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Meredith's POV

You know how when you were a kid and you believed in fairy tales? That fantasy of what your life would be. White dress, Prince Charming, who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill. You'd lie in bed at night and close your eyes, and you had complete and utter faith. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming, they were so close, you could taste them. Sadly Cordelia never got the chance to really experience that. Instead she had to grow up earlier than other children and be a slave to a real life monster. Currently, I'm breastfeeding Cordelia because she was anxious and this seems to calm her down. The two of us and George moved into Addison's house yesterday after Cordelia got released from the hospital. It's also been a couple of days since Elliott died and Cordelia's been devastated by the loss. The door opened to reveal Addison, who has a tray of food for us.

"Amelia offered to take George to work so you can have more time to get ready." Addison explained before placing the tray on my side nightstand. Cordelia sat up and looked at the tray, smiling at her favourites.

"Mama made your favourites angel." Addison says while I put my shirt and bra back on.

"T-Thank y-you M-Mama." Cordelia said before grabbing a piece of bacon and took a bite of it.

"You're absolutely welcome angel." Addison tells Cordelia with a smile on her face.

"What time are you two done?" Addison asks me. Cordelia wanted to learn like an intern today, so she's coming to work with me. Alice gave Cordelia a couple weeks off so she could heal a bit, but she'll be at the hospital in case Cordelia wanted a break.

"Bailey said that I could leave at three o'clock. Cordelia could finish at twelve and hang out with Callie or Arizona." Grabbing my coffee, I take a sip and hummed at the taste.

"Mommy's crazy about her coffee." Addison tells our daughter who has a smile on her face.

"Are we ganging up on Mommy?" Cordelia starts to giggle and I placed a kiss on her cheek.


Cordelia's POV

Preston invited me to be on a case with him and Alex and I agreed. Hence why I'm in the Pit with Alex, examining a teenage girl who's clearly either Amish or an Orthodox Jew. Looking at her chart, I see that her name's Devo Friedman and I give her a smile.

"So, Devo, you just had a root canal, correct?" Alex asked the girl while I looked back at her chart.

"Yeah. I couldn't stop bleeding after, literally. Now I'm stuck with you guys." Devo tells Alex when Preston enters the room and gives me a smile.

"Give me the bullet, Cordelia." Preston says and I looked over at Devo.

"Can you sign Devo?" Alex asks her and Devo nodded. At least I won't have to verbally communicate today...

"Seventeen year old female hospitalized for excessive bleeding, post root canal status. Also had a significant new heart murmur associated with fever. Now afebrile on antibiotics." I signed to Preston and Devo.

"If I'm going to die, can you page my mom and dad?" Devo asked us.

"You're not dying. Where are your parents?" Preston asked Devo.

"In the cafeteria. My freak father likes hospital food." Devo tells Preston.

"You're in excellent hands here. Dr. Karev is going to run some labs and Cordelia will observe. And I'll see you with your parents in a little while. Add a bleeding time to the coags." Preston tells Devo before leaving and Alex starts taking some blood samples.

"So, what kind of name is Devo, anyway?" Alex asks Devo.

"80's rocker. My parents did too much blow. I call myself Esther." Devo explained to us.

"Nice skirt. What are you, Amish?" Alex asks Devo who raises an eyebrow at him.

"Get a life. Haven't you ever seen an Orthodox Jew?" Devo retorts and I nodded, causing her to smile at me.

"I appreciate that you haven't asked me about my religious beliefs." Devo tells me.

"Your beliefs are not my business to know D-Esther. You will tell us if you want." I signed to Devo who smiles in response and I smile back before heading out the door. As I walked further down the hallway, I was pulled into an on-call room. The door is locked and the light was turned on, revealing Father. Father pushed me to the ground and began to take off our clothes before beginning to rape me.

"How's my retarded whore of a daughter doing? Still not speaking?" Father says while continuing to rape me, before grabbing something from his pocket and I see that it's a knife. Father stops raping me and begins to cut inside my vaginal area.


Meredith's POV

"This guy belongs in Psych. What are you doing turfing him here?" Cristina says, referring to Kevin Duff's chart that we're currently reading.

"He's my gift to you. Had a seizure two days ago and another one this morning." Dr. Raj Sen, a psych doctor explained to us.

"What are you talking about? It says right here, "He talks to dead people, his family things he's dangerous. They had him committed." That's Psych, not Neuro."

"Sorry, ladies. We can't take him back until he's cleared." Dr. Sen says before leaving us.

"Hello! They're not seizures. I'm psychic." Kevin tells us.

"Of course you are, and I'm a chicken." Cristina says while rolling her eyes.

"Okay, Mr. Duff. We're going to start our work now."

"Work me up, work me down, I'm telling you it's a waste of time." Kevin tells us and we examining him. Suddenly, Kevin goes into a trance like state and I nudge Cristina's arm.

"Cristina." Cristina looks at Kevin and notices his current state.

"Mr. Duff?" Cristina says, trying to snap him out of it.

"Mr. Duff, are you ok?"

"Your daughter is bleeding in a room with beds. Also a patient on the fourth floor is going to die." Kevin tells us.

"Oh, man, he's nuts." Cristina muttered to me.

"Code blue, fourth floor. Code blue, fourth floor." A man on the PA system says and I could see a code team running past the room. What the hell was that?

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