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Cordelia's POV

"What's the answer to this?" Alice asks, referring to the math equation 3 x – 2 x + 7 + 9 x. Alice is writing my answers down due to what Izzie did to my hands and arms. Mommy is helping Derek operate on Dr. Webber and Mama went to get my things from home. Auntie Amelia went to pick up Mark at the airport and they'll be here later.

"10x + 7." I signed, causing Alice to smile before writing my answer down. Alice gave me some gummy worms and I began to eat them when George entered my hospital room.

"Hi Alice." George greets Alice before turning to face me.

"Hi Cordelia." George signed, causing a smile to appear on my face.

"I taught George some signs a few nights ago on our date and he's been practicing ever since." Alice informed me before turning to face George.

"I can't go out for lunch George. I got to keep an eye on little love here." Alice tells George with a slight frown on her face.

"I will be fine Alice. Go have lunch with George. But can you bring me a chicken wrap and fries?" I signed to Alice.

"Are you sure love?" Alice asked and I nodded in response. Alice stands up and walks over to George.

"We can go but Cordelia has recommended that we get her some food." Alice tells George with a smile on his face.

"Done Cordelia. I'll even bring you some of your favourite candies." George says before he and Alice leave the room. Izzie entered the room and closed the door behind her before walking over to my bedside.

"Turns out that many of the staff here have syphilis. They got it from you and your father! You also can't have children because a hysterectomy was performed on you." Izzie yells in my face, spitting her saliva on my face. I guess that's where the saying 'Say it don't spray it' comes from...Why didn't Mommy and Mama tell me about any of this? Looking directly at Izzie, I screamed as loud as I could, hoping that someone would come help me. Continuing to scream, I grabbed Alice's book and threw it at Izzie's head, hitting her immediately. Callie and Olivia both entered the room, upset at what was happening.

"Get out Dr. Stevens! You're not permitted here!" Olivia shouts while Callie hugged me tight and ran a hand through my hair. Izzie stormed out of the room and I began crying into Callie's arms.

"Mija, can you tell us what happened?" Callie asked me while calming me down.

"Izzie told me that Father gave me syphilis and that I gave it to the staff here. She also told me that I can not have children because I got a hysterectomy." I signed to both Callie and Olivia.

"When you were operated on, your syphilis was cured. But because of what that man did to you, you had to have a hysterectomy. Cordelia, your moms wanted to wait until you're better to tell you about the hysterectomy. But you didn't infect anyone with the syphilis because it's been spreading for a while." Callie explained to me when Mama entered the room.

"What happened here?" Mama asked us before picking Alice's book up off the floor.

"Dr. Stevens got access to Cordelia's chart and told her everything. Alice and George went out for lunch but asked me to keep an eye on her. I had to treat a patient, so I left for a second. I'm sorry Cordelia and Dr. Montgomery." Olivia tells us.

"It is okay Olivia. You had to treat your patient." I signed to Olivia before feeling my eyes starting to close.

"Get some rest angel." Mama says before I drifted off to sleep.


Addison's POV

Cordelia has been fast asleep for the past hour and I couldn't help but frown at how flushed her skin appears to be. Alice enters the room and places a bag on Cordelia's rolling table before sitting on the couch beside me.

"Olivia told me everything and I feel bad for leaving Cordelia alone." Alice says with a frown on her face.

"It's not your fault Alice. Cordelia wanted you and George to have fun, not worry about her. Nobody saw this coming but now I'm tempted to slap the former model."

"Does Meredith know?" Alice asked me when Cordelia opened her eyes and I walked over to her bedside. Caressing her cheek, I immediately frowned at how hot it was and pressed Cordelia's call button. Tyler Christian, a nurse entered the room and walked over to us.

"Can you please check her temperature?"

"Anything for you Dr. Montgomery and Cordelia." Tyler says with a smile before checking Cordelia's temperature.

"100.4°F. A low grade fever but that could be from what happened earlier today, but Dr. Robbins will keep an eye on it." Tyler tells us with a smile on his face. Olivia and Tyler were Cordelia's favourite nurses here.

"T-Thank y-you T-Tyler." Cordelia tells Tyler who gives her a smile.

"No problem Cordelia. I'll see you later and we can play our game of crazy eights." Tyler says before leaving and Meredith enters the room.

"How's Richard doing?"

"The surgery went well. I had to tell Mom's caretakers what happened so they're sending Cordelia a gift basket. They were happy with the DVD that Cordelia made for Mom because now she's not just sitting around. Mom has some hope and that's thanks to my little one." Meredith says with a smile before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Eat your food sweetheart." Cordelia smiled at us and started to eat her food that Alice brought her.

"They made all of us get tested for syphilis. Alex and Olivia have it along with a few other nurses." Meredith tells me.

"Did George test positive? I trust him, but I just want to know." Alice tells us.

"George is negative Alice. He told me me to tell you. Also I'm negative Addie, promise." Meredith says before I kissed her lips with a smile.

"I know you are negative love." Cordelia looks at us with a smile and mayo all over her face. Meredith grabs a wipe and cleans the mayo off our daughter's face.

"Always making a mess, aren't you little one?" Meredith says with a smile before kissing Cordelia's face, earning squeals of joy from our daughter.

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