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Cordelia's POV

"Is Meredith still asleep?" George asks me upon entering the kitchen and I nodded in response.

"Did you eat breakfast yet?" George asks and I shake my head. George grabbed some Cookie Crisp cereal and placed some in a bowl for me. George hands me the bowl and I give him a smile before eating. Izzie entered the kitchen and grabbed a bagel before turning to face George.

"She's going to be late. We should wait for her." George says while I started eating my cereal.

"Definitely not. I'm not her mother, and you are definitely not Cordelia's father. She's old enough to make her own breakfast." Izzie says indicating to my food.

"Cordelia's mute, not deaf. She can hear you. Besides I made Cordelia her breakfast because I wanted to, not because she asked." George says before flashing me a smile.

"Am I going to see you at the hospital today?" George asks and I nodded with a smile of my own. George and Izzie leave the kitchen and I continue to eat my cereal when Mommy enters the kitchen.

"George made me my breakfast." I signed to Mommy who grabbed her breakfast and sat down beside me.

"I can see that little one. Did Izzie talk to you?" Mommy says before eating her breakfast.

"No but she is mad at George for making me my breakfast. George wanted to wait for you but Izzie said that she was not our mother and that I was old enough to make my food. I know that I am old enough but it nice to be taken care of." I signed to Mommy.

"Well Izzie needs to mind her own business. She doesn't know your life before you came to live with me. That you were the grownup while Matthew just sat on his ass all day. That's why you don't have to do things now because I want you to focus on being a happy little girl. Anyways, today you get to see Elliot. Alice will be with you so you can also do your schoolwork." Mommy says and I nod in response.


Meredith's POV

"You're late." I tell Cristina while Cordelia smiles at her. Before she goes to meet Elliot, Cordelia's going to learn from Dr. Bailey to get her used to the idea. She even has a little hospital coat on so she's not totally out of place.

"So are you." Cristina says before the three of us walked out to the locker room and headed towards Bailey.

"Cristina, you're late." Dr. Bailey tells her before flashing Cordelia a smile.

"Cute hospital coat." Dr. Bailey tells Cordelia who smiles in response.

"When we walk in this door, you will maintain decorum. You will not laugh, vomit, or drop your jaw. Are we understood?" Dr. Bailey tells us and Cordelia nodded in agreement before we all enter room 2111.

"Why would we laugh?" Cordelia signed to me.

"No idea."

"Good morning, Miss Connors." Dr. Bailey greets our patient, who has a giant tumour on her stomach.

"Good Morning." Miss Connors greets us.

"Good morning, Annie. How are you? This is Dr. Bailey and these are my fellow interns. The little one is Cordelia Grey and she's just learning as she's extremely gifted." Alex tells Annie who smiles at Cordelia.

"Dr. Karev, we refer to patients as "mister"..." Dr. Bailey started to tell Alex.

"I told him to call me "Annie." "Miss Connors" makes me feel old and fat, which I am, but why feel that way?" Annie tells us.

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