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Cordelia's POV

Entering the elevator, I pressed the button to Auntie Arizona's office and rested my head against the wall. The elevator suddenly opens to reveal Alex and George wheeling Officer Pete Willoughby, the man that found me in the cage at Mathew's house.

"You got shot in the line of duty?" Alex asks Pete, who has difficulty breathing.

"First night on the job. Can you believe my luck? A guy pulls a gun and I freeze up. The rookie lets himself get shot. I'm never going to live this down." Pete says before noticing me in his line of sight.

"Cordelia?" Pete asks me and I nodded with tears in my eyes before walking over to him.

"How do you know him, kid?" Alex asks me.

"I saved her from that sperm donor of hers. Matthew Grey would beat and rape Cordelia and allow others to join in. He also would lock her in a cage most of the time and work her like a slave." Pete angrily responds, causing both Alex and George to have angry looks on their face.

"What is with you and Izzie? Meredith told me that she shaved her legs for you and you did not kiss her good night." George asks Alex to try and change the subject.

"She shaved her legs for you and you didn't follow through?" Pete asks Alex.

"Hey I follow through. I always follow through." Alex tells us when the elevator blacks out and stops moving all together. The emergency lights turn on but it's still dark Alex tries to open the elevator with his hands and George looks over at the emergency sign.

"If elevator should stop do not become alarmed. Press the button marked alarm to summon the assistance." George reads before pressing the assistance button, but it doesn't work and Pete moans in pain. Looking over at Pete, I see that he's becoming pale and checked his BP monitor while Alex checks his pulse.

"His pressure is falling. We need to get him to the OR." George tells Alex, but I know that he won't make it to an OR in time. Climbing onto Pete's gurney, I grabbed George's scalpel and cut into Pete's chest.

"You shouldn't be doing this!" George tells me but I continue to cut into Pete.

"P-Pete w-will n-not m-make i-it i-if I-I d-do n-not d-do t-this." Finding the blood clot from the pericardium, I take it out before finding the source of the bleed and stick my finger in the hole.

"Cordelia, you just single-handedly saved this man's life." Preston says, causing me to look up and see him in the small opening of the elevator.

"She just jumped in before we could even find the source of the problem." Alex tells Preston.

"A ten year old girl shouldn't be the one to figure this out before you two boneheads! I'm disappointed in both of you. Good work Cordelia." Preston tells us.

"T-They b-both t-tried t-to h-help, b-but I-I w-was t-too f-fast." Preston nods in response before I look at the men.


"Don't apologize kid! You saved Pete's life and that's something you should be proud of." Alex tells me with a smile on his face.


Meredith's POV

"Cordelia, what you did was brave. But it was also very dangerous." Addison and I are talking to Cordelia about her risky move in the elevator. We're not mad at her for saving a life, but she can't just do that especially because she doesn't have a medical degree. If things ended up badly, Cordelia could have gone to jail and that's the last thing that we want to happen.

"You are not a surgeon and because of that, if something happened to Pete you could have gone to jail. You could have also cost both George and Alex their medical licences and careers." Addison tells Cordelia, who was holding on to both Grey and Doc.

"Sorry Mommy and Mama, I only wanted to help Pete. Pete saved me from Matthew and I wanted to save him." Cordelia signed to us. I told Addison about Pete being the officer that found Cordelia in that house. Ever since that day, I've sent Pete and his family money along with gifts to let them know how grateful we are.

"We know you're sorry and that's why for the next week you're not coming to the hospital with us. It's not really a punishment, but more of a time to reflect. And it's also to give you a break from the environment." Cordelia nodded in response before I hugged her and she hugged me back.

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