Chapter One.

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The wind blew through my hair as I ran down the main street, sirens following me from behind.

"Kid, this is your last warning. Stop now, or you will face worse charges." The officer yelled from his car through the megaphone.

I should have listened to his warning, I knew I wouldn't be able to escape this time. But god forbid I listen to what I'm told at least once.


There I am, sitting in an uncomfortable metal chair, surrounded by dull and boring walls, my hands cuffed to the table.

My eyes were glued to the metal table, zoning out and my mind flashing back to different events of my life.

"Alex? Alex?" A voice rang in the room, interrupting my thoughts.

I finally looked up to the officer that sat across from me in the integration room.

"What?" I asked, my voice tired and annoyed.

He sighed. "Please, Alex. We just need to know if he hurt you in any way, and where you've been staying for the past 2 months."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not telling you shit, so take me out of these cuffs that you put on for no reason, and let me go back to living my life, hm?" I spat at the man.

His eyes narrowed. "You were put in those cuffs because you tried to take one of our officer's tasers and tase him."
My lip turned up a bit into a foolish smirk, "Yes well don't grab me when I tell you not to."

The officer nodded and opened his mouth to ask me another question, but shut it when he made eye contact with my angry gaze.

"Okay, well your files are still being viewed for the foster care system."
I froze. "What?"

The officer gave me a pitiful look. "It's either that, a group boys' home, or a boarding school."
I tried to raise my hands but the cuffs' tight grip on my wrists caused them to bang against the table, making a clunking noise.

"So you're telling me that after ripping me from the street, throwing me into a room and cuffing my hands down, asking me personal questions on a situation that doesn't concern you, you're going to ship me off?" I asked, outraged.

The man nodded slowly. "There is a possibility that you could be fostered near here, so not necessarily shipping you off."

I slammed my hands on the table.

"Let me the fuck out of here, now." I demanded loudly.

The officer shook his head. "I can't do that, Alex. I'm sorry."

"Don't fucking apolgize to me, you don't mean a single word that comes out of your mouth."

He sighed. "Let's restart, okay? I'm Officer Santez, but you can call me Tony." He said with a calming smile.

My eyes narrowed as I eyed him suspiciously. "Okay, Tony." I said mockingly. "Now that we are basically best friends, let me out?" Sarcasm, mixing with hope, painted my words.

Tony shook his head. "Can't do that just yet. I will soon though."

Three hours in that uncomfortable room passed, no new information left my mouth.

I had to stay with Tony for the remainder of the night, considering he was the only one who volunteered to help me out. It was sort of funny actually, a group of officers who forced me off the street, claiming they wanted to 'help' wouldn't even foster me for 12 hours? That's how I knew that no foster parents would be able to handle me. Neither would an orphanage.

That was made clear whenever I was told by the head of police that I was being sent to a boarding school in London.

"It's fucking stupid, that's what it is. They can't just let me go? I survived two months on my own, I'm sure I could last a couple more." I complained on the car ride to Tony's house.

"That's the thing, Alex. We aren't trying to make you last 'a couple months.' We want you to live." He explained.

I scoffed. "And who exactly is 'we?' My dead mother? My father? I think you atleast know enough about him to know that he doesn't give a single shit about me."

Tony sighed. "It'll be okay, Alex."

My eyes rolled. "Yeah, sure. Things will be great when you ship me off across the fucking world."

Mrs. Santez was very kind and welcoming, she reminded me of my own mother from when she was still alive. Well, when she was sober at least.

"Would you like any more food? We have some more steak, or mashed potato, or even-"

I laughed, cutting her off. "No, thank you Mrs. Santez."

She smiled. "Oh please honey, call me Grace."

The night went quickly, soon enough I retreated to the guest room that I was staying in. Tony gave me a pair of clothes that he had stored from back when he was in highschool.

I took off my black leather jacket, laying it on the bed. I got the jacket when I was 10, a gift from my grandfather. It was huge when I was young. It still is now, but it does the job.

The jacket went everywhere with me, it was the only item that I actually owned. It was mine. The word comforted me. Being able to call something mine..nobody else could take it.

I changed into the shirt he gave me, a plain black T-shirt with a small logo on the chest.

The gray pants were way too big for me, but not because he was just a big guy or anything. I was just really small. I don't mind being tiny I guess. It surprises people whenever I bite back, they expect me to act small. They normally go running when they find out how hard of a right hook I can throw.

The clothes smelled fresh, Grace probably washed them. She had obviously wanted to make me feel as at home as possible, considering I haven't had one since I was 15.

I didn't sleep that night, like usual.

Tony came knocking on the door, telling me that we were leaving in an hour. I had changed back into my leather jacket and jeans, trying to return the pants and T-shirt, but Tony forced me to put them in a bag along with some other old belongings of his.

A couple extra T-shirts, some hoodies and jackets.

I tried to keep my face stone-cold, but seeing Grace's pure joy whenever I was given these objects made me feel funny. Sort of happy. An emotion that I don't even remember when I felt last.

The time came for me to leave for the airport. Grace met me by the front door, smiling.

"Here, these are our numbers. You have a phone right?"

I nodded.

"Okay, please keep in touch. I would love for you to visit during breaks and such."
I nodded. "Uh-yeah. Yeah I will, I promise."
She smiled and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I paused for a second, confused. I slowly brought my arms to her back, hugging her slightly.

"I'll see you soon, hun."
I nodded, not saying anything.

An unfamiliar lump rose in my throat, I swallowed in hopes of pushing it back down.

And so we were off.

Off to the airport.

Off to London.

Off to fucking hell.

Tony and I said our goodbyes, it was similar to Grace's. An awkward hug that I barely contributed to, and the odd lump feeling in my throat again.



thank you for reading!
Chapter two is already out.

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