked me.

"One twin gets too much blood, the other too little, endangering the lives of both."

"Good work Dr. Grey." Addison says with a smile on her face.

"They told me there wasn't much chance anything could be done." Julie tells us.

"TTTS is usually impossible to correct. Unless you happen to be one of a handful of surgeons in the world who knows how to separate fetal blood vessels. Which, luckily for you, I am. So we're going to get you into surgery tomorrow. If you have any questions at all please ask Dr. Grey or myself." Addison tells Julie before we walked out of the room and headed towards the elevator.


Addison's POV

"When are you headed back to work?" I asked Amelia who was playing with a Rubik's Cube while sitting on Cordelia's non-electric wheelchair. Cordelia was in surgery to make her scars less visible and Meredith's doing Julie's ultrasound. Alice was having lunch with George so it's just Amelia and I right now.

"Two weeks. I told my boss that Cordelia was hurt and she gave me more vacation time. I already had plenty of vacation time, but I'm not about to turn that down." Amelia says with a smile.

"You didn't have to take the time off."

"For family I'll always take time off Addie." Amelia says with a smile that I returned.

"Cordelia can solve that in five minutes. Yet it took you an hour to solve the Rubik's Cube."

"Cordelia is a genius that can solve anything in five minutes." Amelia pointed out to me and I nodded in agreement.

Rockabye(Grey's Anatomy Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα